Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Remember 5 months ago when it was December and I stopped blogging?  Well, I'm recommitting and plan on catching up again. 

My Aunt Jackie made these delicious cookies for us when we were kids and now she treats all of our kids to them.  I look forward to them every year. 

Where's Waldo Sunday

Hazie feeding herself and loving it.

Christmas Eve- We've adopted the Ditto's tradition of inviting a bunch of friends over and having everyone's favorites for a snacky/potluck supper.  Sage picked strawberries, Mila crackers and yummy cheeses, I picked veggies and dip, Ryan picked bean salsa & chips and Hazel picked grapes.

After eating, chatting and the kids making a royal mess in the toy room our friend organized all of the kids in the best, quick version of the Nativity puppet style.  Everyone was gone by 7 pm which was perfect leaving time for Christmas Eve traditions and bedtime.

Christmas Morn- The girls were up by 5 a.m. ecstatic reminding me perhaps the only benefit I see why my parents didn't raise us with Santa.... not as much anticipation. 

Santa brought Mila a vacuum.  It's all she wanted and was so excited.  Now I just wish the little elves made them to really work.  When we're cleaning the house she'll vacuum and is not only a bit offended by confused why I re-vacuum the rooms she's already done.

So glad I captured Sage's reaction when she opened her music box from Santa.  She had been DYING for a music box, talking about it non-stop.  It's been months now and she still talks about it all the time, shows every visitor and plays the music over and over. 

Hazel wasn't quite sure what to think of all the commotion.

She did however love her Santa gift of these stack-able bowls.

Part of being a parent is getting your the kids things you would've loved, right?  When I saw these personalized plates I had to get them.

Sage also got a Vet set from Baka and Pop Pop and both the girls have had so much fun playing with it.

Hazie quickly fell in love with her Zebra and now won't sleep without it.

For Christmas supper we had salmon, roasted broccoli and roasted potatoes.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Traveling Ted

Mila's preschool class has a special friend, Traveling Ted, who takes turns going to all of the classmates' homes for a week.  There is also a book where you journal what you did, add pictures and drawings.  You'd think Mila had won the lottery when it was her turn to bring home Ted. 

Bath time

Hazel is generally a very easy going girl.  The only time she really screams is if Mila is holding her longer than she wants or when we get her out of the bath.  The girls LOVE bath time together.


Saturday, December 28, 2013



This year we celebrated Halloween on a few different nights and so ironically on Halloween we put the least amount of effort into their costumes, makeup and hair.  The girls switched up their costumes every night from princesses, kitties to fairies... the best thing about a nice variety in our dress up box. 

We trick-or-treated with our next door neighbors, the Harrwoods, the exact opposites of us.  Each of our kids are a few months apart from each other.

Halloween Party #1 at our friends.  We had a potluck supper and some fun old-fashioned games like bobbing for apples and donuts on a string.  The girls loved it.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

First Day of School

My Kindergartener.  Our Sage is growing up so fast.  We loved her excitement about going to school.  Her teacher, Mrs. Chamberlin, was due a month after school started so she had a fun month with her and until her sub, Mrs. Crary, took over.  Both have been fantastic and she adores them both.

Ami (my mom) embellished this backpack.  She made/sewed everything that isn't the actual backpack.  Isn't it adorable?  Everyday when I drop her off and pick her up I love the little reminder of my mom I get.

Mila.  My sweet Mila is just a doll.  Her smile says it all.  Although she still has 2 years before school she needed something of her very own and the prospect of 4 hours to myself (plus Hazel) was quite appealing too.  I carpool with my neighbor and take her son both mornings and she picks up.  Sometimes I do errand with Hazie but often I go home, put her down for her nap and clean/do projects in peace and quiet.  It's heavenly.  Even if I've been moping floors and cleaning toilets I'm so much more refreshed when Mila comes home. 

Ami also got Mila her 1st backpack for school.

Isn't Sage's school cute?  It's the oldest on the South Hill and will be remodeled next year, but keeping the outside as it's a Historical building.  Kindergarten is all day in Spokane and she's done really well.  I'm amazed at home much she is learning.  Good thing I have a kindergartener to remind me of the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees are, let alone the words. 

She was all nerves and fairly teary for a few weeks at drop off.  I always met her after school though with smiles and endless stories about her day. 

Mila was right at home at preschool.  Miss Julie is a beam of sunshine and Mila thinks she hung the moon.  It was love at first sight for her.