Saturday, April 24, 2010

Downtown Spokane

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Vantage, WA

Our family, and someone else's puppy Elena managed to kidnap.
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Visiting Allie at Whitworth!

Allie (now a sophomore at Whitworth in Spokane) was our super fabulous babysitter last summer. She poured so much love and creativity into our girls lives - we will be forever grateful. Their family has now become a huge part of our lives. (Allie's mom Tiffany is the one going to Sri Lanka with me in a week. ) We are deeply woven, and deeply in love with this wonderful young lady. The weekend was so fun. Long walks, great food, deep conversation, and ... well ... lots of playing with my new camera. Here are some of the moments we captured.
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Goofy girls

Don't ask - they said "We're being stupid quails." Then they said "Now we're dead stupid quails."
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Allie and Justin

We got to meet Allie's boyfriend Justin, and we were super impressed. He is a gentleman, a caretaker, a sensitive soul, and a lover of his Lord. A keeper!

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A hat and scarf party

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Saturn project

Emma had her first big project for school - on the planet Saturn. Dad helped make this model by covering a soccer ball with a grocery bag and spray painting it. The first plan was a little cooler. They actually made some paper mache. But it never dried and then it blew up in the oven when we tried to dry it that way! So this was option B. I like how our recessed lighting reflected in the picture! Oh - and option B got an A. :-)
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My dream Easter

It's always been my dream to have a table long enough to fit all the relatives around it during the holidays. My dream came true!!

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Abby Easter Hunt

Auntie Karolyn had fun helping Abby this year.

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2 big finds

Our family has a "golden egg" tradition. So far, Emma has found it every year. But look out - those cousins are catching up to you!! Emma also looked for this pink egg for about 5 minutes. We were all gathered around her saying "I see it!!!" and it drove her nuts. Finally, I captured the moment when she found it.
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Easter 2010

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Kids Quest Museum in Bellevue

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