Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Announcing The French Adventure!

Hello Everyone! How are you? We're very sorry fur our LONG absence and promise to have a good catch up on the news around Blogville! But furst - announcement time!!!

Me and Bunnie are shakings with excitement because...........we're going on HOLIDAY!
How thrillings is dat?! Me and my little sis has NEVER been abroads before so it will be a grand experience.
We are going to a town called Bratome in the Dordogne southwestern part of France!

How nice does that look?

I must say I'm very much lookings forward to the odd bit of french cuisine! I've always wanteds to expand my culinary knowledge!!
We will be drivings to Dover tomorrow and takings da Channel Tunnel (another new experience fur me and Bunnie), then once we arrive in France, we drive through the day to our holiday house in the woods!

Me and Bunnie are plannings a big expedition around Brantome!

We'll see the river and da bridges.....

We'll shop fur bags and sun hats (I must nots catch the sun)....

And of course, we'll buy bags and bags of delicious French treats at the market!!

Unfortunately, we won'ts be able to post any pics while we're out there, buts as soon as we get back we'll paw our Hoomans to tip-tap away on the computer and show you all the things we gots up to.
Until then.
Enid & Bunnie

Monday, 15 June 2015

Marveling on Monday (I'm a model dog)

Today me and my Hoomans is marveling at my modeling skills!

Don't I looks comfortable on dat grand, soft bed?!

There I am again, lookings regal!

I has been modeling fur a wonderful hand-forged iron bed company called Nights In Iron fur da past few months and I rather like posing fur da camera! Please visit the website and check outs the great beds.

Until next time.
Enid xx

Friday, 12 June 2015

Shower Horror

My dear Furiends

I am sures you has been through many vexing and frightening experiences, buts I know thats you all will agree thats one of the most vexing things of all is TO LOOSE ONES SMELL!!!!
How embarrassing is dat?! Ones smell is ones identity and clothing! Hoomans seem to think its normal to strip a doggie of its smell! I've tried to explain dis to my sis, Bunnie, buts she just can'ts get her little pooch head round it - I can't either.

It was just today that this most vexings action was carried outs on us!


Bunnie was furst (poor thing).....

I do not really like this! Please stop.
She found it most distressing, and starteds to tremble as her smell began to faid and wash off!

Just look how her little face is so disgruntleds!

I watched from afar with much sympathy; I was completely ablivious to what was in store for me next.

But furst, a little shake......

And a dry in da shade.

I was just going inside when one of my Hoomans approached me and SUDDENLY........

A strong spray of water dids shower down on me and wash away my SMELL! Bunnie dids looks so very pleased with herself thats I was receiving the same treatment of SHOWER HORROR!


How vexing is dis.......
Buts luckily, it dids not last too long and soon we were boltings around the garden, shakings and rollings in da grass!

It takes much work to get ones smell back.......

We hope you're well (not loosing your smell or anything) and enjoyings June.
See you soon.
Enid & Bunnie xx

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Oh Sun, Glorious Sun!

I'm back! So sorry to haves been away and aloof all this time buts, you know whats these Hoomans can be likes; distracteds by lots of 'important' things when really they shoulds be helpings their doggie to do their bloggy! Anyway, while we were away from Blogville, since the sunshine is just startings to show its face, I've been teachings Bunnie how to sunbathe in style!
As you all know, I love the sun and lie outs in our Mummy's garden all day if I gets the chance (a girl must sun herself to keeps looking good). So I thought it was high time little sis, Bunnie had a go!

We starteds off sunbathings on the warm pattio......

Bunnie watched the bugs and butterflies (and the camera) with bewilderment......

Most interestings, I must say
I recieved the scents and messages being carried by the wind.........
We're such lucky doggies to haves such a sublime garden to sunbathe in! Our Mummy is a very keen gardener (though I'm too chic for it myself) and it just so happens that her passion is so strong, its contageous and has rubbed off on Bunnie who has become quite the gardener! She follows Mummy around while she's gardening and helps her pull up weeds (though sometimes she gets confused and pulls up the wrong ones) and she loves to smell the flowers.

Then it was times to hand it overs to Bunnie to gives you a tour of Mummy's garden.
Hello everyone, Bunnie here. Lets get started with the tour!
First up: a white Lylic flower. These are so pretty and smell lovely.....

Second: Purple Iris.....

Thirdly: Mummy's herb patch, including Mint, Goosberries, Rhubarb and the little blue shed in the background......

Then Mummy's favourite of all......

Her roses....

Then last but not least, my favourite thing......
This fairytale bench  I like to sit under with my toys!

We hope you've enjoyed the little tour of our garden! We'll be back soon.
Enid & Bunnie xx

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Sitting on Eggs Sepia Saturday

We're waitings fur da Easter eggs to hatch!
Happy Sepia Saturday.

Enid & Bunnie

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Windy Walkies!

Today me and Bunnie set off on a super windy walkies!

The sun was shining bright and the wind did carry so many NEW, different smells along with it!

Yeah....the world is soooo overwhelming and huge today!
I love the wind, buts Bunnie dids find it a bit much and had to be carried since she is SO small. I was thinking she mights gets blown away (literallys).

 After a while Bunnie was itchings to be puts down so our Hoomans watched her as she ran as FAST as she coulds to catch ups with me! I was miles ahead doings da recky, clearings the path from danger so Bunnie gots those muscles doings hard work as she bounced towards me.

Wait for me are sooooo fast! I'm going to be dat fast one day!

She caught ups with me......eventuallys!

Enid is teaching me how to be a cool, smell detecting doggie!
We dids some sniffings........Bunnie must learn all abouts smells.

Some running.........

Bunnie: This is such hard work! 

hill climbing.......

Then homewards.......

Then to bed.

Enid & Bunnie