Friday, June 19, 2009

Crafts and fun with Jace man

Well, since Jonathan went back to Iraq after his R&R I have been keeping my self busy with crafts and of coarse my little man Jace. Here is what we have been up to as of late.

Mini Scrapbook Albums, this one isn't done yet. It still needs the stamping and the journal entries done.

These are those board book scrapbooks. I recommend them to all you scrapbookers. You take any old children's book that has the cardboard pages and then rip out the pages and begin your own scrapbook. I have a whole pile from goodwill (50 cents on half day) that are awaiting my many pictures I printed from traveling in Europe.
I also attended my very first Bead Diva party, it happened to be down the street from our bunko night so we all hit it up. This is my first ever necklace I made. They had so many cute beads it was hard to choose, but I love how it turned out. I then had to head to Michael's to buy some of my own beads to create more, I couldn't resist.

I might have a new obsession, BEADS

Aren't they cute

This project I saw on a blog for cool wall art. I gave it a shot for my Mom's wall with some of our Europe pictures from their 3 week visit with me.
These are done on Styrofoam boards with spray adhesive and ribbon for the sides. It was a bit more of a pain than expected but that's cuz my pictures didn't all lay smooth. but not bad for a first attempt at these.

Sarah I finally finished his name blocks for above his crib. Don't ask me if they are hanging though. Thanks for talking me into this paper, I love the finished product.

my cousin Heidi's 1 year old next to Jace at almost 5 months

playing around with my new nail polish pens on my nieces toes

Today I was getting ready on the floor below Jace and noticed he got really quiet. I looked up to see he had fallen asleep on his changing table, which by the way he loves sitting up here by the mirrors.

This is usually how you will find Jace, fingers in his mouth sucking away

We tried out the johnny jump up, he wasn't thrilled about it yet. I am hoping he will enjoy it more when he gets bigger cuz I loved mine when I was a baby

Jace hanging out with his cousins making signs for Uncle Scott

Porter man and Jace. He loves Jace so much and always wants to hold him and sit by him. It's cute.

Jace meeting my cousin Regan's baby, Winston, for the first time. They had a blast on the floor.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Scotts Home!

My little brother Scott got home from his mission in the Dominican Republic on Thursday. It was such a fun and exciting night for the family. We have been hanging out with fam all weekend and he speaks in church tomorrow. We are so proud of him for serving a two year mission. These boys really do sacrifice a lot to serve the lord.

What a stud

My mom ran to get the first hug of coarse

Some of the nieces and nephews waiting for Uncle Scott

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Meeting Dad

I know these are kinda late but I got these pics from my sis in law Sarah and am just getting around to posting them. This is at the airport when we all went and picked up Jonathan. This was such an amazing day for our little family since it was the first time he was able to meet our son Jace. I was already emotional before he even came out especially since there was another lady standing right next to me with her 3 month old son waiting for her husband to get off the plane too from Iraq. By the way her name was also Emily, how crazy is that!

The whole gang waiting his arrival
See the other lady with her baby waiting too

He couldn't walk fast enough

Seeing Jace for the first time

At last