Sunday, July 10, 2011

We did not get eaten by bears...

When Trav told me he wanted to go camping a few weeks ago, I started worrying like crazy about bears and other hungry critters out there that would naturally want to eat us. When I realized he was serious about going, I started freaking out even more about wild animals attacking my children and never being seen alive again. We went online and tried preparing for every animal attack none to man, but that was terrifying as well!
After realizing bears were not the threat nor in this area, I calmed down enough to get us packed and ready to venture out into the wilderness for a weekend. I talked to my brother, who just moved from the area we were planning on staying in and he reassured me that we would be fine. I borrowed a few supplies from my Mother- in- law and Friday at 3:45- we were off!
We had a WoNDEFUL time too! Me included! See, I may actually surprise you here, but I can live without the following for a few days: my cell phone, couponing, bubble baths, make up, my vaccuum cleaner, my comfy bed, The Office re runs, the computer and Windex. The thing about me is- I can adjust to anything. I may not want to do something- but I can deal with it. I love and appriciate the wilderness and all it's beauty- but I'm not crazy about all the dirt, germs and creatures living in it. Even with that said, I can handle it and make it fun, which is exactly what I did!
I may have had dirt under my finger nails and in my neck crease- but I survived, had a great time, and look forward to our next camping trip!
(And you better belive I brought my Clorox wipes to the nasty toilet there and wiped things down!!)

It was great to watch Trav hike up in the mountain for fire wood with the kids trailing behind him. It was fun to sit by the fire and roast marshmallows while trying to wipe away the stickyness with just a baby wipe. It was wonderful to watch the girls catching dragonflies and Tristin playing in the dirt and building camp fires. It was relaxing, beautiful and nice to get away from normal life and do something different and challenging- and camping with kiddos is very much a challenge. Just packing for the event wore me out! Take everything you need for camping and times it by 6 and the van fills up pretty quickly! The kids did really well though and had a lot of fun. We had tin foil dinners & hot dogs for dinners and eggs, pancakes, sausage, fruit, yogurt & cereal for breakfasts. Lunch included Cup of noodles, PB & J sandwiches and lots of snacks.
It was nice to return home and take showers and wash 7 loads of laundry- but it was great to get out and hike and be in the wilderness for a few days too. I was delighted to only see: birds, ants, spiders, bees, beetles and mosquitos and grateful that the mean, mean bears stayed far, far away!

No training wheels for Daisy...

Much to my surprise, while Dad was visiting, he helped Daisy learn to ride her bike!!! (Trav had been helping too, off & on!) She ADORES it now and rides every second she can- it's pretty cute to see her and all that independance now!

G-pa & Aunt Helene come for a visit...

I love it when my dad & Aunt helene come out to visit. It means the world to me and I love our time together. We always eat pizza, play with the kids, stay up too late talking, eat ice cream and try to do something fun. We went bowling this this time and everyone enjoyed it. We went through family pictures and genelogy papers and made copies for Aunt Helene, we took the kids to the bank & dollar store, ate lunch at the park, went metal dececting, had a yummy BBQ, and visited. Thank you so much for coming guys- we love you both so much!!!


Awhile back, we won a raffel package & in it was 5 coupons for bowling! What a perfect FREE activity! Everyone had lots of fun and it was pretty adorable watching the kids!

Metal detecting at the park...

The kids love it when G-pa brings his metal detector with him when he comes to visit. He always takes them to the park to find treasure. The other kids playing at the park were glued to him too! My dad is amazing with kids. and is always explaining & teaching them about what he's doing- they loved it!