Sunday, July 27, 2008

one thousand thousand five...

I cannot fall asleep... very unusual for me. I found myself literally counting sheep! I got to about 60 with actually picturing the white cartoon sheep jump over my head with the numbers popping up, until it turned into more of a challenge to see how high I could count. Unfortunately this childhood trick to falling asleep did not work for me!

So I thought I would take this oppurtunity to share a couple funny moments of our trip thus far...

First, is there some kind of ice shortage I'm not aware of in England?! We have had to ask for ice especially at every restaurant we've been to and we always get a sort of surprised look! There was one instance my mom, Mattie, and I were in a little cafe and my mom asked for ice for her diet coke. The man look at her and said he has about three pieces left if she wants them, so she said yes! He picks up his cup he was drinking out of and dumps the left over ice in her drink! We just stood there for a minute dumbfounded!

Last night we were sitting on the underground to get back to our hotel. We sat down kitty corner from a girl about 23 and her husband. We were the only ones on that section since it was so late, so I glanced over at them a couple times, giving a little smile. The wife did not look like the most friendly type, so on about my third look over, she did the hand gesture of "what's your problem??" Her response curiously made me want to keep looking over... just because I didn't understand why she was getting annoyed with me! As her hand guestures continued, my smile grew bigger and bigger as I looked over. Apparently she did not agree with this and they got off at the next station!

Bob, a very patriotic Englishman, who showed us around the country side, informed us that the British dont keep to themselves because they're unfriendly, it's because there are so many people around that they like to keep to themselves and give each other space. I guess I should have remembered this and left the couple alone!

Anyway, London has been great. We have gotten to see and do a lot in the four days we've spent here. I absolutey loved the Tate Modern museum. There was a special "History of Urban Photography" gallary that Tay and I were blown away by. It was one of the many highlights of the trip so far. We leave early in the morning (well in about two hours) for Rome! I can't wait. I guess I'll try to get a little sleep in... doubtful.

More to come...and pictures.

Friday, July 25, 2008

London Calling

My sisters are giving me a hard time about my blog being so boring lately. There will be some posts about our European adventure coming soon. :)