Hello Everyone! How are you? We're very sorry fur our LONG absence and promise to have a good catch up on the news around Blogville! But furst - announcement time!!!
Me and Bunnie are shakings with excitement because...........we're going on HOLIDAY!
How thrillings is dat?! Me and my little sis has NEVER been abroads before so it will be a grand experience.
We are going to a town called Bratome in the Dordogne southwestern part of France!
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How nice does that look? |
I must say I'm very much lookings forward to the odd bit of french cuisine! I've always wanteds to expand my culinary knowledge!!
We will be drivings to Dover tomorrow and takings da Channel Tunnel (another new experience fur me and Bunnie), then once we arrive in France, we drive through the day to our holiday house in the woods!
Me and Bunnie are plannings a big expedition around Brantome!
We'll see the river and da bridges.....
We'll shop fur bags and sun hats (I must nots catch the sun)....
And of course, we'll buy bags and bags of delicious French treats at the market!!
Unfortunately, we won'ts be able to post any pics while we're out there, buts as soon as we get back we'll paw our Hoomans to tip-tap away on the computer and show you all the things we gots up to.
Until then.
Enid & Bunnie