


Tonight my brain refuses to shot off. I recently learned of a terrible accident that took the life of my cousin. He was my age, so young, so much left to accomplish on this earth. It was just a reminder to me of how delicate life is. Every morning I wake up and start the check list of things that need accomplished for the day: breakfast, beds made, kids dressed,ect...I forget to take time to enjoy the simple moments. I have been blessed so immensely! I have 4 beautiful, amazing, smart, fun, and energetic boys that I get to have the opportunity to call me mom! I have the most dedicated husband who is incredible beyond words. Tomorrow when I wake up I am going to commit just enjoying the simple things: like my children crawling into bed with me at 6:00 am, the endless jokes and questions, the loud energetic squeals, the house ebing a diseaster...I am going to be grateful that I have these moments with my boys. Today I am grateful!


pedaling down Newport Beach much fun!!
the incredible golf course
the view from the resort

I am so behind in posting so I will start with this fun little vacation we had with Nate's work in April... We stayed at the Pelican Hills Resort, and all I can say is amazing:) Such a wonderful, fun, and seriously one of the funnest times we have had.


Ethans Program

For Presidents Day Ethan's class did a patriotic program. He had to do a report on a president, and he sang and had a part in the program. I loved watching him learn, and gain an appreciation for this Incredible country that we live in. God Bless the USA!


Family Pictures 2010

My cute step sister Liz took our family photos. This was an event. It was the begining of December, freezing cold, terrible two's with twins, a newborn, and a 5 year old with a lot of energy. But we accomplished it and got some memorable photos.
Thanks to Liz who was very patient with our little family.

November 2010...

November was just as crazy as October. We moved 3 weeks after Hudson was born, with me having had c-section it was super fun:) But we accomplished it and could not be happier.
We had to say good bye to Ethans school class, I was a ball baby and could not quit crying as I was feeling out all the paperwork for him to transfer schools. I balled when he said good bye to all his friends and teacher. He was tough and let me know that it was okay. His cute little class had made him a book to say good-bye and when we got in the car to go he began to read it and get a little teared up, and sad to leave behind all his good friends.

October 2010...

October was a very busy month for us, we celebrated the twins 2nd birthday, since I was 38 weeks prego it was very mellow and they were happy regardless.
We also did the annual pumpkin patch with the Toyn family, we look forward to doing this every year.
We had our little man Hudson this was bitter sweet. It was so amazing to have him finally here, but sad to think that this was my last time I would be pregnant. Nate and I honestly never in million years thought we would have this many children, but what a blessing it is to have our family here! I have the most incredible boys! They were all so excited to have there baby brother here. The twins have done amazing with him and love baby hudsy as they call him, so much. Ethan is and incredible eldest child, he is so willing to help at any moment, and is a great example to is 3 little brothers. Nate could not be more proud of his sons. He is such a wonderful father and truly is there Hero!! What a blessing to have my boys look up to him and he feel the role perfectly. I am one lucky lady to have these 5 amazing boys in my life.
Last we celebrated Halloween, the boys were so cute, Ethan was a knight and Corbin and Jaxon were the Dragons. I came home the day before halloween, so we celebrated super mellow. Nate took the boys to the ward trunk or treat. Then we wacthed the first Harry Potter and had hot chocolate. What a great way to end a very busy month.

Memmott Family Christmas Lghts 2010

Some of my siblings going to see the the lights at Temple Square
My cute little eskimo..i love this little guy so much:)

Merry Christmas 2010

Christmas was super exciting at our house. It was so much fun with the twins, they really got into it this year, they just wanted to open everything that was there:) Ethan was super excited what santa had brought him. Hudson slept through the whole thing, as he should have.
Nate and I feel so blessed to have these amazing boys. What and incredible gift our Savior has blessed us with. I am so grateful for the spirit of the season and the joy that it brings.