Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The drop off

We tried to kidnap him forever, but it didn't work. Bandu just left us for his next adventure on Anderson Island. We took him over on the ferry and the girls had a blast taking their first ride in the back of a pick-up truck - no seatbelts! OK - we only drove about 1/2 mile, but they were thrilled. They also got to ride in the back of the Kobernick's subaru in backward facing seats.

We are so grateful for the time we had with Bandu while he was with us. It was a constant inspiration to live every moment with the Holy Spirit. I realized how much air I waste in my speech - how much time I waste in my daily activities. Bandu lives out what it means to "pray at all times" - and it is pure joy for him. I know lives were changed because of his visit. And I know God will continue to bless this journey. He had many people who wanted to see him on this trip. How glad I am that we got him for two weeks.
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Fondue with Bandu

It just seemed like the right thing to do ...
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Ice Cream in Kirkland

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Titlow Beach

We introduced Bandu to our family's favorite pizza ... Clover Leaf! What better spot to enjoy it than down at Titlow Beach on a glorious and sunny day. Notice above - Bandu liked making his "manly" faces for the camera. What a cheese.
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Monday, September 6, 2010

A little dance competition

Our new friend

So it all started with Cleo. About a week ago Emma had finally saved enough money to buy her first hamster and all the accessories. But Cleo was evil. I cannot begin to tell you about the amount of blood that was shed in our home. So Cleo had to go back.

Enter Clover. Try number two at a pet hamster. She was described as "a total sweetie" by two different Petco employees. So we drove all the way to Bremerton to pick her up. So far, she is as advertised. Mom and dad aren't totally sold on the hamster idea, but Emma is thrilled and so that makes us willing to deal with the midnight squeaks of a hamster wheel.
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Weddings with Rachel

One of the honors of babysitting our girls is the various littlest pet shop activities you get to participate in ... including the much anticipated wedding, complete with homemade veils and bridesmaids dresses.
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Nightime hanging at Medina Days

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Hula hooping at Medina Days

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Medina Days parade

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All dressed up

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Camping in bed

"Mom can I pleeeeeease sleep under my umbrella?"
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Medina Days dancing

Posted by PicasaWe went to the annual Medina Days party (the same party our family has been attending since I was a child). While they had tons of activities, Elena seemed to plant herself on the dance floor and won 2 dance competitions. That girl loves to dance without inhibition. She just goes into another place - and it's pretty funny to watch.

Charlie's Safari

Posted by PicasaWe got to spend the day with Orion and Ollie going to Charlie's Safari in Lacey. I think we wore them out, but they had a ton of fun together.

Brix 25

Ross and I won a beautiful wine-paired dinner for for at Brix 25 restaurant in Gig Harbor. We ended up treating my parents for a combined birthday and father's day gift and had an amazing dinner. The only bummer was that I committed to no sugar for the month of August and had to pass up a yummy chocolate creation. I stuck with fresh fruit and port. Still quite a treat.
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