
Happy Dads Day

Happy Fathers day to all the great dads out there....How grateful we are for all of you....

and especially to Matt... what a great father and husband you are...We love you so much:)



cookie dough

........need I say more??



My awesome sis-in-law Jenn did a photo shoot of my kids, and I have to say they turned out so cute!

ok ok...I know that it is a picture overload but what can I say!! It was hard enough to just choose these ones! I could probably post 20 more!! I am so blessed to be a mom and have these little ones in my life.. I just think they are the cutest ever!!


Happy Birthday Husband

What a great daddy, husband and person you are....happy birthday...We love you:)


Happy Birthday Piper

...what a blessing it is to have you in our lives. You bring so much joy to us and those around you.

Happy Birthday Piper, we love you so much:)


nice hats


Needing prayers

Dear friends and family,
I have a dear friend that is suffering greatly from the loss of her 2 year old. Tuesday night little Akayla followed her mom outside. Without realizing she was there, her mother hit Akayla with her car and killed her. Words can't even express what she may be going through at this time. I don't usually do this, but they are asking for donations for the funeral expenses. They are a really great family with such strong testimonies, and I pray that they will be able to get through this rough time. I just thought that I would spread the word to those that I know.Donations can be made at any Wells Fargo branch. The account is labeled "Audrey Jacobsen in lieu of Akayla" all expenses will go toward funeral expenses.Thank you greatly, and please keep them in your prayers.



Just so you know...

we are still alive....and doing really well....

Just wanted to share some pictures of these cute little stinks with you all:)



So my cousin is making jewelry. She has such a knack for it. I thought that I would let all of you know...Christmas is coming soon and she has some really cute things!!


you should check it out!!


So fun.....

...but could have been funner if the Utes would have actually shown up...

Notre Dame was so awesome! The campus was amazing! The people were great.

Kellie and Phil

It was cold and wet and the game was a bummer, but all in all we had a blast! One of the funnest trips yet!



Pete came home from church last week with a headband tied to his head....I asked him "Pete, why do you have that tied on your head"? his reply was "Mom, I am a stribbling oiler"... talk about a crack up! I love my little "stribbling oiler". (wish I would have got a picture)


Chalk Family

Pete wanted to draw a family portrait...... turned out amazing!!!

I love this little boy!!



....and a couple nieces:) I love my sisters and I seriously don't know what I would do without them. My nieces are the 2 right in the middle. I love how we are split- blonds vs. brunettes. I just love this picture so I had to share:) I love you Sage, Maren and Brooke. (and of course Maddie and Kendall)..:)


Captain Coco....

It was 8:00am on a Saturday morning(that is why Piper's mullet looks WAY awesome, I know) Pete found Captain Coco aka my nemesis!! I hate snails! They eat my plants! That being said.....

the kids love any creepy crawly thing and Pete comes up with the most awesome names. I seriously have no idea where they come from. Captain Coco was the snail, Kung Fu Caveman are what he names the Rollie pollies that he finds and the grasshoppers, well they are just Hopper or Hops. I love my kids!!