Thursday, January 24, 2008


My sister and I took the girlies to the Hannah Montana Concert.
It was their gift from their Grandpa Paul. We had a blast and
the kids were in Hannah Heaven. It's insane how crazy huge she has become.
It was a fun night and watching the girls sing and dance was the greatest
thing ever.

During the Concert

As you can see we are up pretty dang high.
But it was worth seeing how excited the girls were!

They were singing and dancing up a storm,
it was hilarious!

Oh, and lets not forget the clapping.
The shrill screams of a sold out Hannah Montana
Concert is something you'll never forget.
Or at least my ears won't.

She was fighting it so hard to stay awake.
The poor thing just couldn't do it. After we got in the car on the way
home she said half asleep "I'm was tryin to take a nap but it's so noisy
in Hannah Betana." Then the next day she asked me if Hannah Betana knew
we were coming to see her. I love the things kids say. They are priceless.
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Can you say Hannah Montana!!!!!!!

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Photo Shoot before HANNAH MONTANA

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Photo Shoot before HANNAH MONTANA

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Since I've been home!!!

Devin is the funniest little thing.
She keeps me laughing.

Girl time with Auntie Em.

Such little divas!

How could you not love that face.
See why I miss my neices and nephews so much.
They are so dang adorable.
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Since I've been home!!!

The much needed trip to Cafe Rio!
I was craving this pork burrito so bad.

I think this is our favorite place for pics.

Kamryn tryin on my boots.

Morgan is such a great helper and little
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Since I've been home!!!!

Hangin with my girlies

I love this little man.

snuggle time with a book

missed her so much!

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

I'm Back!

One last picture of us together for the month. I am now home in AZ and it is great seeing everyone. I just wish my hott hubby was here with me. It's only been one day and I miss him so much. Good thing a month is easy breezy for us after the last 2 years of being apart. I love you babe, and despite what you might think I am missing you, even though it is nice being in AZ. Kinda bitter sweet I guess. My flight was tremendously long and exhausting. I was flying stand by and made my first connection but not the second one in Charlotte. Needless to say I woke up at 4:30 am and was traveling for about 18 hours yesterday. I'm on jet lag now and will be feelin it tonight since I couldn't sleep in. The weather here is amazing and it's so nice not having to bundle up to go any where. My first thing on the agenda for tomorrow is to hit up either Cafe Rio or Gecko Grill. Anybody want to join me?

Here are some pictures from Craig's baptism. It was a great night and was pretty cool seeing him so happy. We are so excited for him. Jonathan baptized him with a strong slam dunk into the water. When they came up one of the Missionaries said "so that's how the Army baptizes". It made quite a splash. Jon said afterwards he just wanted to make sure he went all the way under. But, all in all it was a good turn out and a wonderful experience for us.

Hangin with the boys!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Okay, I know these are the most hideous pictures you could possibly see, but I wanted you all to see what I do all day. Nothing, I get so bored I end up doing weird things like this and taking pics of it which is even worse. haha I am such a loser!

Final pics before I leave!

The first 2 pics are of the missionaries teaching one of the discussions to Craig at our house. His baptism is tomorrow and we are very excited for him. Him and Jonathan became friends in Iraq and Jon ended up pretty much giving him all the info on the church. Well, he ended up doing all his own research. Poor guy had to repeat with all the discussions since he already knew everything. The next pic is of Jonathan, Craig and Brad playing Halo 3 Live. Jon is addicted. Then Craig and Brad crammed in the back of our car on the way to church. Last is a pic of Jon and I with his friend Treavor and his girlfriend and her friend. We went to dinner and then came back to our place and had pazookie. Of coarse she is German and had never heard of pazookie. She instantly fell in love and thought it was the greatest thing ever. haha too funny