Sekarang ini dah menjadi trend untuk ibu-ibu pilih set bersalin. Seingat I sendiri masa zaman mak i beranak adik-adik I, rasanya tak pernah ...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Mama - From Em & Mira Happy birthday Wan - From Emir..
On a related note, yesterday 30 May 2007, I was accidentally scolded my Emir. Oh my, it happened really fast. Actually I let him played with my cell phone on the bed and of cos anakku yang sorang ni dengan rase tak bersalah nyer mencampakkan hadiah harijadi walaupun tahun lepas pemberian papanya ke lantai.. Unlike my hubby, he is ok with that..
Kedebush!!! and me, dengan tindakan luar kawal telah memukul emir di peha sambil membebel dekat dia.. Hello, pukul yang nyamuk pun tak mati ok.. And my Emir was shocked and cried. Yang bestnyer, mase nak nangis tu, die macam tahan-tahan nak nangis sambil buat muke kesian... Merah muke dia tapi last last nangis jugak.. And ibu die pujuk pujuk and dengan mudahnya anak ibu ni tidur.. Kesian kan..
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Emir @ 11 months
Pejam celik pejam celik, our precious has reached 11 months. Betul kate orang, mase time ni laa seronok main dengan anak. Setiap hari ade jer bende Emir pandai and of cos we are so EXCITED. From today, I will make an effort to post an update until 29 june, on his daily achievement.
Hari ni, Ibu die perasan die pandai dah turun pade katil. Sorry suaranye orang tengah azan maghrib.
Untuk Emir, kalau emir bace ni 10 years from now. Just to let you know, Ibu loves you so much..
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Us after 2 years Post dated pics. As usual, Im lazy to transfer the pics to the lappy. Anyway, that day was fun!! Hubby treated me extraordinary.. cakap je semua die buat, but he dint allow me to say it in the public.. die takut konon.. :D
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Sekarang Emir memang dah nakal, tak boleh duduk diam, ade je idea nak ke sane ke mari, cari barang, kutip barang, sepahkan barang, kemas tak pandai lagi.. paling die suke tengok SEMUT!! Mulut die pun dah boleh tahan dah.. banyak vocab baru kiterang dengar lately.. Expression muke die dah macam-macam tunjuk, dah pandai tunjuk muka marah, muke merajuk... video kat atas ni ambik dalam pukul 1 pagi.. Mase mengandung dulu, mira selalu cakap nak anak nakal tapi dengar cakap.. Looks like Allah memakbulkan doa seorang ibu.. :).. Sekarang ibu die tak sabar nak tengok anak die pandai jalan..
Monday, May 21, 2007
Our pride and joy
Mmmm ape nak kate erk.. semua dah cakap dah dekat dalam kad tu.. listen to this song and you know what it is.. Love you much..
Happy beshday auntie hana, happy beshday ty haaanaaa, py beshday ty na-na, happy beshday ty haaanaa.
Pagi tadi Emir bangun tidor, biaselaa selalu bile Emir bangun je, ibu ni terus nak borak-borak dengan Emir. Ade je cite ibu nak cerite. Tapi pagi tadi ibu kate hari ni birthday aunty hana. Mule-mula Emir confuse sebab kejap-kejap ibu panggil aunty chor, kejap-kejap auntie hana, lame-lame barulah emir faham, auntie hana ngan auntie chor orang yang same. Ibu kate jangan panggil auntie chor depan auntie hana, takut nanti aunty hana ba bab emir.
Ibukan die cerite, die kate, aunty hana best best fren ibu. Die kate die kenal auntie hana sejak kecik-kecik lagi. Orang cakap muke auntie hana ngan ibu cam serupa. Atok cakap macam tu, Wan cakap macam tu, Papa pun cakap macam tu. Tapi papa kate sekarang dah lain sikit sebab ibu lagiii comell.. alaa auntie hana comel tu temmm... bammmm... huishhhh jangan bagi tau ibu.. Tapi emir tengok muke lain je, tak same pun. Ibu lagi bestt :D
Oklah auntie hana, Emir dah ngantuk. Emir nak tidur petang pulak. Oh cop cop, ibu kate nanti kalau auntie hana nak tawinn, Emir boleh jadi flower boy.. Flower boy tu ape aunty hana??
Ok lah auntie hana, emir tidur dulu erk.. Selamat hari lahir ke wa luh ma (25). moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.
Love Muhammad Emir Rasyid bin Emran 20 May 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Happy birthday Atok!! and.. Ibu just like this picture.. sebab mase ni Emir tengah main-main yang seronok sampai tahap maksima, lepas tu gelak-gekak sebab Ibu kejar die.. lepas tu gambar ni tunjuk banyak dah gigi Emir.. lepas tu tengok macam Emir ni dah besar..
Ooh emir kate Happy Birthday auntie ainil, tak nak datang rumah Emir ke??
Friday, May 18, 2007
Yesteday hubby and I visited our niece at HUKM. She admitted becos of dengue. Anyway, her condition is stable and just waiting for another day to discharge. Being myself, I always avoid to go to pediatric ward coz I couldn't see our little kids sakit, cucuk sane cucuk sini.. tak boleh laa, i can easily cry becos of that..
So, yesterday, there was a baby beside my niece's bed. Baby tu tekak nyer kene masukkan ape bende tu, i tak sure yang nak bagi die makan, and he/she was choking. Terbatuk batuk tak berhenti-henti. And her/his parents were not there!! Damn it.. Aku ni memang naik menyumpah betul kalau tengok orang yang takde hati dan perut. My BIL is a doctor there and he told us memang parents budak ni tak jenguk pun. Datang kejap lepas tu balik. Therotically speaking, of cos u cannot do anything but you are almost welcome to give moral support to your baby. Belai die, inform your baby you are there..
Tak boleh terima betul, no matter how bz u are, parents ade dua, satu mak satu bapak, so boleh lah alternate. mak tak boleh, bagi laa ayah boleh. Thats y, im sure a lot of cases out there. So now we should understand y our old folks home tak cukup. Kadang-kadang tu tak yah lah nak salah kan anak-anak, sebabnya mak ayah yang ajar anak-anak buat macam tu. Anak sakit, OUTSOURCE dekat orang lain.
Yes, I geram. Buat anak pandai, jage anak tak pandai. So whats the purpose of having a kid?? Nak tunjuk u pun boleh produce?? Nak tunjuk u sihat dan kuat macam Tiger?? Hell you!! Ok, ok mind you this is the only channel i can express my thoughts ok.. Sedih sangat, anak i sakit sikit, i terus ambik EL.. ni anak masuk hospital die boleh pulak biarkan macam tu je..
Anyway, please pray for that baby. He/She is suffering from a lung infection.. And honestly, since yesterday, muke baby tu terbayang-bayang dalam kepala ni, patutlah aku ni tak leh jadi doktor, cepat sangat kesian..
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Emir won Crawl to Mummy yesterday.. Walaupun nak dekat sampai die boleh patah balik ke starting point.. Nasib baik separuh jalan and he turned back to his Ibu. Heheh. Anyway, he had a splendid day yesterday!! dengan maskot ni pun die tak takut.. Ingatkan die takut
Happy Mother's Day
My mum is a mother of seven. Apart from a wife, she has built her career up to the level where I am proud of her and she is still working. Yes, it is not easy to success in both fields as it requires high commitment and attention.
To raise seven kids nowadays is totally different from the yester years especially each of us has different characteristics and attitude. Degil, kuat marah, pendiam, kuat cakap, rajin, malas, telebih independent, kurang independant - yes we have it all under one roof and my mum handles it in her own way.
I have asked her once, mama ni tak penat ke? and she just answered "Dah biase". To be honest, we rarely eat outside coz my mum will cook at home. You name it- from pizza to lemang, she knows how to do it tastefully but unfortunately I still not inherit her skills yet!! If you come over to my house, my mum will never fail to feed you with heavy food!! As far as I can remember, I have never seen our guest makan biskut kering ke, kuih raya saje ke, biskut saje ke, buah je ke, unless yang jamu tu anak-anak die :p
And until now since I started my school which is 18 years back, my mum will rush to fetch us from school, tuition, lrt station, or even shopping mall!!. And at night, she will guide us to do our homework before she proceeds with her work.
Yes, she is my superhero. And now, I myself is a mother. And I understand why syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu. Even though we are tired, we still have that energy for our kids and for our family. To me, it is just a beginning, the challenge is still far far away from what my mother has gone through. And i appreciate my mother more coz i know she is superb. Im pretty sure my dad will read this post and she will pass this post to her. And MAMA Happy Mother's Day! Love you so much..
p/s Semalam ade sedara datang rumah nak hantar kad.. Terkejut gile sebab dalam kad tu - Walimatulurus Ahmad Bukhari and KHAIRATUL NAINEY 30 June ni.. Katun Congrats!! Nanti kite jadi sedara.. Keh keh keh..
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Mama Mia ni rajin betul la.. anyway enjoy this kids story directed by Mama Mia :). To Kak Didik: THANKS!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Panas panas
The meeting was HOT!!. Anyway, i dont want to talk about that coz it really exhausting to hear it and tiring for u to read it.. Anyway, mothers, come and join Mummy and Me at MVEC from 11 - 13 May 2007. Emir will be there, heheh!!
p/s EZANUL nak kawin dengan Shima (Jasin) July ni.. kepochi tak aku.. hahaha. and Kak Dah (Faridah Fadzullah) kite pun nak kawin june ni.. And to that I am waiting for her to announce something :p
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Goodbye Makcik
She is very dear to us (my family). But time flies, she has to go back for some reasons. She is very sincere in taking care of my late greatgrandma and she was the one who looked after Emir for eight months before I get my own maid. Even, my son is quite attach to her if im not at home. Anyway, We will miss u makcik.
Great story to share. As you all know, I am quite dependant on my husband. Well, I have learnt a lesson yesterday. Even a simple thing can turns into complicated situation. Yes, I brought along Emir's stroller to the airport. But unfortunately when we arrived there, I tak dapat bukak pun stroller ni. Terlalu canggih betullah stroller ni. All this while, my hubby will do and i just placed Emir inside the stroller. Coincidently, i put the manuals inside Emir's bag and it saved my day!! Tapi kelakar gile, duduk depan orang, bukak manual.. heheh.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Gambar Mia and Emir.. (Gambar ehsan dari Mummy & Daddy Mia)
My so-tak-menjadi cupcakes.. Tak reti nak decorate laa.. Takpe takpe akan ku cube lagi..
p/s hari ni drive kete sebab kene hantar hubby dearest pergi masuk hutan.. huhh!! berpeluh jugak lah sebab dah lame tak drive.. :p
Thursday, May 03, 2007
HC ke?? asal senyap??
For some reasons, i dont want the peak period comes to an end. hehe sounds weird rite? but hey, how i should say this, chaotic? quiet? yeah thats how i describe my department rite now. Sooo quiet, even everyone could hear if I tear a paper. Yes, half of the department are on leaves and me, standing with my decision "dont take leave while everyone is on leave" is actually worst than i tot. Before, i would enjoy the scenery, browsing any webs that i want, but today, I couldnt do so as my so call boss boss keeps me busy. And i am so not into mood to start anything!!
So tomorrow, i will be on leave even though my boss hasnt approve my leave yet. Haha.. biarkan aku dengan labu labuaku.. Even, my hubby is hoping that I could skip work tomorrow. Almaklum since he becomes my "driver", die pun peak period jugak. :D
So, tomorrow, I would start with my first activity after compliance.. BUAT CUPCAKES!!! Seriously, I dont know what the recipe is, esok sesi hentam keromo. I just love the art of the cupcakes. Boleh release tension..
Anyway, yesterday, we went to parents-get-together at kak didik's house. And tengah tunggu kak didik pos gambar, later i can post it here. hehe. Tak sabar nak tunggu gambar MIA and EMIR sebelah-sebelah..
p/s my second anniversary is getting nearer, but i dont have any plan yet.. :Dsaje highlight.. orang yang paham tu patut paham la :p
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Its over
Alhamdulillah, I managed to go through my second compliance. Looking back at this time, honestly it is painful and stressful and I might say I never enjoy my peak period mainly because the unhealthy surroundings. Yeah, this is where all the cursing and blaming each other appears for just one simple mistake. And i admit, for some reasons, I regret that I cancel my decision to resign before the compliance begins.
Anyway, those were the days where I coudlnt control the pressure and people. But apart from that, I am glad to know this team. If I run a biz and afford to pay the salary, of course I will hire them as my staffs. Haha. Trust me, Tak ramai orang yang sanggup duduk lama-lama kat ofis and very determine to finish the assignments.
NOW, I am back as a mother and a wife. I missed Emir so much. Usually when i reached home, Emir dah tido. Sometimes, if I am lucky, I could see his smile from his face. Kalau tak telan air liur laa. And sometimes, I would wake him up to play with him. Yes, it is definitely not easy to adapt your work and family. After more that 12 hours in the office, of course I am too weak for house chores or even Emir. But until now, I dont have an answer how I manage to look after Emir during the night. Kalau emir terjage memang susah nak tido!!.. I think it is all back to motherhood. Heh, patutlah syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.
On top of that, Err, sorry becos lately I didnt reply any SMSes. to tell you the truth, i dont bother checking my handphone at all :D Tak sempat or I make it simple. Malas. hehe. During peak period, my phone is just to answer hubby's call and informed him "aaa, nak balik pukul sekian sekian sekian".
Anyway, for the beginning, hari ni bawak Emir jalan-jalan kat Tesco main playground tu. and he was soooooooooooooooooo happy to see his friends. hehe. And orang rumah kate, bukan main ngade2 lagi Emir, maklumlah setelah sekian lame, ni la first day, I am 24 hours with him. Btw, ingatkan nak jalan2 sekali hubby dah start kursus for 2-3 weeks starting from tomorrow. Tak best betul :(..