It used to be that when a fish died, our kids would fight over who got to flush him down the toilet so we could run off to Petsmart and get another. But this time was different. We had tears. Emma's little fish "Ashy" died and it was a very sad day. Our amazing babysitter Allie helped the girls give Ashy a proper burial. They even had a full service and created a program for the event. It is one of the more adorable things I have ever seen. On the cover of the program was a picture of the fish and her name at the top "Ashy McFish Anderson, February 21, 2009 - June 13, 2009" Then, at the bottom it said "Loved and cherished wherever she swam." On the inside was the summary of her life on the left and the order of the service on the right. It looked something like this:
-Born on February 21 at Petsmart
-Came home with the Andersons sometime in May
-Wouldn't always eat her fish food
-Made five little baby fish. They all died though.
-Swam around a lot (often chased)
-Died on Saturday, June 13, 2009
Memorial Service, June 17, 2009
-Hymns of Celebration (I'll Fly Away & Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer)
-Memories - Emma
-Reading of the obituary - Allie
-Additional comments - Elena
-Potentially more comments - Elena
-Reception to follow
We later discovered that during the "Potentially more comments" section of the program, Elena discussed how the fishes eyes sunk back into her head after she died. And the reception included popcorn and ice water.