Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Black Bear

This is a story Emma just wrote for one of her school assignments. I will write it exactly as she did - only, where I write "infinity", she actually erased the number 1000, and replaced it with the infinity symbol. I guess she just learned that symbol!

The black Bear

Once there was a black bear who was infinity. And he was not looking old. He is shiny. he lived in a very smal clover. He ate dirt. And what did he do he jumped rope. Once he even jumep backwdres. He was populer. And he died one day. But he was with God. There were trumpets everywhere. And he had one nice time. The End.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


(see below post) - I couldn't resist a picture.

Elena's version of heaven

No picture - just a story so I don't forget this. Ross was watching the girls last night and they had Spirit 105.3 on the radio. It was playing that song "Big Big House" (or whatever it's called). Later, Elena started singing what she THOUGHT the words were. In her version, it came out "It's a big, big house, with lots and lots of food. A big, big house, with lots and lots of food. A big, big table, with lots and lots of food ..." And it continued in that way. Elena's version of heaven.

Monday, March 3, 2008

A bath with sissy

It's one of their favorite things to do together. I often find them just cuddled up in the bath, playing or singing, or just saying "I love you.".
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A weekend with mom

Mom and I got away for the weekend. We went to a Beth Moore retreat with a bunch of ladies from our church. Yes, we were the typical bus of crazy church ladies heading to an event. It was quite the picture. I wish we had more time to explore Vancouver, but overall - it was a great trip. Fun to spend time with mom and realize how much we have in common.
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Elena the charmer

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Lost Lake!

We just got back from a weekend at Lost Lake with our great friends the Entwistles. We all scored a free weekend checking out this little resort on an 11-acre lake near Yelm, WA. It was a great trip - fishing, miniature golf, ping-pong, bikes, tennis. But mostly - just being silly and having fun as a family and with friends. God has blessed us with this awesome family. When you find a family you can travel with, that says a lot I think. We each stayed in a park mobile unit with "200 spacious square feet." The thing rocked as you moved and made all sorts of weird noises while we were sleeping. But we didn't care. It was free!!! :-)

The biggest highlight of the trip was when Emma caught a trout. She came back from the boat and said "I just knew I was going to catch a fish mommy. I just KNEW it!" I said "How did you know it" (she spoke with such conviction that I had to inquire further). She said "I just knew God would bless me because I had tried so hard." We went on to discuss how the holy spirit can speak to our hearts that way and she confessed her belief in Christ. We sat on a little swing above the dock at the lake and prayed a prayer together, asking Jesus to come into her heart. She's always had the faith of a child - but this was an exciting defining moment in her walk with Jesus. It was a moment we will never forget.
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Lost Lake

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Hello, cupcake!

Addy took Elena out for a birthday cupcake. This is a cute new store downdown Tacoma called "Hello, Cupcake."
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