Thursday, August 21, 2014

Big Changes

So, it's really been a while since I last posted anything. The summer months got ahead of me.  Brayden is back in school now so things feel like they are more on a schedule again.

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. A few months ago, Josh's dad had seen an advertisement for a new charter school being built down in Pleasant Grove. The nice thing about the school though was it catered to children with autism. We decided with it being a charter school and a lottery based admission, we would put our name on the list not really thinking he would get accepted this year. He was enrolled in the public school here by our house. He would finish the 6th grade school year there and come next year with middle school hopefully he would get accepted or we would have to figure something else out. We submitted an application the beginning of July. We got a response pretty quickly that he hadn't been chosen in the lottery. Not a surprise there.

Fast forward to last week. We got a call from the school late We'd afternoon saying that by some miracle a child was moving and a spot opened up and Brayden had been selected. From what the lady said it does sound miraculous and I know with what I believe that it was an answer to our prayers. He got enrolled. We had back to school night Monday and he started school two days ago.

The crazy part of it all is they consider 6th grade to be middle school age. Brayden has 7 classes and a locker. To say I felt stressed would be an understatement. Because all the students there have autism, it's like a middle school but modified. Brayden's classes are all right around one another so he doesn't have to navigate and travel to far from class to class. Lunch was another concern I had. You think about all the noise and chaos that exists in a public school lunchroom. Then you throw children into the mix that don't do well with settings like that. My concern was he may get overloaded. Well the school has thought through that as well, so after his 4th period class ends, they stay in the class with the teacher and watch cartoons and eat lunch for 30 minutes. Lunch is his favorite part of the day so far :) When I picked him up the first day he seemed happy and said he had had a great day. He went back to his locker after each class to get what he needed and found each class with no problem. Josh and I have determined our kid is hecka smart and I admit there are times I may underestimate that he can figure things out for himself too. He had a great 2nd day yesterday and seems to be doing well. I'm just trying to figure out the kinks with drop off and pick up and making sure he completes all his stuff. But so far so good. It truly has been a strength to my testimony all these events and I look forward to watching my son excel.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Awesome Weekend...

I'm tired this morning, but am feeling happy and thankful.  It all started on Friday morning.  Brayden had his history fair.  His topic was The Revolutionary War.  This report was assigned a couple months ago and at the time I wondered how it would go.  My son always seem to amaze me.  He ended up completing his 6 page report with not a lot of help from Josh or I.  Next step in the project was completing a poster with a timeline that included pictures.  He also had to come up with some sort of activity to incorporate his topic.  My son loves game shows.  Seriously.  Our DVR is set to record Let's Make a Deal, The Price is Right etc daily for Brayden.  If he doesn't become a game show host when he gets older he has missed his calling :) We opted to go that route with his activity.  We created a matching game.  We just printed out pictures relating to his topic.  If you pick a match correctly you get a piece of candy.  All of D track 5th grade participated in this fair.  It was set up in the gym area and the rest of the school came through and looked at all the displays. Josh and I left so proud of BJ.  I was in awe as I watched him man his booth.  He did an excellent job in hosting his little game.  He got an A on this portion of the project and I was so proud of him.

Saturday was just a busy day from start to finish.  With Brayden's ordination on Sunday, I needed to get some things ready and finished up for that.  The day started by picking up our meat tray from Walmart around 9:00 am.  After Walmart we picked up Josh's suit from the dry cleaners and brought the food home.  Once done at home, we headed down to my parents house.  Shaun and Lisa's little girl turned one so they were having a party down in American Fork.  My family carpooled down to the party.  Lisa provided lunch and treats and water games for the kids.  We ended up spending a few hours there.  It was fun and the kids seemed to have a great time.  My mom had given Brayden $100 for his birthday and it was just burning a hole in his pocket.  Following the birthday party we went back to Walmart and he bought himself the guys he was lacking on his new Disney Infinity game.  We finally got back home around 3:00.  I was tired!  Josh and Brayden played together for about an hour and I took a nap.  It was only a 30 minute nap but I welcomed it.  Once they finished up playing we needed to get Brayden's pants hemmed for Sunday.  Josh had visits with the missionaries that evening so I was just home making somethings for Sunday.

Yesterday was another busy day.  Josh had ward council at 9:00.  He got home around 10:15.  Brayden had his 12 year old interview with the bishop at 10:30.  Church started at 11:00.  His ordination started around 1:15.  We were surrounded by family and friends as Josh gave him the priesthood.  Following the ordination we had a luncheon at my parents house.  They are always so gracious to open there home whenever we ask.  We had sandwiches, salads, chips, and plenty of desserts.  It's nice that my parents have a big backyard as well as the addition of the swing set and sandbox.  The kids all played around together and seemed to have a great time.  By this point I could tell Brayden was a bit overwhelmed so following lunch he retreated to his area in the basement that my mom has kind of set up for Brayden.  He just chilled and watched some tv.  We had so much leftover food that once everyone left my mom said we could all come back later for dinner.  We came home around 3:30 and went back around 6:30.  For dinner it was just my immediate family.  Brock, Brayden and Mckaylee played so awesomely well together on the lawn and in the sandbox for a couple of hours.  We just ate outside and visited.  It was just an awesome weekend and I'm so grateful for wonderful family and friends that supported Brayden on his day.

Love these handsome men.  Waiting for his bishop interview.

History proud of this awesome kid!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Here We Go!

This is happening!  In less than one week, I will have a 12 year old.  This birthday has been bittersweet for me.  I'm trying to take it all in and realize that getting older and experiencing different things is a part of life.  Only having one child though, everything feels momentous.  Each birthday I know we will experience it only once. Do we go overboard? You betcha and I wouldn't have it any other way! I can't wait to see my husband give my son the priesthood. It's gonna be a great day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May Happenings...

Like father like son :) 

They are learning how to play the guitar cute! :)

I just love this kid!  

There new album came out on May 13th. I bought there new album on May 13th.  Love it!

We saw Spiderman 2 on opening night.  Fun movie

I love catching glimpses of him reading.  It's not often, but the comic book really had his attention :)

Josh went out of town for work at the beginning of the month.  This is the day he was getting home.  We were both a bit excited!

Playing on the go-karts at Trafalga

His latest obsession.  Disney Infinity.  I swear those video game people keep finding ways to take my money!

Working hard on his history fair project.  So proud of his hard work on it!

Because he completed his project I promised him a late night.  We made pizza and they played Xbox

Somedays are rough...I hate seeing him like this at times

Our cool shirts we designed for our Disneyland trip.  It's going to be awesome!  We finally convinced my family they should come.  My parents will spend some of the week with us in Anaheim and then part of the week down in San Diego.  My brothers will be in Anaheim all week with us and I'm still hoping my sisters family can make the trip.  

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Off Track

Tomorrow is Brayden's last day of being off track.  This really has been the funnest couple of weeks together.  Last week we had to watch Brock Monday-Wednesday so Brayden enjoyed being able to play together.  As the weekend approached, we played at the park, went to Trafalga and he had "guys night" on Saturday at my parents house.  Basically, every Saturday night, guys night is all the guys getting together and playing Halo for a few hours.  It's just been the last 6 months or so that we've allowed Brayden to start playing Halo.  He loves going and feeling included.  My brothers are so great to call him each week and include him.  Monday Josh and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary.  I love that guy so much and can't believe we've been married that long.  We had a date night over the weekend.  We ended up ordering in Chinese food and renting the movie Gravity.  It was pretty low key but I just loved being with Josh.  Monday night since we have our pass of all pass, we did our family night activity at Hollywood Connection.  We have never been there, but it was seriously a fun time.  We spent a good 3 hours there just playing at the arcade, mini golf, bumper cars and other rides.  Tuesday, we went swimming at the rec center, yesterday we went to the $1 movie, today we had to do grocery shopping and visiting teaching, tomorrow he is going to the zoo with my dad and we are taking him to see the new Spiderman movie tomorrow night.  Saturday we have a ward activity that we are in charge in with Josh's calling as ward mission leader.  I'm hoping it goes well and we have a good turn out.  Josh will be out of town all next week for work.  He will be in Virginia as well as Washington DC.

Getting his groove on at Trafalga

Playing some catch at the park with his dad :)

Shopping and still smiling..big deal :)

He's officially almost to big for some of the rides at Trafalga

Concentrating hard on the arcade games

He love the water..could live in it if I'd let him


$1 movie 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sandy City...

I don't think it's a surprise to those that know my family know that over the last 6 years we have dealt with the reality that my brother was sexually abused for 5 years when he was a child.  To say it's been difficult is an understatement.  Through all the tears, the anger, the frustration somewhere along the way my family began to heal through this process.

About a year ago, Preston had the desire to put himself out there publicly and began sharing his story in hopes it might raise awareness and possibly help those that might be experiencing something similar to him.  He has had the opportunity to go on the radio several times, the news as well as speak at 3 different town meetings and 2 firesides and several other venues.  When he first spoke, he asked my mom to accompany him and thought having a parents perspective would bring something more to it.  They've become quite the tandem since and I'm so proud of them.  I am so much like my mom, so I know public speaking is not something she totally enjoys but she does it to support my brother.  She has done a fantastic job each time and I can tell she is getting a little more comfortable in doing it.

Last night they spoke at Sandy City Hall.  Along this process, Preston has become involved with other victims and have played a major part with the Utah Legislation these past few months.  If you are not familiar with HB 286 you should look it up.  Because due to the help of my brother, Elizabeth Smart, Deondra Brown and the current Miss Utah this House Bill passed and will now have curriculum and prevention in the schools starting in the 2016 school year.  Along with Preston and my mom, Miss Utah and Deondra Brown of the 5 Browns also spoke.  Josh was in charge of reading bios on each one of them so he sat up front.  I brought the iPad for Brayden and he sat so quietly and just played on that the couple of hours we were there.  Everyone did a wonderful job!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Busy Weekend..

This weekend was busy!  I seriously can not wait until Spring Break/off track starts at the end of this week.

Friday night we ended up just staying home that night and playing games and watching Wreck-It-Ralph.  It was so nice just to relax and hang out with Josh and Brayden.  Saturday and Sunday were much busier days for us.

Saturday, Josh's dad needed help in there yard.  Josh was more than happy to help, but felt like the project was going to be a much longer project than anyone was accounting for.  He was originally not going to go over until the afternoon time, but felt it best to get over there in the morning time to get started so he wasn't there all afternoon and evening.  It ended up being about a 7 hour project so I'm glad that smart husband of mine opted to go over there when he did.

 While Josh was gone in the morning time, Brayden and I cleaned up the house and got ready for Brayden's cousin sleepover he was having later that day.  Josh dad asked if we wanted to get together for a bbq in the afternoon time so Brayden and I headed over to there place around 2:30.  Josh's brother showed up around the same time to help Josh work outside.

It was nice to have Nathan's 4 boys there for Brayden to play with or I'm not sure how patient Brayden would've been while Josh was working outside.  Brayden loves playing around with those boys!  I wish we lived a bit closer to Nate and Em so we could see them a little more often.  They live out in Stansbury Park and it's just far enough away that with how busy life is it's hard to get together very often.  After the BBQ, Josh and Nathan worked outside for a few more hours and we ended up leaving about 5:30.

We promised Brayden if he was calm and patient while we were there we would take him to Toys R Us and let him pick out what he wanted as an Easter gift from us.  He did so awesome so once we left, we had Ethan with us so he could sleepover and we headed to the store.

As we walked in the door at the toy store, I thought Josh and Brayden were going to go ballistic.  They found the 2 Skylanders that we were lacking and they have been such a pain to find.  It was like the stars aligned! :) We bought the guys and headed home.

We were all tired and I really didn't want to cook so I ordered a pizza box from Pizza Hut and we picked that up on the way home.  The boys ate pizza while they played Xbox.  Poor Josh...he was beyond exhausted from all the hard work he had put in, by 8:00 he was ready for bed.  I let Ethan and Brayden stay up a little bit past Brayden's normal bedtime.  I finally got them ready to go to bed around 11:00.  I could hear them in there chatting but at least I could go to bed.

Yesterday we all slept in until around 8:00.  Brayden is usually up by 7:00 on the weekends so an extra hour felt nice.  We got ready for church and got to sacrament our usual 10 minutes early.  Having Ethan with us at church was nice.  Given how busy Saturday was, I wasn't surprised how all over the place Brayden was in sacrament.  He and Josh spent most of that hour out in the hall.  By the time sacrament was over, Brayden seemed calmer and he and Ethan headed to his primary class.  Ethan is 9 so he technically should've gone to another class, but I knew Brayden was excited to have him with him so it worked.

Josh got sustained yesterday as the new ward mission leader.  I think he's excited and grateful for this new calling.  It's definitely going to be a busy and time consuming calling but I can tell he's super excited for it.  Following church he got set apart and we got home about 2:30.  We were leaving to head out to Nate and Em's house for dinner at 4:00.  That gave the boys just over an hour of play time before we had to leave.

Brayden really had the best time with Ethan.  I love that they have always gotten along so well and Ethan really is so calm and patient with Brayden and his cute little quirks.  :) We had dinner at 5:00 and were out there for a couple of hours before we headed back home.  Driving home, I could tell the weekend had officially caught up with Josh.  I wondered if I was going to need to drive but he managed.  We got home just after 8:00.  We love the show America's Funniest Home Videos.  Brayden had taped that so we sat down and watched that.  Well, Brayden and I watched it while Josh slept on the couch.  After the show ended, Brayden got in his pajamas, we read scriptures and we all went to bed.  We were all tired and ready for a good nights sleep.  We had a great weekend and I love being able to spend time with family!