Saturday, May 10, 2008

A little pizza to celebrate

Some yummy pizza on the floor of what will soon be referred to as "the second home." I'm speaking in code, but you likely know what this is about!
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Mommy & Me Tea

Our church had a fun little "Mommy & Me Tea" on Friday. We went with our friends Myndee and Faith as well. It was so fun - cute kid food (heart shaped sandwiches, skewered fruit, chocolate pudding with crushed oreos and gummy worms - aka "dirt"). They had story time, a "T" party - where we talked about the letter "T", and some flower planting. But the best part was spending time with my favorite 3 year old. I am a blessed mommy!
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Enjoying a little birthday cake and ice cream at our friend Ian's 4th birthday.
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The apple tree

Playing in grandma and grandpa's apple tree.
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The Spring Fair

Emma and I got a mommy and me day. We went to the Spring Fair (a small version of the big Puyallup Fair). It was a fun day of bonding without a care in the world. We ate like pigs, rode the rides, did face painting - you name it. Emma even ran into her friend Leah from school, so that was a treat.
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Monday, May 5, 2008

"Jesus Is Coming To Our House"

Here's another one - written "as is" by Emma and her friend Lauren.


Whenever we play we see Jesus comming to our house. We wellcome him into our house. We show our bedroom to him. We dance and play tag. It is time to leave now. The End.