
I-6: Legend of the Mornellys- Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine In which Breandan explains to Sean their past and how they came to be what they are now “Now, there are some things I need to explain to you.” Breandan sat down on a rock, Aileen sitting next to him. Sean looked around uncomfortably, then chose a spot on the grass to sit across from the two. “First off, I realize that this is all very confusing. You remember me now, don’t you?” Sean nodded. Breandan had to smile a little. At least he does remember me a bit. It could be heard to let go of the fact that most children would forget the adventures the Mornellys had with them. Sean apparently hadn’t lost all his memories, yet. It was comforting to know he’d made a bit of a difference in the boy’s life.

Bookshelf Tag!

Well hello everyone! I was tagged in the "Bookshelf tag" by the wonderful Blessing Counter. Thank you so much for tagging me, Blessing, I really wanted to try this! :D So here we go, it's time to learn about my bookshelf!

I-6: Legend of the Mornellys- Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight In which Sean is rescued- again- by the Mornellys He couldn’t believe it. Oh, how could he have been so stupid? Then again, it wasn’t really his fault. Who would have known that Sheriff Ian McDonald and this highwayman were brothers? I could have at least taken a hint and noted they looked alike. Sean sat in the cell and listened as the two brothers argued over his fate. Maine’s five other men waited around, some fiddling with their knives and others chewing on what he assumed to be tobacco. He realized that all of them looked very tired and quite beat up- a result no doubt of their encounter with the Mornelly boys. I’ve just about had it with brothers today.

I-6: Legend of the Mornellys- Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven In which it is decided it’s time to tell the sheriff about the highwaymen, since they haven’t done that yet It was decided that Sean needed to be the one to tell the sheriff of the small village about the highwaymen. Bran insisted that, since Sean was the only one who belonged in this area, he needed to be the one who told the law about what happened. “They may not believe six strangers,” Aichear had added. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” “Besides, we kinda look like highwaymen ourselves.” CiarĂ¡n had gestured to the overcoats they’d donned and the hats they’d acquired. “I wouldn’t trust myself.”

I-6: Legend of the Mornellys- Chapter Six

Chapter Six In which Sean is beginning to question his sanity One of the strangers had brought a pack of matches and a candle to light up the cave, having kept them dry in a thing he called a zip-lock bag. Whatever that was. The light was welcomed by both parties, though, and for the first time Sean got a look at his rescuer’s faces.

I-6: Legend of the Mornellys- Chapter Five

Chapter Five In which the other three Mornellys show up and Sean makes a discovery It became pretty clear early on in the brawl that the three youngest Mornelly brothers had bit off more than they could chew. Clearer still was the fact that these six men had weapons, and they, unfortunately, did not. It was with little joy and excitement they accepted the aid of two figures who appeared out of nowhere and joined the fight, pummeling the opponents right and left. Their sheepishness turned to downright embarrassment when they realized just who had come to their rescue.

Sisterhood Award!

I was given the sisterhood award from my wonderful friend and sister in Christ, Jesseca Dawn from Whimsical Writings. Thank you soooooooooo much Jesseca! (Emphasis on the thank you! :D I am so excited!) This really means a lot to me. So here are the rules: -Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. -Put the award logo on your blog. -Answer the ten questions sent to you -Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. -Nominate ten blogs. Okay, here are my answers!