Friday, February 11, 2011

Has it really been that long?

Opps! Sorry fellow bloggers. It has really been too long send I posted. Don't worry my journal had been even more neglected....i can't keep up with what i wrote where...scrapbooks, blog, facebook, journal...yipes so much history-in-the-making to record. We're still trucking along with residency and traveling home when we get a chance. The girls just love seeing Gparents and friends.
Here's Lydia with her best bud Kate.
As soon as we have a somewhat warm day the girls love to be outside. And they climb the only tree available. The temp was only about 50 this natured little girls!
And of course our big news...we are having a boy in May. These pics show he is not shy like the girls were during their ultrasounds. And during his debut he kept looking right at us. Lydia wants to name him the boy of the week from school who is nice (and not mean like most boys are of course) like Sam, or Nathan this week. Sadi just mimics her big sissy in the name game. I wish I new what the name is going to be...Jon and I have much conflict in our taste in names.