Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trying to keep busy in the studio...

But yet there is so many other things to get done also, isn't there!! and Fall is right around the corner, which means snow shoveling can't be too far behind! YIKES! Well, no sense in rushing the seasons, I will enjoy the fall weather because this is my absolute favorite time of year.
This next month I will be off to California, the Napa Valley area, to teach a week long seminar there on sculpting and finish details. Really looking forward to that.
If you are interested in having a class in your area, just send me an email and I will see if it can be arranged.
This week I did a different style fairy- seated on a base that can be illuminated. This is Arica.
Hope you enjoy seeing her! Deb

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meet Little Elkie!

This is Elkie, A Flower Fairy, #5 in the series. I had a blast creating this little imp! She has perky pigtails, and I used soft viscose for her bangs so they would hug her darling little imp face just like I hoped they would.

I used these wings for a silk wing tutorial I created, as soon as I get on the ball, I will post that too. Summer just has a way of taking up alot of our time, doesn't it! Anyway, hope you all are doing well, and enjoy your days!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Monarch Butterfly

Perhaps it's the summer season that prompted this work, or maybe just the draw of the elusive butterfly...sit quietly and they will light upon your shoulder, try to catch one and you'll be disappointed for sure!
This is Monarch- and she is my current listing on ebay. I hope you enjoy her!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Some things in nature....

...simply defy description. These were taken on my recent travels to Alaska. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The latest offering on ebay!


Well, I've been gone a lot lately again- but I have been home just long enough to get this lovely sweet fae ready to list on ebay this week, Aurelia. She is seated on the edge of an antique dish that I have transformed into a bubble bath for her. This is the first piece like this I have ever done- and it was a lot of fun to create!

Leaving to go out of town again tomorrow- but I will catch up again later next week! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Hugs, Deb

Friday, April 10, 2009

My artwork is the Feature article in May Doll Reader!

Hello! Well, this was exciting! I had an article come out in the May issue of Doll Reader, and I am so excited to see one of my dolls, Semone, featured on the cover! Just had to share this with you. There is a link below to the scanned pages. If you open that link and click on the photo, it should enlarge enough for you to read it. Pretty happy about this, I won't lie to you! ;) I've been featured in articles before but never made the cover. Happy Girl!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This is Laurel Rae, and she is doing her best to balance on a bent cherry blossom branch. Sweet cheeks! I used viscose for her hair this time, usually I don't use viscose but the blond fly away look just seemed perfect for this little one.
Hope you enjoy seeing this piece! The link to the auction and additional photos is off to the left.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back to Winter, AGAIN!

Well, even though April is right around the corner, our whole world here is covered once again, in snow!! This morning the view out the window looked like a well shaken snow globe! I could hardly see across the street. But, the good news is after shoveling, the walks and driveway are clear again. At least at this time of year it melts quickly. There is hope for us here yet!

Working on a new piece for this week--she's spring-y, at least! ;)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A little girl cannot resist playing dress-up!

This week I had a fun project. This is Leni Jo (I took the name from a Debbie McComber book I'm reading right now, "Between Friends") and she is admiring herself in her mirror! Can't you just picture this scene in a little girl's bedroom? I know my granddaughter Ella LOVES to wear all these fun costumes.

Have a good weekend- I'll be back soon!


Thursday, March 12, 2009

WELL, I CANNOT BELIEVE I haven't been here in months!

What a terrible blogger I am!! I can't believe I haven't posted here since November. I must vow to be more attentive to my blogging.

I have been working- doing as much as my little fingers can do- and mostly it's enjoyable! This week I did a fairy in an interesting pose, a crouching fairy, and I named her Jeisa. I am really pleased with how she turned out. Hope you enjoy seeing her too!

I am working on updating my website too- and I have a major magazine article coming out in May! I will let you know more when the time gets closer. Don't want to tell all of my surprises!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Avery- a vision of femininity

This is Avery. It feels so good to be back to work again! Avery is seated on a pillar made from mother of pearl abalone shells. I love the romantic softness of this piece. She is currently on ebay.

A commission "Work in Progress" series for you!


I thought I would share a process with you- this is Zunel, and she was a commission I did a few months ago. The customer wanted a fairy with long, Rapunzel type hair, so I saved the longest fibers I had for her. They were soft, luxurious and about 14" long. I dyed them a very pale blond. Here are the fibers I was dyeing and a spool of thread to show a size comparison.

This is what Zunel looked like finished: And here is how she started. This is a wire armature, covered with clay and baked. Notice the segmented limbs- this allows me to pose her as I am working on her. The base is alabaster.

Upper body is now done and baked. Her breasts are pushed into that position because she will be wearing a bustier later.
What a messy work area!! Good grief. Anyway, the time is getting late but I am working on her lower body now. While doing that, I am careful not to handle her face, as the detail work is done there.
Now that gorgeous hair is on, her panties and tiny ballet slippers are also done. Now the fun begins! I LOVE COSTUMING! The poor dear needs to do something will all that hair so I can get her dressed! I called this a Bad Hair Day for Zunel. The customer wanted her absolutely dripping in Swarovski crystals and rhinestones. I spent hours and hours doing the beadwork on this sculpture. I was pleased with how she turned out- so was the customer!

Her wings were silk, hand painted and then fully covered with iridescent sheer glitter. By coating the wings with a sealer/varnish, then sprinkling on the glitter while the varnish was wet, it adhered the glitter and stiffened up the wings in one step. There were hundreds more crystals added after the photo above was taken. At the very top of this blog entry, that is what she looked like at completion.

Hoped you've enjoyed seeing this progression of photos. Some customers want to see WIP's (work in progress) photos, so we snap photos as we go. Thanks for stopping by!
