Thursday, July 25, 2013
Grow in Wisdom
- Wisdom is the beauty of holiness.
- True wisdom is moral. It is a humble submission to the truth of God in love.
- True wisdom is pure. It recognizes that holiness is essential to happiness, to securing the highest good.
- True wisdom is peaceable. It is the absence of selfishness in the absence of strife.
- True wisdom is reasonable. It pursues the right end with the most appropriate means. It is fair, equitable, gentle, approachable, compliant, moderate and forbearing.
- True wisdom is full of mercy and good fruits. It recognizes the worth of the person and seeks to do him good, to pardon, and to extend practical aid and assistance.
- True wisdom is unwavering. It fixes on great and eternal values. It is endurance in a perfect work.
- True wisdom is without hypocrisy. It is not deluded by an exaggerated sense of self-importance. It does not pretend to be what it is not.
- It is useful from time to time to ask ourselves if we are growing in wisdom. Are we growing sweeter and wiser as the days go by? Or are we becoming more bitter and foolish with every passing moment?
- It is never too late to grow in wisdom. We need only to ask God. God can deliver us from our foolishness if we yield ourselves to Him. It may hurt a little, and it may take a while. But God will give everything for our transformation and perfection. James said, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him”. True wisdom begins and ends with God, and it is given only through the Spirit of God. This is why it is important to pray for God's Spirit to bless us with His wisdom and understanding. Not only is it good for our soul, it will bless us with a distinct, refined, radiance. Seek wisdom, and you will understand the fear of the LORD.
4:16 PM
grow in wisdom,
true wisdom,
Sunday, July 21, 2013
The Fear of the LORD is My Strength
- Wisdom calls to us to gain an understanding heart and to find life and obtain favor from the Lord. The alternative is to go through life with a superior attitude while dying inside in the process.
- Pride is a sword that cuts in two directions. It wounds the person who uses it along with those against whom it is used. Pride kills relationships.
- Arrogance is an absorbing sense of one's own greatness. It is a feeling of one's superiority over others. Arrogance causes unnecessary violence to self, to others, and to creation. Arrogance robs us of all God longs to give us. Arrogance causes others to feel inferior, to suffer, to withhold reaction, or to retaliate. Arrogance only brings trouble.
- The good way will respect the free will of others, the evil way will not. The lust for power and dominance is one of the principal causes of the brokenness of our world.
- The perverse mouth has a wicked heart. He sows discord and evil among men, and causes much damage to peace and happiness.
- Only by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life. Pride brings shame. Humility brings wisdom. It is only through humility and love can we hope to live a life that reflects the beauty and goodness of truth. God is truth, and He wants us to live in truth. And the Truth will set us free, save us, and lead us to God's eternal kingdom.
6:47 AM
evil way,
perverse mouth,
understanding heart,
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Mind Your Words
- Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. There are ways of speaking to people that can honor, build up, encourage, and love them. There are also poisoned tongues that seek to attack, divide, discourage and destroy people.
- How can we escape our inclination to use words to hurt others? By recognizing that the ultimate Hearer of our words is God, who longs for us to live life at its highest and best.
- The psalmist said, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord”.
- When we seek to please God with our conversations about others, we honor Him. With His help, we can glorify Him through what we talk about.
- Forgive me, Father, for the times my speech crosses the line of that which is appropriate. Help me to understand the power of words, and give me the wisdom to use them well.
- It is better to bite our tongues than to make biting remarks.
5:52 AM
build up,
destroy people,
please God. glorify God,
poisoned tongues
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Some Protective Warning
- The Word of God contains many warnings to protect us from destruction. We must take heed lest we fall. We must pay the most careful attention. We must watch and pray without ceasing. We must not allow trials and temptations to overwhelm us and take us, or there will be terrible consequences!
- All temptations are attractive and beautiful at first glance. They appeal to the flesh where we are most vulnerable. But the ends are terrible; we grieve God and give Satan cause to celebrate; and we hurt ourselves and others.
- True believers will not fall away from the faith. But they can grieve God through rebellion and indifference toward Him, His Word, His Holy Spirit, His Church, and His people.
- Hebrews 3:12-13 provides cautions about perils to the soul. We are to exhort one another to resist the hardening of our hearts that comes with sin.
- Warning signs are given to us for our safety. Let us praise God that He has given us protective warnings in His Word because of His great love for us.
- Oh Lord, thank You for the warnings in Your Word that are intended to protect and preserve our lives. Help us to heed Your reproofs and instruction that we may live a life that is pleasing to You.
7:19 AM
deceitfulness of sin,
grieve God,
take heed,
watch and pray
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Christ is the Rock
- We can’t change the direction things are going, if we are on the bank of the river.
- We have to step into the stream of life and stand there to divert the flow.
- That is what Jesus did.
- The Bible refers to salvation as a rock.
- Christ is that Rock.
- God placed Jesus in the stream of history to change its course.
- When we remain steadfast in Christ, abounding in the work of the Lord, God uses us to change the course of history through acts of obedience that turn others to Him.
- Abraham Lincoln said, “Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”
5:32 AM
change the course,
the Rock
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Come To the Living Water
- Water is vital to maintaining our well-being.
- Jesus’ invitation: “If anyone thirsts, let him
come to Me and drink”.
- His announcement was dramatic, in terms of the
- It was the last day of the great feast, the
annual festival commemorating the wandering of the Jews in the wilderness, which
climaxed with a ceremonial pouring of water down the temple steps to recall
God’s provision of water for the thirsty wanderers.
- It was at that point that Jesus rose and proclaimed
that He is the water we all desperately need.
- Living like we really need Jesus, talking to Him
and depending on His wisdom, is vital to our spiritual well-being.
- Let us stay connected to Jesus, for He alone can
satisfy our thirsty soul!
- Dear Lord, forgive us for thinking that we can
do life without the water of Your presence, advice, counsel, comfort, and
conviction. Thank You that You are indeed the living water that we so
desperately need.
- Let us come to Jesus for the refreshing power of His living water.
7:58 AM
Jesus' invitation,
living water,
the great feast,
thirsty souls
Monday, July 1, 2013
Start Over
All of us must learn to cope with defeat and self-condemnation following a collapse or a failure.
We must recover from our disappointments and start over again.
Let us learn to forgive ourselves.
Let us seek pardon from God and one another.
Instead of living in the shadows of yesterday, let us walk in the light of today and the hope of tomorrow.
Failure is not the end.
It is a chance to start over.
5:52 AM