Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Candy Nails - Good Enough to Eat!

I have recently been helping a friend with a Design Project, where she was a creating a point of sale display for Topshop's Pastel Polishes - the theme was "sweeties" and I was enlisted to help with the nail art designs! One of the sets that I painted used real hundreds and thousands that were glued to the nail, just like you would with Nail Art Beads.

I started by painting each nail a different pastel shade, then adding a thin layer of nail glue to one corner of the  nail. I then licked my index finger on the opposite hand, dipped it in hundreds and thousands, then dabbed them lightly onto the wet nail glue:

I know I don't usually do Nail Art on falsies (you can see they don't fit well at ALL haha) but this project called for it! I actually find it easier to paint nails if they're attached to my fingers...who knew?! Would you ever put edible decorations on your nails for everyday wear?

Don't forget you can still vote for me in the Bundle Monster Facebook Competition! Click HERE to vote for this design! It only takes one click! :)

Leave me comments, I love to read them!

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bundle Monster Facebook Competition - My Vintage Roses Design!

Hi Everyone!

I use Bundle Monster Stamping Plates to aid my Nail Art designs all the time and you may remember this design from a few weeks ago where I used their vine and rose images to create a Vintage Rose Design!

Click the image to be taken to the competition entries!

Bundle Monster are having a competition over on their Facebook Page to win their new set of image plates and although I am not going to ask you to vote for me, I will ask you to head over and check out some of the incredible designs so you can make your own mind up! You can vote for and entry once per day until the 13th of May. If you think my vintage rose design deserves some recognition, I would love to see you give it a vote! :)

All it takes is one click! Either click the image above or HERE to be taken to my contest entry, where you can browse through many others - remember you get one vote per day, so you can vote for as many as you like!

Thanks so much to anyone who votes, let me know on the comments if you do and I can check out your blog and add you to the blogroll! I really need to add some more talent on to it! :D

Monday, 23 April 2012

Konad Nail Art - Musical Notes!


I really like how this manicure came out, I don't use my Konad plates nearly often enough, there are some adorable images on them but I tend to steer towards Bundle Monster. I started with a base of this creamy nude polish from Claire's Accessories, then sponged on Barry M Gold Foil sporadically onto the nail. I then used Konad Black Special Polish to stamp the sheet music image from Konad Image Plate M73. I added a coat of Seche Vite, cleaned up my cuticles with a cotton bud and nail polish remover (sponging is meesssyyy!) and VOILA:

So there it is...I think the gold sponging and cream base kind of make it look ye olde, like an old musical transcript haha! It's definitely one I'd do again, I love the image. Although it seems like there's only really one thing you can do with it, there are actually tons of possibilities! Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Rose Nail Art - Bundle Monster Stamping

Good Evening Everyone!

I have a top with this print on, and wondered if it would translate well onto the nail. I like how it came out and it also looks lovely in other colour combinations! I started with a base of Sparkle and Fade light grey and stamped the vine image from BM20 with Barry M Mushroom. I then added some raspberry "blobs" using Nails Inc Piccadilly before stamping the rose image from BM14 with MUA Medium Pink.

I topped it off with a slick of Seche Vite and voila! Sophisticated floral mani in muted tones! Let me know what you think!