The following email went out just a few minutes ago from Crossroads -- also a copy of what went out yesterday below that --
Just a quick update on the potluck for Sunday - a large cake, some jello and milk have already been provided...
the Potluck, we're thrilled to have the Mahlstedt family here
to share music and a witness to the Lord's work in their lives. The
planned order of worship follows... INVITE
Here's a note from Lorna:
We have been created with a purpose in this life; what are we doing
with what God has given us. Do we hide and bury our talents or are we
willing to multiply them? This is where we were challenged as a family
and decided that sharing music with others is one area that we can
multiply what God has given us.
It all started with
violin lessons with the kids, and from there they diversified into more
instruments. The younger also learn the joy of music from the older.
And we are no strangers to the Cokato area as both Dean (Dennis &
Adele Mahlstedt) and Lorna (Harvey & Heidi Barberg) have a deep
family heritage in the area. Of which we have seen that life is
spurring each other on, especially the next generation.

And our purpose is to share the music that builds our souls; music we
enjoy and are encouraged from and find others are encouraged from it
also. We have experienced that life is short and has no guarantees, but
we all can use EVERYTHING we have been given to find a way to glorify
God. Jesus in is humble beginnings born in a manger, to dying on the
cross in place of our sins. Showing us the perfect example of of what
glorifying God with one's life is like. We are far from perfect, but we
are given a chance each moment of the day to practice.

You too have been given talents. It may be talents of service, great
cooking, encouraging words, prayer for others, wisdom, understanding, or
compassion in an area because of things you have gone through, specific
skills, or many other number of things. So what are you willing to do
to multiply what the Lord has given? We all will get even better at our
"talents" with practice, practice, and more practice. So thanks, for
joining us today as we practice at using our talents with you. May you
in return be encouraged to share with others as we have shared with
It’s our prayer that we will all hear these words from our Lord when we meet face to face:
done, good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few
things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy
of thy Lord".
Blessings during this season of celebrating Christ's Birth,
The Dean Mahlstedt family
Here's the plan for Sunday Worship:

And here's the email from yesterday -
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Sunday, Christmas Eve, and beyond
From: Crossroads Community Church
Good evening Crossroads!
This Sunday 2 wonderful things are happening:
- We
will be having a special Christmas service with the Dean Mahlstedt
Family. Dean, Lorna and their 9 children are quite musically talented
and will be sharing their talents with us and their love for the Lord
for our 10:15 am service.
- It is the 3rd Sunday…that
means POTLUCK!!! I know just thinking about all the food that will be
consumed in the next week is daunting, but think of it this way, you in
training! You need to do some warm up before the real dealJ. If you
are able to bring a dish or 2 to share, that would be wonderful. But
please do plan on staying for food and fellowship!
Christmas Cards/letter:
We have decorated a little portion of our kiosk to be filled with your
Christmas cards, letters and pictures. Please bring them and add them
to the kiosk. If you received a card/picture from others that you feel
Crossroads would enjoy seeing, please bring those as well.
Wednesday is Christmas Eve:
Our Christmas Eve service will be at 4:00 pm. The theme will be "JOY
FOR ALL" based on Luke 2. Please bring family and invite and bring a
friend or someone who may otherwise be left out. If you didn’t fill out a
Christmas Worship Survey and would like to read a scripture (either one
that you choose or one that can be chosen for you), or if you can help
in any other way (greeting, hand out or fold bulletins, usher,
communion, sound, handing out candles, be available to snow plow if
needed, give someone a ride, or other etc.) please let Pastor Steve
Looking ahead to 2015, we're looking forward to all God will be up to among us and through us. Some of you have seen the first chapter of the book
The Dangerous Kind
that has been made available. We're praying about how the Lord will be
guiding us into a series of messages and conversations around the
Biblical and spiritual themes of that book on Sundays and in small
groups. We're also looking ahead to some training for those who would
like to be more effective in prayer ministry. God has opened up these
opportunities and we're excited to see how the Lord will be utilizing
them in our midst for the good of
all those He loves.
Finally, please be in prayer,
together whenever you meet and on Tuesday evenings and, of course,
individually. Stay alert to topics for prayer in connection with what
the Lord is doing in and through our church. One of the best ways you
can do that is to spend some time on our church website, on our church's
facebook page and on the pastor's blog. God has given us these means to
stay in touch with one another; we encourage you to use them often.
You can often can see quick updates of the work
of our church and its spiritual direction
at (This will take you to the pastor's
"twitter" account.) When you see something interesting, share it. When
something concerns you, pray and ask a question. We want to be open in
every way to the Word and Work of the Holy Spirit.
If you do not want to use "twitter," you can see those quick updates on the "web" version of his blog. If you wish, let him know you'd like to receive them as text messages and he'll set that up for you.
Peace to you in Jesus' name.