Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jace 8 month old pics

There are so many cute ones it's hard to pick but here are a few of my favs.

LOVE you Jace man

Monday, September 28, 2009

fall crafts

Turn THIS and.....


and THIS into......


a close up

I found these adorable pumpkin tutorials on http://thediyshowoff.blogspot.com, one of my new favorite blogs that I stalk. here is the link http://thediyshowoff.blogspot.com/2009/09/week-1-diy-show-off-fall-festival.html
p.s. check out her blog it's amazing and she even put up my pumpkins
The only thing I did different was instead of spritzing the pumpkins with the brown I just rubbed them all over with a paper towel wadded up.
The fabric pumpkins are so easy to make and I think turned out pretty cute. I found the tutorial for those on http://thesimplewife.typepad.com.
The silver dish and the candlesticks I bought at Savers and spray painted those with the same metallic paint.

This fall wreath I made and got the idea from http://www.livingwithlindsay.com and I had to swap out my A for a B so I could hang it on my parents front door. I bought my wreath for a $1.50 at Savers and ripped off the old ribbon and the rest of the stuff I bought at Hobby Lobby and Joann's. I can't wait to do a dreamy Christmas wreath.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hat Day

I had to post these cuz they are just too adorable. I was trying to get pictures with his hat on but he hates to leave it on. We distracted him with letting him play with my camera and my mom quickly snapped these cute shots.

my fav

Baby tooth

sideways hat

backwards hat

Friday, September 18, 2009

Trip to Las Cruces

We just got back from a trip to Las Cruces to see my sister Lacey and her family. We had tons of fun. We watched the kids sing a duet in church for their primary program, went to Carlsbad Caverns, made lots of hair clips and jewelry, went bowling, and of coarse played some Rook.

He thought it would be cool to pretend drive and honk the horn with his belly

Sitting up like a big boy at the bowling alley

Bowling was fun even when you suck really bad

Lacey and I about to head down the caverns. My mom took Grady and Jace down the elevator then I put Jace on my back for the hike at the bottom of the caves.

Ally and I in the caves

The caves were so much cooler than I thought they would be. It was huge inside and had some really crazy looking stuff down there.

Jace loving the backpack

I realized as I was hiking that he went quiet, I took a pic of us and he was out. His poor head was bobbing around as we walked. I guess he didn't mind though.

This is the boob rock, haha I had to take a picture

On the drive home he was entertaining himself by doing this. I am so glad he does well in the car.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Dear Doctors,

I don't care what you say, teething does cause all sorts of problems such as; runny nose, congestion, fever, watery/glazed eyes, and not to mention the normal grouchy, clingy, sad and of coarse sleepless nights. In conclusion, Jace cut his first tooth on Wednesday. He has never in his entire almost 8 months of life been congested or had a runny nose until the night he starts cutting a tooth. The whole tooth has broken through, now we wait for the next.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The last month

He fell asleep sitting up in his swing while it was swinging too, I had to take a picture. It was too cute.

Trip to Home Depot and finally sitting up in the cart

Still loves to sleep in the swing

Kamryn had a birthday and she turned the big 8, she gets to get baptized in 2 weeks.

Grady and Porter looked so cute sitting on their little chairs watching a movie on the little TV

Laughing at his Meme

Hanging out at the fish tank with Justin, and yes he is in a diaper about to get his pj's on

Can you tell how much this kid loves Leah, seriously

Helping mom do laundry

Girls night, ate way too much and stayed up way too late = a successful night

Jace and Maggie

His new game he plays is being shy and burying his head into the ground or when you are holding him, it's so cute

I busted out one of his toothbrushes and now he loves to chew on this thing

Falling asleep with his fingers in his mouth

Cousins taking a bath together in the sink, it started out just Jace and Porter insisted on joining

He also now gives kisses but they are definitely open mouth kisses

Totally getting a kick out of Porter playing peek-a-boo with him