Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I will now be posting on bedilia.tumblr.com 


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reasons why I am a Boss Player:

1. I am so boss.
2. I drive the red wagon.
3. My mom calls ME for permission.
4. You can spell my name M-E.
5. My boyfriend says so, except around his friends.
6. I cheered for Skyline.
7. Go Eagles, Ya.
8. You don't want to know what I do to the moon.
9. I laughed when I read Kite Runner.
10. Can you say Taco Loco?

The end.

(Inspired and written by, Shua)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

On the way home from California, Josh and I were talking about things that we love & that make us happy. I decided to write them down. I had to stop myself; I could go on forever! So here are some from my list...
holidays, comforters, new underwear, snelgrove canadian brownie (rip), people watching, red & black nail polish, good food, cuddling with my doggies, accomplishing, feeling skinny in the morning, sushi, my amazing family, making my mom laugh, antique stores, dancing for no reason, black licorice, singing in the car with mattie, relaxing mornings, thrift shopping, sun through the car window, strangers who smile, kissing at red lights, candid photos, old couples holding hands, good conversation, charity, nerd glasses, music that forces you to dance, pleasant people, every delicious/ artistic thing about europe, feeling invincible, making new friends/ reconnecting with old ones, getting the butterflies, going to the airport/ coming home, a good cry, holding new born babies, chocolate milkshakes, swimming in the ocean, taking photographs, sleep overs with josh, making cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, the trees/ smells in quincy, travel travel travel, vintage bicycles, lipstick, yoga, great movies, roller coasters/ rides, outdoor dining in italy, getting genuine compliments, reading in the bath, chai tea/ coffee ice cream, collecting pretty things, learning new things, not having to set the alarm, laughing until i cry, rain boots, inside jokes that never die, not letting my mom or dad let go when we hug, hearing beautiful testimonies, new beginnings/ second chances, polka dots & stripes, crossing things off of lists, road trips, christmas lights, my nieces & nephews, warm laundry, tide, cold pizza for breakfast, colored tights, sundays with the family, lake powell, fizzy water, red vine straws, wood floors, chocolate covered cinnamon bears, adventures, being the boss, late night chats in my parent's bed, funky socks, a good fitting pair of jeans, emails, funny you tube videos, being completely myself, when my dad tells me he loves me, new hair do's, pretty art, cooking things that turn out, reading bakerella, kate tower's clothing, robots, gossip girl, good books, when mattie does funny things, thoughtful notes, good concerts, fresh flowers, discovering new restaurants/ stores, getting lost in italy, everything about italy, oreos and milk, clean closet/ house, full tanks of gas, my iphone, good shampoo, steam rooms, sail boats, water, mammo & poppa, how much my grandma used to love us to play the piano-even though we didn't know how.........

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I kinda feel like this.

So bummed that this picture is blurry! Oh well, I still like it.