Sunday, October 25, 2009


I whipped this board up in about 5 minutes with some extra scraps I had laying around. I probably won't keep this for me cuz it will make a cute gift for some one but I had to put pictures on it to get the feel for it.

Now this project was another quickie about 10 minutes start to finish. I had leftover sheet metal from our calendars we made and when I saw this I had to make one. I got the idea for this on, another one of my many craft queen blogs that I stalk. I made this in mind as a gift to have on hand but it turned out pretty dang cute I may have to keep it or make another one for me. I love having crafts made and ready for gifts when you need one.

My little man looking extra cute in his Sunday clothes

What a stud!

Happy guy with the remote of coarse, Sarah he loved the remote you got him and we took it every where and lost the dang thing. I will have to buy another one now cuz he loves to play with the remotes.

This is from this morning before church. He is now 9 months old and his growing too big too fast. His new favorite thing is to stand up like this on the furniture. He still is not crawling and just loves to roll every where. He has really developed an attitude and will throw little tantrums by throwing his head back and arching his back. It's pretty funny though. He loves food now especially big people food. He ate a whole cheese crisp the other day. He is saying mama all day now especially when he is crying for me to pick him up. Ya, cute at first but not so cute when he is so clingy now. He is getting his second tooth in on the top this time. It's on the same side as his bottom so it will look pretty funny. I love this little guy so much and can't wait for his Daddy to get home and get to know him.

mad at mom for turning him this way for a picture

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crafts and babies

The latest craft we have been working on is an adapted version of the "cookie sheet calendar"
found here at
Check out her blog she has a lot of cute ideas, especially if you love paper like I do. This project turned out to be a little more work than we expected, mainly because we decided to go all out. Luckily next time when I do another one of these babies I will have my new Klic-n-Kut die cutter that I just ordered (yes I am so excited about this). So these will be easy peasy. Stephanie's is almost done and looking super cute and Leah's is done but forgot to take picture's. 4 crafters and 3 babies is fun and crazy for sure. We bought all our frames to redo at DI and the metal sheets from Home Depot. If you want the dimensions for all the chip board pieces just email me at and I can give them to you or go wonderfullywhimsy if you are making one on a cookie sheet.
This one I made for my mom to replace her Geese wooden one circa 1990's, haha

This is Natalie's finished project we worked on minus she has to put up her picture

close up of my mom's days

Some of the extra holiday's and months stored on the back

This is Bentley's bow holder Lean and I surprised Nat with, the picture doesn't do it justice for how cute it is
This is what the babies did while we crafted, oh and cried some when ever Harlee would talk which was quite funny
Jace and his girlfriends

Life is great

Conference Weekend

hanging out with Grandpa

making hats, Jace is cute in his

Jace was playing on the floor while I was crafting and making lots of whiny noises, he got all quiet and when I looked down he was like this. Silly boy, he is fascinated with tags and string and ties

fell sleep in his new big boy high chair, yes it's true he finally figured out how to climb out of the bumbo, that chair got us through many days of happy play time