Friday, May 29, 2009

Being your mother

What Being Your Mother Means To Me

Being your mother means that I have had the opportunity to experience loving someone more than I love myself. I have learned what it's like to experience joy and pain through someone else's life.

It has brought me pride and joy; your accomplishments touch me and thrill me like no one else's can. It has brought me a few tears and heartaches at times, but it has taught me hope and patience. It has shown me the depth, strength, and power of love.

It hasn't always been easy, and I'm sure I've said and done things that have hurt or confused you. But no one has ever made me as satisfied as you do just by being happy. No one has made me as proud as you do just by living up to your responsibilities.

No one's smile has ever warmed my heart like yours does; no one's laughter fills me with delight as quickly as yours can. No one's hugs feel as sweet, and no one's dreams mean as much to me as yours do.

No other memories of bad times have miraculously turned into important lessons or humorous stories; the good times have become precious treasures to relive again and again.

You are part of me, and no matter what happened in the past or what the future holds, you are someone I will always accept, forgive, appreciate, adore and love unconditionally.

Being your mother means that I've been given one of life's greatest gifts: you.

~Barbara Cage
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Elena drying off

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Kenzie Joy

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Seattle Center Fountain

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It always happens

I swear Jodi and I don't shop together. Sisters ...
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Total Experience Gospel Choir

Few things move me like music. And few music groups move like this group - The Total Experience Gospel Choir. My parents have been taking me to hear them (led by Pat Wright) since I was a teenager. They are powerful. They bring me to tears. They do something in the depths of my soul. Afterwards I told the director I would give my left eye to have her teach me how to sing in my chest voice. And she actually invited me to come to one of their rehearsals to hear how she teaches others!! I am SO taking her up on this.
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The Glory Girls

We took top 3 in the Gig Harbor Star Search Competition. Hate the outfits - but love my girls!
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Awaiting the arrival

Sorry some of these pics are out of order. I'm too lazy to do it any other way, and my dad just gave me a CD with some pics.

I like these 2 because I think they capture the impossible. I never thought we'd get a dog. Not only that. I never thought of myself as a dog person. And I can genuinely say I am super excited to get this puppy!
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More from mother's day

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Fun with dad

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Elena in thought

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Lemonade stand

I must say lemonade stands in Medina have come a LONG way since I was a kid. The kiddos (ours and my parent's neighbor kids - whose mom, Mary, was also my childhood neighbor) made fresh squeezed lemonade with seltzer, tropical mango juice, and dragonfruit juice. They also sold Mary's zucchini bread and made sure to inform everyone it was made by "my mom who also went to culinary school." They made about $32 in an hour I think. Very impressive. Maybe the fact that they shaped their sign like a cross had something to do with it. They kept shouting "homemade, holy, organic lemonade!!"
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Zoo field trip

This is one socialized peacock!

I never thought about the back of a peacock being almost as cool as the front!
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Joy ride

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Daisy's dad

Formally ... sire.
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Daisy dog pile

Here are a few more pictures of Daisy (and friends) and the breeder's home. The girls had fun stacking puppies on top of each other.

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Jodi & Kenzie baby shower at Durrs

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