Monday, June 23, 2008

Only cuz it's you Leah!

Here Goes: How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names....

3 Joys:
1. My Nieces and Nephews
2. TV Junkie
3. My family and friends
1. Answering the phone when Jon is in Iraq (freaks me out big time)
2. Being a passenger in a car when driving in the mountains by cliffs (drives Jon nuts)
3. Losing a loved one (especially my mom)
3 Goals:
1. Striving to be as good a mom as mine was
2. Would love to take some college classes (English or writing)
3. Not to be so hard on myself
3 Current obsessions/collections:
1. Bachelorette ( love this show and love Jesse)
2. Picking out baby names
3. Reading (Just finished The Host by Stephenie Meyer which I enjoyed and would recommend and now am reading Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner, which is interesting to read while Pregnant.
3 Random/Surprising Facts about yourself:
1. I paint my toenails then chip it off and repaint them nearly every other day.
2. I am OCD about making calenders and writing details in for each day and then crossing off each day. Plus I love making To Do Lists and crossing off the accomplished tasks.
3. I remember every dream I have when I wake up including nearly every detail. Last nights dream consisted of Leah, Jo, Chelsea, Stephanie and I in the mountains going down these huge mud slides where I then had to hurry up to my doc appointment with my mom and I arrived covered in mud. Oh, and I gave Jo my cell phone to hold and then immediately took it back and handed it to Stephanie saying "Jo I just don't want you to lose it" where she then laughed and agreed. It was filled with plenty of other random details that I will spare you. But if you ever want a good laugh I'll tell ya about my crazy dreams.

I tag, Lacey, Sarah Kay, Sarah Cox, Mary Palmer

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pics from the trip


Beautiful Interlaken, Switzerland

Driving through the Alps

"In Loving Memory of the Beloved Bikes"

La Cinque Terre

Love the buildings in the Cinque

The most unusual sleeping arrangement in a Hostel I've ever experienced. It's always fun when you wake up next to old hairy legs and a French dude farting throughout the morning. These beds were so weird how they were all connected. Usually you at least get some privacy with a normal bunk bed.
The view from our Hostel room was worth it though!

My studly husband waiting in line at the ATM.

Jo climbing behind the waterfall. Switzerland is so gorgeous with so many waterfalls.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Wow" is all I can say!

So, we arrived safe and sound from our travels and for the most part had a great time. We did however have the fun experience of getting both our mountain bikes stolen in Nice. Nice was the last stop on our trip and had arrived at the parking garage but with our bikes on top we didn't fit. So, we parked the bikes by all the other bikes and locked them up. We were only gone 30 to 45 minutes to park the car and take our luggage to our room. But, we came back to get the bikes and someone had snipped the lock and taken both bikes. It wouldn't be so bad except Jon's bike was his pride and joy that he spent a near whopping 3,000 dollars on and when you include my 800 dollar Specialized we are now out like 4G. Then the next day Jon lost his 300 dollar watch in the ocean when it was knocked off by Jon who thought it would be a good idea to do a handstand trick into the water. There was a group of like 15 year olds from Prague who thought he was big stuff or something cuz they were surrounding him asking him questions about the Army and stuff. One of the little girls was quite "into him" and lets just say that the conversations led to Jon doing backflips and handstand stuff into the water from a dock. Which then led to losing the precious watch. I had to laugh later because that's what you get when a 26 year old still thinks he is 18. haha gotta love the kid though. I will post some pics from our trip later. We leave again to travel with my Aunt and Uncle and can't wait for more adventures. Hopefully ones that aren't so harsh on the bank account.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

mini update

Still sick, had my first violent throw up and then some. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Sorry if I don't comment back to everyone. I basically haven't moved off the couch since Sunday. We leave on Friday for Switzerland, Italy then France so wish me luck. It should be very interesting traveling while feeling like crap. At least we are driving and can pull over to throw up. =)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

And it starts!

So, I had my official first day of being sick today. It was really no fun and felt like puking all day. I never actually threw up though just kept gagging and nearly throwing up. I had to get up a few times in church. So, needless to say by the end I had a few moms asking me if I was prego. I was shocked that it was that obvious. Anyway, wish me luck and please any tips on morning sickness would be great. I know they say to eat but every time I try to eat I feel worse and can barely get my food down with out losing it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

And then there was THREE!

So, I wasn't planning on announcing this yet besides to family but it seems like more people than I thought have heard the news through the grapevine. Yep, it's been confirmed Baby Anderson is on it's way ( in 9 long months that is). I am due Feb. 2nd and we are super excited to enter this new and scary phase of life.