Saturday, April 11, 2009

All I need is a pool or a sticker

Since this week was warm for two days I thought Teagan needed to go swim suit shopping. Usually I hate this kind of shopping. Standing in a poorly lit dressing room with socks on staring at your pasty winter body... Yuck  Now it's awesome I just skip my whole swim suit sections stroll on over to Teagan's clothing area and there are so many choices I just can't decide.
Not that this story has any thing to do with swimming I just think it's funny. At Teagan's 9 month check up she had an ear infection. So we get her on the oh so tasty bubble gum medicine. Two weeks go by and she's doing great I think, till she stops eating solids. I feed her and she takes a bite and then acts like she's choking, this happened for about 3 days. I kept looking in her mouth to see if there is anything in there and notice that she might have thrush because I see some white spots on the roof of her mouth. 

I move up her follow up Dr. appointment from friday to monday. So after she gets a clean check on her ears our Dr. asks about the thrush. I tell him that it's on the roof of her mouth, he tells me it doesn't usually show up there. So he takes his tongue depressant scraps the top of her mouth... Oh out comes a clear plastic sticker with white lint stuck to it... oops Sorry Dr. Havlik I swear I watch her and clean my floors... I was so embarrassed, Her "thrush" was a sticker with lint on it stuck to her mouth for like 4 days. So I went home and cleaned my floors.
One more thing Teagan is turning into a vampire. No not the kind that sparkle in the sun light. The ones with fangs because those are the teeth that just broke through. Either that or a little girl that lost her 2 front teeth. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Blow dryer?

I know a lot of you have wondered about Teagan's hair. If it really sticks up on it's own or if I style it that way. 

Well here is our secret. A little time in front of the heat vents and walaa. I know it sounds enticing try it!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Here's To 3 Years

You wake up do your life routine go to bed, wake up same thing, you all know the drill. Then those special days come up that make you stop and appreciate where you are in life. With today being our anniversary I woke up had tons of laundry to do, Teagan thought it would be fun to pull the grumpy card, calls to return, and a nasty snow storm to watch. I was about ready to not even think that today was special, and just dismiss the fact that I should be excited that today 3 years ago on a nasty snowy day Devin and I got married. So now with my laundry started, Teagan sleeping, my calls taken care of. I wanted to appreciate today and not let it get caught up in my routine. So here's to another great year! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

7 Month Wrap Up

As I was sitting on the couch today watching Teagan. I think back on the last month as she will be 8 months old tomorrow (the 20th), and so much has happened. I almost can't believe it all.
 First Teagan is crawling, yes life as I know it is over.  She is dang funny to watch. Basically she pulls herself with her arms, but gets up on one knee to sort of help the process. When she gets to the desired location she squeals out with glee knowing that she is there, and is so proud of herself. 

Here she is loving pulling down the dvds, and what does a first time mom do... Grab the camera and document her first mess. So cute, now it's time to see what other trouble she will be able to get herself in.

Second she sprouted her two new friends, her teeth. You have to look carefully but on the bottom there they are. She loves to run her tongue along them, bite fingers, necklaces, toys, books, her dad's face, hair. Well she did before, but now it hurts. 

Thankfully they busted through close together so our teething days didn't last very long. At least this round of teeth. 
Lastly sass, no she is not a monster just getting an attitude. Basically she dares me to take toys away from her. The wrath/screams soon follow. Really what's a girl to do. She works so hard to get to stuff, and I just take it away.  If I could only learn to keep things out of reach that she can't have we would have less tude and more giggles. How great is this picture angry Teagan so funny. 

With all the highs and lows I still love watching Teagan grow and progress. There is nothing like experiencing these milestones with your own kid. I LOVE being a mom. Even when Teagan falls off the bed twice in one week, and I feel like I've totally failed her. Well I guess this is the month of a lot of firsts, sorry Teagan that falling off the bed had to be part of them. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hug It out T.

For those of you that know Teagan, you know that she doesn't hold still. Especially, when you try to hug her. When she was just days old, I would cherish the moments when she was sleeping for many reasons.  The main reason I valued that time is because I could actually cuddle with her. A few day ago, the unthinkable happened. I don't know if Teagan was just really distracted for a few minutes or if she really needed her mom, but it happened. I picked up my rambunctious 7 almost 8 month old, and we stood  in the kitchen hugging... I loved every second of it and at that moment life was perfect.  Thanks Teagan, I forgive you for the 14 disgustly colorful diapers you did later that day. 

Saturday, January 31, 2009

TV Junkie

I could give you lots of reasons why I've been a mega blog slacker, but it really comes down to the old boob tube.  This time of year seems to really fill up the, heaven sent, DVR. Thanks to the Jazz game right now I have a sec to update. Just to give you an Idea of my busy schedule I listed it below. You truly have to train to keep up with this rigorous TV regimen.

The City
Daddy's Girls 
Don't judge me because I'm addicted to MTV. Bromance way funny don't knock it till you watch it. 

American Idol
Biggest Loser
Due to schedule conflicts we have to catch scrubs at one of our parents house sometimes. Or would it be bad to have two DVRs. One for me and one for Devin...

American Idol
Real World
Kind of a slow night, but I do work Tuesday and Wednesday so we always have to catch up on other nights.

Kath and Kim
The  Office
30 Rock
Best night of the week!

Catch up from the week's missed shows. Did I mention how much I love our DVR, Red Box, or a great classic on the movie channels. Last week Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead was on. Devin amazed me by quoting along with it.


Brothers and Sisters
Tool Academy 
Yes Tool Academy I almost don't want to admit to this, Devin got me hooked. 

Can't forget about my daily dose of Gilmore Girls. I don't know what it is about the show I've seen all the episodes, but I just can't seem to get enough!

Don't worry I don't neglect Teagan, I still clean my house, and keep my spirit happy with healthy doses of the good word. I just like to watch TV.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

baby Teagan

Teagan can you believe that 1. you are 7 months old and 2. at seven months you wake up with the greatest bed head ever!  We love it, and also how great is your sleepy face.