Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Messy Twist

Todays hair tutorial is similar to the Side Bun I posted the other day, but with a few “twists” get the pun, ok I am a dork I know. Some of the steps will be the same but what’s fun is getting a whole new look out of it. A lot of my hair-dos I do on myself start with the same steps so you will start to see some patterns here. And here it is…

Messy Twist



1. Sprinkle the dust it lightly at your roots for added texture and lift. With a flat iron or large curling iron add a few messy curls, no need to do the whole head (I used my chi flat iron). Tease the hair after done putting the curl in.

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2. Lightly twist the hair back loosely to one side and insert the bobby pin vertically into the twist in the back. I like to let my bang area hang loosely in the twist for a more romantic look.

hair pics

3. This time in the back I decided to do two twists below the top twist. So, I separated the hair in half that was left and did the middle twist then the bottom twist. Again securing the hair with one bobby pin for each twist. You will notice these are not tight twists and not the french twists either. It’s basically to keep the hair pinned to the side in a cute way.

IMG_1387 IMG_1384

4. Pin back the other side and secure with a bobby pin. I wasn’t real picky about how I pinned it knowing I wanted a messy look. At the end if you need to you can pull some of the hair down around your face and curl it again.


5. The fun part. Tease the hair left down and then grab it by the ends basically I just shimmy it around until I have the shape I want. Then just start pinning the messy bun with a few bobby pins. Do not over pin, the point is to be messy and not have every hair perfectly pinned down.


6. Hairspray and you are done! That little piece hanging down got recurled in the end and I curled it away from my face not towards. I like the maximum hold by Brocato for a strong finish.


Finished Look




Thanks for reading, now go and try it out I would love to see pictures.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Side bun

I have been wanting to do more hair and beauty related posts on my blog lately but haven’t gotten around to posting any. Please don’t judge my first hair tutorial, and feel free to give me pointers on how to make them better or easier to understand as I figure all this out. So here goes the first of hopefully many.

The Side Bun



1. Sprinkle the Dust it or any type of texturizing powder at the roots lightly. Makes getting that volume and poof much easier. 


2. Back comb (rat/tease) the hair to create fullness. Doesn’t need to be perfect. Oh and this is day 2 dirty hair by the way.


3. Decide which side you want to go to and softly twist it back and secure by putting one bobby pin up into the twist.


4. Take the remaining hair underneath the twist and create another twist below it and secure with another bobby pin. I used two because I have thicker hair.


5. Sweep the other side that isn’t twisted back keeping your poof in and place a bobby pin going vertically into the section. IMG_1356

6. Now take all the hair that is now pulled to one side and back comb it. It should be big and ratty looking so don’t be alarmed. Then for this look, just gather the hair in your hands and fan it backward into the shape you want. I secured the bun with one bobby pin at the top and one coming from the underneath. I let some pieces sprout out at the top and bottom but if you prefer you can keep them all tucked in. IMG_1354

7. And you are done! I also use the same steps if I want to do a messy side bun sometimes. Just by literally shoving bobby pins into the ratted mess to create a messy bun instead of fanning it backwards into a bun. Let me know if you try it out, I would love to see pictures. IMG_1350

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jace turns 3!

I need to get caught up with one birthday before the next one. We had a fun Toy Story birthday for Jace. He loves Buzz Lightyear so I couldn't resist. We decided to have a BBQ and rented a ramada at the Tumbleweed Park. It's such a cool park for the kids and besides being a little chilly it was lots of fun. I even made way too many cupcakes with my moms help. We attempted the aliens from Toy Story. They were cute but not as professional as the ones online of coarse. Jace is growing up so fast and I want time to slow down. He is getting so smart and keeps us laughing every day with his goofy comments. We love you so much buddy.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The first week of 2012


The first week of 2012 has been pretty eventful. Here are a few happenings thus far. Trip to the desert for some shooting. I took Grady, Jace and Luke on a walk. They had fun looking for the perfect rocks and observing the ants.


Grady’s 5th birthday party at the park

iphone pics

Heading to a reception. Jace wants to grow his hair out. I am so glad I decided to let him because I never would have found out about his adorable little curls he has. We will enjoy his cute mop until summer comes and we cut it short again.

New Years Eve


We kept it chill this year at my parents with some sparklers, games and sushi. However I did fall asleep and woke up at 11:57 to remind Jon I needed my kiss at midnight. I fell asleep before the clock hit 12, man was I tired.

Christmas 2011 in Utah

We had so much fun this year in Utah for Christmas. We did lots of playing including Temple Lights, Bouncy place, Way too much food, DI, Tai Pan, Movies and of coarse good, entertaining conversation. We all miss being close together but when we do get to see each other it makes it that much more special. We miss you all already!


BUrrrrrrr, it was cold at the Temple Lights and Jace was not happy about it at first.


Jace was so much fun this year and at a perfect age for Christmas celebrations. His face in the center picture says it all.


Uncle Nathan took us on a tour of his Station. Jace loved it and thought driving around on the fire truck was the best thing ever. He talked about it for days. Thanks Nate for the good time.


We decided to take a few family pictures while we were all together, these are just some I snapped on the side. Love all these cute kiddos.


Not sure where Mary was when I was snapping these, I am sad we didn’t get one together too.


Going through his stocking, he was super pumped about the Christmas tree peanut butter cups, that’s my boy. Those are my favorite too.


Luke is seriously at the best age and he is so much fun. Such a happy boy and I want to freeze time so my kids stay little forever, wah wah.


Obviously Luke was happy about his first Christmas.



Love my family so much



Love this picture of Jon and Luke


My favorite boys in the whole world



David and his precious little Bentley


Love this man and his family, I am so grateful for the amazing family he has. Thanks guys for a great Christmas we all had.

My 26th Bday

We celebrated my 26th by going to dinner with some friends and then Jon and I went to Target to finish up Christmas shopping. I started out my day with a trip to Last Chance with Becca and eating at the delicious LGO for the first time. My pizza was quite tasty. The day was perfect.


My ultra sexy husband
