For Mom's 60th, my brother, Jesse got Mom 2 tickets to see Oprah at her "life you want weekend". Mom invited me right after she found out about it and the planning began! My friend Dee, let us stay in her time share for 2 nights and it was beautiful! It was just a few blocks from the montarail, so the first night we took that and then walked to Key Arena. The flight over went great- Mom & Brent picked me up and I couldn't believe I was somewhere without my kiddos! We picked up a burger before Brent dropped us off at our hotel. We unpacked our stuff and then spent the next few hours relaxing before the first night began. Oprah spoke the entire time and it was amazing! She was so uplifting, so inspiring and so honest. It was emotional, it was energy filled and often sad to reflect on where I felt I was lacking. I took notes, agreed to make changes and sat next to my beautiful Mama as we experienced everything together. The 2nd day was great too! We took a taxi in, We spent a few minutes collecting free stuff in O town and found where to get our magic bracelets. We took our seats again ( which were the best seats ever!!!)and spent the rest of the day listening to more amazing speakers. There were workshop moments spent in our books, loud music blarring during intermission, a boxed lunch that we enjoyed and then more uplifting hours before it ended. It was the greatest weekend ever. We got to see Eli & Cindy the last night and Jesse & Sara the first night. We went to Dick's burgers, drove to the look out point in Queen Ann, and I was even carded for the firs time at a fun little resturant. I didn;t want to go home, but Sunday morning came and my sweet family drove almost 2 hours to pick me up,so I had to return. I loved every second with Mom. Oprah was breath taking, real, motivating and really funny. Her team was inspirational and taught life changing principals. It will forever be one of my fondest memories with my dear Mama who was so kind to share it with me. Thank you Mom for the greatest weekend!