Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mother's Day from a busy bee!
4:27 PM
There is so much happening in my life right now, that I haven't had time to even think about writing.
Right after G was born, so about 2 months ago, Honey's boat started getting ready for Sea Trials. They've been in the Shipyard for almost a year, and it's basically crunch time. Honey started working insane hours, and we rarely got to see him. All of a sudden, I was a single mom of 2 under 2. Let me tell you, those were some of the hardest weeks of my life. Honey was leaving at 6 am and not getting home until almost 9 pm most nights. Most weeks he only saw Katie for about 20 minutes every few days, and none of us were dealing very well. Especially me.
Some things fell into place where it became possible for my mom to come help me for a while. It was initially supposed to be for the "two more weeks" that Honey would have awful work hours. Then one day he came home and said "It's not going to get better." I almost cried at those words, but I made plans instead. We asked Mom to stay for a full month, and made plans for me, KB and G to leave with her. This puts us leaving Hawaii a full month before Honey. I wasn't happy about that, but I had two options: I could be in Hawaii without him, or anyone else helping me, or I could be in Mississippi without him, but with family and friends to help me. Needless to say, I chose to move back to the Mainland.
So in this last month, we've packed out our house, cleaned it and moved into the TLF at Hickam AFB. Our stuff is officially on it's way to Tennessee, and we will follow in two days. Honey is moving in with some of the single JO's, and I know he'll have a good time -- occasionally, when he isn't at work.
People keep asking me if I'm excited, and I'm not sure how to answer. I am THRILLED to be leaving the boat, but sad to be leaving some of the people that are attached to the City of Corpus Christi. I am sad, sad, sad to be leaving Hawaii, but excited for the time we'll have with our family and friends in Tennessee. I am more than a little excited for Honey to have a normal work schedule. Dinner with my husband every night?! How extraordinary!
So here we are in the TLF, which, by the way, is fantastic. Friends in Hawaii, you have to remember to check Hickam when you are PCSing out. For $65 a night we are in a 2 bedroom fully furnished town house! We're talking a full kitchen with a dishwasher (!!!) and a full sized washer and dryer. A-mazing! And have I told anyone that it has AC?? After a full year of no air conditioning, this is bliss.
And now I finish out this over-due post with a picture from this morning. This was the first Mother's Day that I got to spend with my own mom since I became a Mommy myself. It was lovely.
Right after G was born, so about 2 months ago, Honey's boat started getting ready for Sea Trials. They've been in the Shipyard for almost a year, and it's basically crunch time. Honey started working insane hours, and we rarely got to see him. All of a sudden, I was a single mom of 2 under 2. Let me tell you, those were some of the hardest weeks of my life. Honey was leaving at 6 am and not getting home until almost 9 pm most nights. Most weeks he only saw Katie for about 20 minutes every few days, and none of us were dealing very well. Especially me.
Some things fell into place where it became possible for my mom to come help me for a while. It was initially supposed to be for the "two more weeks" that Honey would have awful work hours. Then one day he came home and said "It's not going to get better." I almost cried at those words, but I made plans instead. We asked Mom to stay for a full month, and made plans for me, KB and G to leave with her. This puts us leaving Hawaii a full month before Honey. I wasn't happy about that, but I had two options: I could be in Hawaii without him, or anyone else helping me, or I could be in Mississippi without him, but with family and friends to help me. Needless to say, I chose to move back to the Mainland.
So in this last month, we've packed out our house, cleaned it and moved into the TLF at Hickam AFB. Our stuff is officially on it's way to Tennessee, and we will follow in two days. Honey is moving in with some of the single JO's, and I know he'll have a good time -- occasionally, when he isn't at work.
People keep asking me if I'm excited, and I'm not sure how to answer. I am THRILLED to be leaving the boat, but sad to be leaving some of the people that are attached to the City of Corpus Christi. I am sad, sad, sad to be leaving Hawaii, but excited for the time we'll have with our family and friends in Tennessee. I am more than a little excited for Honey to have a normal work schedule. Dinner with my husband every night?! How extraordinary!
So here we are in the TLF, which, by the way, is fantastic. Friends in Hawaii, you have to remember to check Hickam when you are PCSing out. For $65 a night we are in a 2 bedroom fully furnished town house! We're talking a full kitchen with a dishwasher (!!!) and a full sized washer and dryer. A-mazing! And have I told anyone that it has AC?? After a full year of no air conditioning, this is bliss.
And now I finish out this over-due post with a picture from this morning. This was the first Mother's Day that I got to spend with my own mom since I became a Mommy myself. It was lovely.
Labels:Family,Hawaii,Mommyhood,Sub Wife Life | 1 comments
Monday, May 7, 2012
MilSpouse Friday Fill-In #71
11:16 PM
1. What’s one thing in the past month you would have changed?
- I can't think of anything that I would have changed in April, to be honest. Things are falling into place exactly as they should be, whether I'm ready for them or not.
2. What was your favorite thing that happened in April?
- My mom came to spend a few weeks with us to help me with the babies and help me get ready to move back to Tennessee.
3. What are your plans for Memorial Day?
- I haven't thought anywhere near that far ahead yet. I'll be in Mississippi visiting family and getting ready to move into our new house!
4. Have you ever traveled Space A? If yes, where... if no, would you ever try it?
- I am a Space A expert! I love the program, and I think it's one of the best benefits we have as military spouses, especially those of us who are overseas and can fly without our sponsors. I actually flew Space A long before I was a MilSpouse. My Stepmom is active duty AF, and Dad is retired. Our entire family (7 of us!) flew Space A to Germany right after I graduated college. Since becoming a MilSpouse myself, I've flown between Guam, Hawaii, and California numerous times, and then from Mississippi to Maryland and back again. Go do it! And if you have questions, feel free to ask!
5. What are you looking forward to in May?
- While I'm not looking forward to leaving my Honey behind, I am looking forward to getting back to Mississippi. We have a new house to get into, family and friends to visit, etc. And speaking of friends to visit, my very best friend will have her first baby, a boy, this month! I'm so, so very excited for her and I can't wait to meet little Samuel!
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