Thursday, August 30, 2007

A "Mommy-Emma" day

With the start of school right around the corner, Emma and I decided to have a day with just us. It was such a fun day! We spent the morning kayaking in the harbor. We even made it all the way to the lighthouse and got to play tic-tac-toe on the beach. Then we went to Kelly's for lunch and played a little tennis at Gig Harbor high school. I had a fun day reconnecting with my kiddo. When you have 2, that one-on-one time is often hard to find. So we both cherished every second. Love you Emma!!

Taking a swim

Amazing - a day of sunshine!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Another attempt - THE CAGE (plus music)

Well, since the gate was such a success (I hope you are hearing sarcasm) - we decided to beef it up a notch. This morning, we took a little road trip to Babies R Us to find a crib tent. Turned out the tent was too big - so they suggested a stroller net. I found a double stroller net that just happened to fit perfectly over the pack-n-play. I tucked that puppy right underneath the 4 corners of the pack-n-play. It was pretty darned snug. She could stand up - but it took a little effort. Sure enough - about 2 minutes later, I heard "mommy!" and came in the room to find our little darling outside the pack-n-play and stuck inside the netting. Before she could realize she could escape, I faked panic and told her to hurry and get back in so she wouldn't get hurt (sneaky, I know). I also tried another tactic ... music. At one point during pregnancy, I felt God told me she would be a musical child. I also know they play music at daycare (she goes once a week) and she sleeps like a charm. So I threw on some classical and gave it a shot. Praise God - the kid fell asleep before I had finished reading one chapter of Junie B. Jones to Emma!!! I hope it's not a fluke. But trapping her with classical music could be our key! I should also mention that she now takes every nap with a onesie on so that she won't take off her diaper and play with the contents. Man - I hope her husband-to-be knows what he's in for.

A new attempt - THE GATE

Well, our little Elena continues to present us with new challenges. Her latest issue is sleeping. She doesn't seem to think it's for her. I think the transition to the big bed just happened a bit too soon. So now we're stuck with this child who fears no punishment and only wants to play in her room (or cover herself in Desitin OR take off her diaper OR break things). We decided to try a gate - to at least trap her in there. That way, we would at least know she was in one place - and not getting into the medicine cabinet or something. We bought the EXTRA tall gate with vertical slats (supposedly toddler proof). And guess what? In about 30 seconds, Elena had climbed over it! We freaked out enough that I think it scared her (we're constantly afraid she is going to kill herself with all these gymnastics moves of hers!) - so she stopped climbing. But she never went back to bed. Instead, at about 10pm, she crashed on the floor at the foot of the gate. She's lucky she's cute. That's all I can say.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sick with friends

Nothing short of a miracle - Emma puts her sick sister to bed with all the trimmings and the kid doesn't move an inch, but only drifts softly to sleep.

Medina Days!

Here's a shot from Medina Days this year (a community celebration in my parents neighborhood - a tradition in our family). The day was filled with games for the kids and a parade (and hula hooping, as seen here). Then at night, we had a fun BBQ on the beach with fireworks.

A Steam Train Ride

My old handbell teacher from Bellevue First Pres just happened to show up for a KBTC pledge event discussing local trains. He invited us to come to Chehalis to ride the steam train there and we took him up on it! And we're so glad we did. We had a fabulous time on the 1 1/2 hour ride. And afterwords, Rick even took us into the engine! He let the girls blow the whistle and even let mom play engineer for a bit. Mom liked that kind of power. Emma's highlight was holding Rick's dogs inside the train. She kind of missed the point - but that kid loves her animals. We also went to the Penny Playground in Chehalis - a cool wooden park built by a community of volunteers there. So much fun.

Fun in the Sun

Trying to capture the little bit of sunshine we could (we got ROBBED this summer), we enjoyed a fun day with our friends "The Ryans". Nathan and Emma and Sarah and Elena had lots of fun together. Our kids are so similar, it's kind of eerie. Nathan and Emma commandeered the pool the whole time (oh - and Nathan was practicing his baptism skills for the day he becomes a pastor) while the little girls jumped on the trampoline. They loved ring around the rosey and giving each other kisses. But when they wouldn't kiss long enough for me to snap a picture, Margaret said - "No, you have to hold it." And Sarah quickly grabbed Elena's lips to "hold them" for the picture. It was a very cute 2-year-old moment. We are so blesed.

Friday, August 10, 2007

A little make-up anyone?

Since we have a little theme going here - I thought I'd show you what Elena did in December while grandpa Gerard was babysitting and all the girls were at The Nutcracker. Mascara, Mac foundation, tampons pulled apart, carpet stains - you name it. We tried to blame grandpa, but now that this is just habit, we have given him mercy.

A & D

Did I mention the A & D ointment episode???

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Diaper Rash Disaster #2

So - after the first disaster, I decided to buy some super expensive diaper rash cream that my friend insists in the "best in the world." I went to some shi shi store in Bellevue, brought it home and swore I would keep it high up in the medicine cabinet. However, this morning ... in the rush of life ... I forgot to put it BACK after applying it to the precious bottom of my 2 year old. This is what I found during nap time. I don't know which one of us is more insane! Neither of us has learned from our mistakes. She doesn't seem to fear punishment and I apparently don't fear disaster. (I love my job, I love my job, I love my job)

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Insomniac Support group needed

So - Elena has been quite the struggle these days when it comes to bedtime. I mean, the days are tough enough when you have a 2-year-old who is silent but deadly. If you take your eyes off of her for 2 seconds, it gets very quiet and then you usually find her covered in something toxic. Now, she refuses to go to sleep any earlier than about 10. To protest, she'll get in and out of her bed - take off her diaper, read books, pull all the clothes out of her closet ... you name it. Tonight, she decided to paint herself with Desitin. Can we just jump straight to age 11 or something? Help!!

Whose kid is this???

I promise - Ross and I are not blood related.

Our Girls

Chocolate cake

Ross got a little German chocolate cake for Stacie's birthday. Guess who ate the most?

Bellevue Arts & Crafts Fair

We had a wonderful time with grandma and grandpa going to the Bellevue Arts & Crafts Fair. This is a tradition that has been going since I was a little kid, so it was fun to now bring our kiddos to the event. The girls lasted 6 1/2 hours at the fair - unbelievable. Maybe they'll be artists someday! Shannon - you should try to shoot some cool cup art like me sometime. Maybe with your new camera? :-) (inside joke)

Miracle Ranch

Emma had a great time going to Miracle Ranch at Horseshoe Lake. It's a great Christian camp just across the Purdy spit. Her highlight - holding the new kittens born in the barn. They also had a rodeo on the last day that Emma was part of - and we could all watch. Quote of the week from Emma "Mom, it's not my fault I forgot my backpack. It's my brain's fault!"