Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gifts to Sri Lanka

Bandu just sent me some pictures from Sri Lanka. A wonderful Sri Lankan church in Alberta, Canada just sent the 6 boys in their orphanage some very cool Christmas gifts. The bikes .... a huge deal. The teeth ... priceless.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Lots of wrap

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The famous tie

A number of years ago, Ross's grandpa Preston bought him this Rush Limbaugh tie. Ross thought it would be fun to give it to our great friend John (a true democrat). The next year, the tie ended up under our tree for Ross (along with some terrible hat that reminded us of the day a Seagull pooped in Ross's mouth during his first ferry ride - thanks to Janet for uncovering the above picture from that Christmas)! And so the tradition goes. Now, every year, they trade off giving this lovely tie to each other.
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Some Christmas Favorites

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Butterfly exhibit

We went to the Pacific Science Center and got to see lots of butterflies!

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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Elena and neighbors

Here's Elena belly sledding with our neighbors and friends Madelyn and Parker.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We've been sledding at our friend's house for the last few days. But yesterday, they stayed inside because their son was sick with a fever. So a bunch of us rolled these enormous snowmen together right at the base of their driveway. I wish I could've been there to see their faces when they realized they had some new friends.
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Elena loves snow

I don't know what Elena likes more - playing in the snow or eating it. Yesterday, we could barely make it home from our sledding adventure because she felt obligated to pick up every chunk of snow and munch on it. She also cannot distinguish between the brown, yellow and true white snow (or probably just doesn't give a rip) - so I was constantly monitoring her and saying "NO ELENA! Yucky snow. Yucky snow." My oh my, this child ....
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Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow pics

I thought this was cool, because my camera was able to get a little of the indoor lights and the reflection of the snow-covered tree outside.

Our back yard.
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Dancing with Lucy


I had a dream about you last night. We came to visit you and you were the first one I saw. You were wearing a light blue shirt and you hair was in ponytails. I picked you up and you gave me the bestest hug ever! Then we danced in circles while we hugged. And your auntie cried and cried thinking about how much she loved you.

I can't wait to see you soon.


Auntie Stacie

Sunday, December 21, 2008

2 igloos

My friend Sandy in Olympia got so much snow that she and her husband built 2 igloos!
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Our winter wonderland

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Snow with the neighbors

We got to hang out with our neighbors all morning. They had a great hill for sledding - even the moms got in on the action!

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The big snow

This is the biggest snow hit we've had in years - definitely the biggest Ross, Emma or Elena have ever seen. We got about 5 inches overnight and it's continued to snow all day. We're loving it!
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Ross's dumb snow outfit

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Grandma, Grandpa, Will & Lucy

I snagged this picture from my sister's blog! This is my parents visiting the Walkers in St. Louis. I thought it was a great shot. My mom, Jodi and I will be visiting St. Louis next month and we are so excited to meet the new baby and see everyone else.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Welcome baby Aaron

Baby Aaron Michael just arrived yesterday morning - one week late weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces! Suzi had a natural water birth (stud) and all went very well. Many congratulations! What a great Christmas gift.
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A celebration dinner

We got to go out to Indochine with our good friends Dave & Sonya. We had a double celebration! They just signed a publishing deal for thier first book and we opened the business. Dave and I grew up together, so it has been fun to walk through these exciting adventures of life with them. They are also expecting their second baby! So much to be thankful for.
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Snow bunny

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