Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cute Pics

KYLE got his BEAR!!! Congratulations Kyle!
Kyle is my self-motivated child. It is not difficult to keep on track with his scouts, because he keeps himself on track for us. He got his Wolf 6 months early last year, and his Bear 6 months early this year. Looks like he's got his "over-achiever" personality from his mother.
The Scott Family Circus....need I say more?
Maybe this is a sign of great musical talent in their future.
Doesn't this just melt your heart?
Ready for soccer anyone?
Wait a're my only girl......where's the dresses and the tea parties?

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Dallin's first day of Kindergarten. I really didn't worry at first. I thought he'd be absolutely fine.......until last Friday. I took him to his "meet the teacher" day on Friday, and he was really nervous. So, I didn't know what to expect today. But, he walker right in, not even looking back. He was so brave!
I came home to 2 children, and 4 boxes of peaches. My mom, my friend Kodi, and I canned peaches for 4 hours this morning. After a morning of bottling peaches, and a little was time to pick up the kids. When I picked up Dallin, he was in full tears. I wasn't the first mom in line to pick him up, and he though I had forgotten him. But, aside from that, everyone survived their first day. Whooohoooo!