Sunday, April 10, 2011

~Excited about my Name~

IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!! We finally have our name on our mailbox and the apartment is ours!!! It is always so exciting to see our name together!!!

~A Week with the Kids & the Newest Members of our Family~

Mason and Mariah had a week off for Spring Break and we have been planning for months for them to come stay with us during this week!!! We were all looking so forward to it and had a BLAST!!! I love them and they are such great siblings.
On Monday we had FHE and Sheldon gave a great lesson on taking care of things. So for our activity, we went to Walmart and had the kids help us pick out some fish to take care of.First Family Picture!!!!
Our five cute fish! The big orange one is Flopper, the big red one with a white face is Annabella, the little white one is Squirt, the little red and white one is Quinn, and the fat orange one is Brody. We love them! Flopper is called flopper because he kind of flopped onto the counter when we were putting him in the tan. Squirt is really a squirt. He likes to poke at the other big fish. Annabella is just so sweet and Quinn and Brody are so cute.
Sheldon is so cute!!! I find him in this position all the time. He just loves to sit and watch our cute fish and encourage them on.
Mariah was so excited on the night before her birthday!!! She set the timer for when it would be midnight and then her 13th birthday. It went off and she screamed!!! She was so hyper and excited. My little sister is growing up and is a teenager now.

We had a fun week full of working out with Emma. Us girls did the running and Mason and Sheldon enjoyed some basketball. Mason is getting really good and enjoys playing with Sheldon.We had our other good friend Jessica Bentley over several times this week. Her husband Jayson was gone for 4 days on a school field trip. She came over and we made sweet and sour chicken together and played lots of card games. Mariah, Jessica, and I went to the Justin Bieber movie and Sheldon and Mason went to Gnomeo and Juliet. It was a really good movie and I was really impressed with such a good kid Justin is.
We took the kids and Jessica to Green Canyon hot springs and enjoyed a night of swimming and sitting in the hot pools.And with our King bed, we had a fun sleep over!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

~1 year anniversary~

This last month we have had quite a few 1 year anniversaries!!! 1 year since we first held hands, a year since our first kiss, and a year since he first told me he loved me!!! It has been the best year ever and I can hardly wait for our eternity of years to come!!!! He is the best husband ever and treats me like a queen!!! How did I ever get so lucky to marry such an amazing man! The man of my dreams!

*Workout Buddy*

This is Emma Wirig!!! She is my workout buddy! She is my visiting teacher! She is also due with their first baby in August!!! I am so excited! Not only do I have somebody to work out with when Sheldon plays basketball, but I have a pregnant friend!!! I am so excited because I will get to babysit and play with her cute baby!!!

We have fun working out 3-5 times a week depending on our schedules! We have taken advantage of the new BYU-I Center with the 10 court gym! Some days we run/walk miles, some days we play tennis, and some days we play volleyball with our husbands when Evan comes!!! It is so fun having a friend in the ward and someone to hang out with!

~First Ward Talks as Husband and Wife~

On February 7, 2011 Sheldon and I gave our first talks together as husband and wife in our new ward-the BYU-Idaho 33rd Ward! A year ago Sheldon and I both gave talks in the Branch and that is when we both started to notice each other and when our courtship started. It was pretty fun to start our relationship and marriage by speaking together in our wards. Only this time, I got to announce us as husband and wife and share our story with the ward!

I dread giving talks, but it turned out to not be that bad. I actually enjoyed it, once I could breath, stop shaking, and had my talk written. Our assigned topics were service. My was focused more on giving service towards those with disabilities. This topic really strengthened my testimony and made me want to strive to be a better person. I really enjoyed preparing my talk and had wonderful help!!! Sheldon is so strong and knowledgeable in the gospel and helped me the whole way.

The talks went really well and once I got going, I didn't struggle as much as I used to when I gave talks. AND....I even went the whole 10-12 minutes! Maybe a little longer! Sheldon's talk was excellent as always! He is such a great speaker and example. I am trying to get better and not get so stressed or scared over speaking in public.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

*Valentine's Day*

Our First Valentines Day as a husband and wife was a SUCCESS!!!! I Love him so Much!!!
We had a fun time Ice Skating at the school after dinner!
All of the wonderful things Sheldon gave me for Valentines Day!!! A beautiful Red rose, cutest puppy dog, box of lindeur truffles, and cute card, scavenger hunt, HUGE bag of peanut butter M&M's (my favorite), and a JAZZ Jersey with MALLORY 30 on the Back!!! I was spoiled!!! I walked into our room with all the fun stuff on our bed, and then when we went home, I completed the scavenger hunt!
Sheldon posing with the card I got him.
His face when I let him come back home for his surprise dinner and Valentines Date. Isn't he just so Cute!!!
We had Lasagna (with E + S and I Love You in the cheese), heart shaped and I Love you sugar cookies, and heart shaped brownie, green salad, grapes, sparkling cider (2 because Sheldon surprised me and brought a bottle home), and chocolate kisses covering the table and a little trail leading from the door to the table. I had so much fun cooking and decorating. I had been playing for several weeks and was very excited. I had cute Valentines decorations for the window, and cute towels that Grandma Charlie made. We watched Valentines Day after dinner and Ice Skating!
He is so good to me and can always put a smile on my face!
My Valentine's Nails

My scavenger hunt!!!
Oh I LOVE my shirt!!! Now I just need a Jazz game to go to, to show it off.

I wanted to get matching jerseys with MALLORY 30 on the back for our honeymoon when we went to the Jazz Game, but we never got it done. Mallory is for my last name, and 30 is for the day we got married!!! If I'm gonna sport anyone, it's gonna be my honey!!!

~Traditional Sleepovers~

One of our favorite things to do is have sleepovers. Mason and Mariah have always slept in my bed with me. Since Sheldon and I have gotten married, and we are all getting bigger in size, and we wanted Camille to join,l we decided to pull the cots out again. But Sheldon and I didn't want to sleep on separate cots and we didn't have enough for all of us, we pulled out the egg crates and blankets. It was actually super comfy!!! AND...we even got Camille to join us and stay up with us and have the sleepover with us!!! Success, I say so!!! We had fun doing that 2 nights in a row while mom and dad were in Vegas!!! Staying up talking and watching movies. It's fun to have Sheldon join us in the sleepovers now!

My Boys!!
Cutie pie Ruthie!
YAY!!! She stayed and even had a smile on her face! :) Double Bonus!
The love bug.
My Hottie!