Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 16, 2009

Aduhhh. Cepatlaaa!

Hi semua. I miss you loveliesss. Banyak yg berlaku. I dah kehilangan macam-macam tapi I ada dia.
Dia yang bila laaaa nak balik ekk ekk. Insyallah this coming 2nd December. Whooossshhhh. Cepatlaaaaa.
Sekarang kan dia kan, bila call kan, sukeee sgt nyanyi2 kat I youu. Semalam lagu Apa Saja by KRU. layaannn. Pastu kalau hantar email, nampak SANGAT dah rindu gile kat I, malu I youuu...pastu kalu ada coverage, hantar SMS berjela2 text nye, rindu ekk ekk? B rindu yeee? Same laaaa kite....! AH INDAHNYA DUNIA!
Nih lagu utk B..lagu menatap matamu, khas utk B sy yg gemok (hahaha.sgt tak sedar diri!). Aiseh, harapnye B gemok la ye balik nanti, tu tu, gemok mcm gambar kat atas tuu..
Alrite, menatap matamu..
Sungguh indahnya hari berlalu
Menunggu kasih tambatan hati
Ingin rasanya selalu berbagi
Bersamanya kala suatu nanti
Andaikan kau jadi milikku
Selaluku nyanyikan lagu rindu
Andaikan kau dan aku bersatu
Dunia ini berseri selalu
Ku ingin dirimu dekat dihatiku
Berdua kita kan raih bahagia
Ku ingin dirimu turut merasa
Rasa rindu untuk menatap matamu
Menatap matamu
Bagaikan bintang nun jauh di sana
Terangi malam yang semakin gelap
Jika kau sudi menemaniku
Takkanku lepas walau sedetik pun
the unstable me. xoxo.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He's Coming BACK!

A short one.
He called last sunday telling me that there's a slim chance dia boleh sign off end of November or early December, which is kinda early as he was told before that he might be sailing 6 months and longer. Tapi time tuh hati ckap "jgn jgn jgn mengharap..."
BUT, thru his email today, he said dat office informed that there might be a huge crew change, involving 9 officers nxt month/december and now we are crossing our fingers!
It s a huge changing of officers because now Seri Bijaksana is on her way to Punta, South Africa and MISC is a bit reluctant to hv its crew signing off there, so after Punta she will sail to either Korea or Japan and on the way down, Seri Bijaksana will singgah Bintulu and that s when those crew will sign off! Sebab if they tak sign off, they will have to wait for another 2 months sbb kapal will sail to Punta again ( almost a month journey and x bleh sign off situ) and from Punta, next port is USA ( also almost a month journey and x bleh sign off sbb x ade Visa) and after USA, tatau lagi poei mano..
Oh oh i'm so happy,,, like, sooooooo happy! Sekejap je masa berlalu, tinggal lagi lebih kurg ONE month je lagi..owh dear, i can do that..sebulan jeee...hihihi..
Tapi pesan Mak, jgn happy sgt..jgn mengharap sgt..expect the unexpected & of course lah da namenye MISC..ehem ehem..paham je lah ye...
Tapiii, tak salah kalau berangan kannnn....hehehehe.......
Senyummmm.... ^__________________^

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bila Kau Kata Kau Sayang

Memang parah jiwa ni. Rindu yang teramat. Sudah 4 bulan. Tinggal lagi 2 bulan.
Oh bulan! Cepatlah ye.
Dear B,
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more;
that plants fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.
And that's what you've given me.
And that's what I'd hoped to give you.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Please Call Me Back.

B....57 missed calls!
What kind of gf am i?
You were waiting for me and I fell asleep.
Now Seri Bijaksana will sail for a month before reaching Punta. No more port after Incehon.
Kenapa saya bodoh sangat!
I know you must be crazy looking around for me. I'm SORRY.
But please dont leave me. Please. Just dont.
I cant afford it.
Call me please.
I cant wait till Sunday.
Do reply my email please.
Ya Allah...tenangkanlah hati ini................ =(
How do I manage to cry for 10 hours? Because i miss you & i feel bad. Really.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

All You Need Is One Girlfriend.

I'm publishing this entry with the hope that you will stumble upon my blog and have a moment to read it.
We were totally different when we first met years ago. You and your sweet simple jovial laugh and I, the quiet one. But that didn't stop us from being friends and look what friendship has done to us.
Better persons.
You were there for me (and you still are) and you are the one who NEVER judged me for anything I did. You corrected me when you knew it was the best for me. You stand by me when everyone else seem to part away. You share me your laughter and you wipe my tears away. You rushed your way when I need you and you slowed down when you know I want to be alone, tho it might hurt you. You always there for me. ALWAYS.
I am not what I am today due to many reasons and one of the biggest is because of you. You helped me a lot during our university years and because of you being brainy, I became one too (but not as brainy as you lahh). I cant thank you enough but I promise I will make sure that I won't lose all your notes for every subject you lent me. =). THANK YOU



I hid nothing and I wont hide anything from you. Not because you are my bestfriend but because I just cant. I cant hide anything from you. Yes, I've lied but eventually you will know and I will tell, just like that. You can tell when I'm trying my best to keep things away from you and I dont know how you do it. Superstitious, no. Intuition, yes. I'M THANKFUL.
We went to several places. For holidays, weddings or even to goofing around. Indonesia, Sabah, Penang, Perak, Johor to name a few. But the most memorable is of course when you and liza (together with the 'scandals') accompanied me to the port where Puteri Delima Satu is docking. To meet him. It was a split second decision. "Shah, teman aku naik kapal nak tak jumpa Razmin. Lepas kelas." and you answered "Jom!". Precise. Not even a question was asked. You just agreed, packed your stuff, called the others and off we went. As simple as that. SACRIFICE

And if I were to write here every single thing you hv sacrificed for me thn it would require me AT LEAST six years to finish.
Six years of friendship but it feels like only yesterday we ran off our butts to morning classes, we rushed our way to get table at AIKOL cafe, we screamed our lungs out calling each other's name from our rooms to confirm where to go for dinner, we pushed abg fotostat to hurry because exam is tomorrow and we just got the complete notes, we looked at each other and laughed out loud for reasons only we understood, and many many many other things that I've shared with you thru out those years and many more years to come, insyallah.

So, my dear Aishah; thank you for everything and I've always want to tell you that I am blessed to have you in my life. I'll stake everything for you. I'm sorry for ALL my wrongdoings that hurt you. You know I love you and I will always do.
May He gives you many more years so that we can treasure our lives, this world, and to create more drama scenes together,hehe, insyallah. HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY darling. God Bless.
All you need is one girlfriend to be your bestfriend. And in my case, I have you.

Never to part.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ke Hujung Dunia

Bila kudengar lagu cinta
Tentang sepasang anak manusia
Yang sedang hanyut dibuai asmara
Beradu di dalam syurga loka
Yang amat indah
Pasti kukenangkan dirimu
Yang masih jauh di rantau orang
Lantas ku teringat kata-katamu
Yang kau ucapkan tika saat-saat kita berpisah
Takkan bisa hatiku berubah
Bila di timpa dugaan dan badai melanda kita
Teguh berdiri cinta yang ada
Takkan bisa sekali-kali kasihku berubah
Bila bertindanan halangan tiba
Kesetiaanku tetap serupa
Kasih tak kan berubah
Ku percaya cinta harus bersama
Bukan terpisah ke hujung dunia
Ku cuba menanti walau lebih lama lagi
Andai kau benar-benar menyintai ku
Bila kukenangkan dirimu
Yang masih jauh di rantau orang
Pasti ku teringat kata-katamu
Yang kau ucap tika saat-saat kita berpisah...
Having him at Bintulu for 10 precious days during this year Aidilfitri is the most wonderful moment ever. Thank you sayang for loving me, i will love you endlessly. I'll be by your side anytime you need me, come what may; our love will be the salvation army.
Takkan bisa hati ini berubah. I love you.
Take care honey, i'll wait for your call. =)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri Dari Tepi Pantai

Di keheningan 1 syawal ini, saya Elya Ezrin, ingin memohon seribu kemaafan dari anda semua yang sedang membaca entri ini (termasuk En.Mohd Razmin) atas segala salah dan silap, sekiranya ada yang tersinggung dengan bait-bait blog ini dalam mana-mana nukilan, mahu pun rakan-rakan yang sering bertemu mata seandainya ada terkasar bahasa... Harap mana yang terlebih terkurang mohon lah dihalalkan...
Semoga Syawal kali ini lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya dan harap korang semua buat lah entri khas sempena raye sebab saye sukeeeee nak bace & tgk baju raye korang sume yang chantek chantek itu! ^_____^
Tajuk entri ni bukan metafora semata-mata. Saye memang sedang bersiaran dari tepi pantai, balik ganu nih! Teruja teruja! Raya kali ni agak pelik sebab balik kg duk hotel, bile dah gatal ala-ala omputih mcm ni la jadinye. Duk umah tok malam raya and last nite & tonite we all konon-konon org luar nak duk hotel padahal kampung 10 minit jeghss dari Tg.Jara Resort nih, cettt!!!
I want to introduce kamu semua to this resort at my kampung terchenta. Sangat seswaaii untuk akak-akak bersama hubby masing-masing yg tersayang esp seafarers utk berbulan madu melepaskan windu... Tak pun utk bakal-bakal pengantin nak cari place for honeymoon, u've come to the right blog! Ahaks. Tadela, this is the place of your dream.
Tho the room rate is slightly higher, eyh ok, tipulah, mahal lah jugak but wait till u have a look at this place, worth every dime! The rate is around RM800++ per nite but the privacy u gonna have here is ultimately exclusive.
Tempat sangat cantik, the resort uses the environmental concept which means u will enjoy the resort's ambience on foot, jalan-jalan around the place, and pantai pun not open to public, just for the guests. The room pun sama, sangat cantik & ala-ala dalam TV tuh la, with all the romanticness around, memang sangat seswaaii lah nak berhoneymoon! Saya pun dah terpikir-pikir nak berhoneymoon di sini nanti tapi pelik lah pulak kan, dah namenye balik kg, nanti ramai org kenal youuu, ape barang..hihihi!
Here are few pictures from the net. You can always google Tanjung Jara Resort here in Dungun, Terengganu for more info aite.

See....best kan?
Later. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin! xoxo.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pulanglah Kumerinduimu Sayang..

Di hari yang mulia ini
Ku pohon keampunan
Hanya satu yang ku pinta
Termenung ku sendiri
Memendam rindu tidak menentu
Kasih suci murni yang kita bina
Hapus hancur oleh kata fitnah
Di pagi hari raya
Hati sayu mengenang dirimu
Mudahnya kau menggantikan diriku
Seolah cintaku tak berharga
Apakah suratan
Aidilfitri satu titik akhir
Sekian lama bercinta
Kau tiada di hari mulia
Keampunan ku pohon
Sekiranya aku yang berdosa
Pulanglah ku merindui mu sayang
Ku menanti dengan hati rela....
Pulanglah kepangkuan ku oh... sayang
Ku menunggumu di hari raya....
Sayang...my heart aches everytime I listen to this song...I know it doesn't potray the right words but the bold red part of this song is the one I'm crying for... I miss you so much... Ini raya ketiga since we were together... Alhamdulillah, walaupun B onboard tapi Allah Maha Penyayang, Seri Bijaksana will be on anchorage at Bintulu during raya and I couldn't ask for more, right?
Saya masih boleh mohon kemaafan dari B pagi raya nanti sayang...
Saya masih boleh menangis rindukan B pagi raya nanti sayang...
Saya masih boleh dengar celoteh B bercerita itu ini tentang makanan di pagi raya nanti sayang...
Saya masih boleh dengar B berterima kasih sebab saya hantarkan kuih raya utk B nanti sayang...
Dan saat ini saya masih lagi menangis rindukan B sayang...sungguh!
Pulanglah kumerinduimu sayang...

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Unfinished Tale. Saye x ilang. Ade je ni.

Vacuuming habuk debu dan hama.
Eid Mubarak & Selamat Menyambut Nuzul Al-Quran.
Owh rindunya nak berblogging. It's been almost 2 months dah tak berblog, okay tipu, sebulan lebih but STILL, lame jugak. Little I knew, my interest in blogging has created uneasy & ill feeling to some. My call, to keep it to myself and lets hope things will change hereafter.
Tutup buku lama eyh.
To my blogger friends who has my phone number, it would be very nice of you girls to SMS me your numbers since i've lost them due to tu-la-hp-canggih-sgt-sume-virus-pun-nak-masuk. Everything is deleted. =( Thanking u in advance. Muaaahhxxx.
And my puasa so far is nothing less but great, alhamdulillah. Selalu buke kat luar with friends and byk official jemputan sampai mak dah bising2 tapi org dah jemput kan, rezeki jgn ditolak, sebat jekk, hehe.
And my dearest Razmin is now on his way to Bintulu, ETA this 14th September and will be on anchorage for 10 awesome days! How's that? Heeeeee...ade sape2 nak join saye pi Bintulu? Kamik mau raya sama kitak lah syg!
Okie dokie, later eyh peeps. Terlaluuuu banyakkkk benda nak cite nih! At the moment, current mood is kerinduan kpd mereka ni, tho baru last week buke pose dgn diorang kt TGIF and jumpe my bestie aishah hari-hari tp masih rindu jugak.

And of course.....air mata berlinang setiap kali melihat wajah kesayangan ini....rindu di hati terlalu membungkam...hari ini genap 3 bulan dia di sana.......tinggal lagi 3@4 bulan untuk melihat dirinya di depan mata....Ya Allah, peliharakanlah dirinya seperti mana Kau pelihara hamba-hambaMu yg Kau redhai....Amin...selamat berpuasa sayang...and I know how you love caramel pudding BUT please not too much eyh B, u'll be exhausted.

p/s: motif letak gambar pkai robe bagai is because hari ni selangor cuti tp KL tak cuti so saye cuti tapi lawyer KL tak cuti. padan muke ko MARIA! hehehehe..muaah i love u mary!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Maaf, saya sakit.

Hi my loveliesss. Rindu sama kamu semua!
Rasanye dah berminggu tak update blog, berhabuk dah diari saya nih. Diari eyh? boley laa.. >__<
Ye, saya sakit for few days. Sebenarnya dah berhari-hari tapi last wednesday memang dah teruk. Since last week, I had this minor shivering & fidgeting syndrome. The best part, these two syndromes struck me between 10am to 12pm only, not later nor earlier than that.
Mula-mula I thought it was gastric ke ape since pernah ada history but pelik lah jugak because I'm a morning person, breakfast mesti makan walau apa pun. Pastu mula-mula ingatkan air cond dlm court sejuk melampau ke ape tapi tak jugak, dah suruh polis lowerkan temp, still mcm tuuuu jugak.
So, last wednesday, masa tgh jalankan this one trial, all of sudden, saya sakit dada. Sesak nafas lah jugak, rasa tersekat-sekat, mcm asthma attack tapi dlm keadaan yang menggigil. Luckily time tuh dah nak rest my case, tahan la jap. Habis je case, terus terduduk termengah-mengah, sakit dada Tuhan je yg tau. Polis mahkamah dah panik, terus berdesuupppp hantar pi klinik yg seminit je dari court klang tuh.
Sampai-sampai je terus pakai mask for oxygen, fuh, drama kan tetibe aku nih. Bila dah lega, doc pun tanya mcm2, check situ sini, amik darah, check BP and for the first time BP naik, check lah segala macam. Cut the story short, saya nih ade masalah orang-yang-tak-sedar-yang-diri-dia-sebenarnye-tension. Paham?
Saya pun tak paham. Doc says, I have this kind of nerve problem which denies the fact that I am in the state of stress and it happens only when I'm over stressing or hyper-tension. Kih kih kih. Sungguh tak ku sangka! Pandai cover youuu... >_____<
Okay, serious jap.
Ye, doc cakap ada org mcm saya nih. Sebenarnya tension tapi motivate diri sendiri over over konon-konon mampu la or takpe boleh handle lg when sebenarnye body & mind dah tak boleh terima TAPI my brain doesn't realize that. Tapi alhamdulillah lepas makan ubat yang pelbagai itu, dah kurang dah rase gigilnye, and jantung pun dah tak melompat-lompat mcm biasa, sekarang hanya catwalk gitu jantung I.
Memang kene bebel sakan lah kan dgn DPP lain & encik-encik polis semua kat court tuh, tu pun nasib baik tuan majistret tak tau lagi tuh, kalau tak mau dia tambah sekati dua bebelan berapi. Hadoi. Nak buek mcm mano, den pon tak sodar den poning. Hampun. Bee, I'm sorry syg.
So, insyallah, andai diizinkan waktu dan kudrat (chewah!) blog ni saya update ye? Blog hopping pun dah lama tak buat nih, rindu lah kat korang! And to Kak Dina, thanks for the invitation untuk shopping pagi tadi, and thousand apologies sbb tak reply msg, pssstt...line kene bar tlupa nak bayor...hik.
Peeps, pray for me eyh? Rindu nak cot cet dgn kamu kamu dan kamu!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sebulan Berlalu.


My sweet readers; kalau ada jiwang-phobia, this entry is not for you.
Readers discretion is advised. Hihihi.
You may not approve me writing this jiwang note for you here but knowing you, I can picture you sengeh eventually. Hik.
It's been a month since I last saw you.
For our standard, one month is not that long, kan B?
When you were in Batu Rakit and I was at UIA, sometimes due to the exams, different holiday breaks etc, we didn't see each other quite often and one month was considered okay, kan? =)
No doubt that I was a lost kitten for the first week after you left.
Crying in the middle of nights, crying whilst driving, crying everytime at the thought of you calling me at your usual hours, pendek kata, crying when I want to.
The most painful time was in the evening; around 6 to 8pm.
When you were around, you always tell me that everyday, you will wait for those hours because you'll get to talk to me without me rushing to do work stuff.
I didn't pay much attention to those words but I've realized it now.
And I'm so, so sorry sayang. It must been hard on you. Inconsiderate me. =(
I'm not writing stuff that worries you. I'm not writing to tell the world how inconsiderate I was/am (hihi,tau pun malu...) but I'm writing to tell you that for the past one month, I was alright & happy.
But don't get me wrong, I would be jumping all around if you are here.
What I want to tell you is that I'm doing fine here, really.
As long as I know that you are fine onboard, I'll be fine baby.
I can't thank you enough for doing everything possible to let me know that you are fine and you miss me and you love me.
One email per day, satellite phone calls every 2 or 3 days and hundreds of ringgit for SMSes & calls when the coverage is within reach. THANK YOU.
Thank you sayang,
It feels right to have you in my life.
Everytime my heart calls for you & yearns for your comforting voice,,,, there you go; +121978010 will be singing at my handphone screen.
And everytime it happened, you'll hear my usual shrieking of "Bee!!!!!! Baru doa mintak2 Bee call!!!!" and pufffffff, just like that, no more tears & problems.
As if you know that I am in pain.
Take today, when I was driving with my head waiting to explode and with tears to the office on Saturday morning just to clear off piles of mess, +121978010 >> you called, and the first thing you said to me was, "Assalamualaikum...baby...sayang okay tak...?
As if you know that I am in pain.
And after 30 minutes listening to your voice, I was humming all the way and these piles are almost gone. Yeayy to me!

And yes, it feels damn right to have you in my life. Owh, I did tell you that already, did I? ^____^
So sayang, at least another 5/6 months to go. No sweat right? Teeeheeee...well, I'll TRY. Owhh c'mon, you know I can pull this off. Saya okay lah B, kan? Kita okay. Dulu boleh jee, sekarang mesti lagi boleh, kan sayang? >____<

Pssttt...I know I say this often, but I do love you. I do love you for who you are, even when you put on 5kgs during your first month sailing. *Laaarrrrriiiiiii....hihihihi......*
Take care sayang, when you are thinking of me and missing me (you better do! hehehe), just imagine that I am one of the engineers onboard, married to you. I'm sure you'll be smiling & grinning. Uish, jgn sengeh lama sangat bang..hik.

Kalau saya stop jadi DPP pastuh masuk ALAM pastuh join Bee onboard, Bee bagi tak?
Ye saya tau, Bee tak bagi. Saje jeee tanye... >____<
Good night sayang, I miss you but i'm smiling. xoxo. Happy first-month-onboard. =)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Qlod is my brainy friend. Bye bye.

When I first saw her 8 years ago, I said to myself; tingginya dia nih, mesti bleh geng dgn aku.
The last time I saw her, she is one of my bestfriends. And still tinggi. Memang geng. My definition of geng must include her name. Sangat geng kan? Geng. Sangat.
Last weekend, the six of us (yang lain-lain tak dapat bersama) spent one night at Grand Seasons Hotel, KL. Slumber party-lah-kononnya. Sebenarnya ala-ala farewell party untuk geng aku tersebut yang akan fly semula ke Adelaide next week.
Sedih la ko dah nak pergi balik sana wahai geng. Akibat terlalu pandai, ini lah akibatnya. Hihihi. Ada sape-sape nak lawan geng tinggi aku nih? Kecerdikan melampau di dalam electrical engineering memaksa dia sambung PhD TANPA perlu amik Masters. Pandai kan? Ye, geng memang pandai. Jadi pasni kene panggil geng Dr. Aqilah di kala usianya 27tahun kelak. Cesss ko, seronok ah tuh aku tulis pasal ko dlm blog nih. Glamer. Gile glamer. Hikhikhik.
Baru perasan yang tak banyak sangat amik gambar memandangkan terlalu asyik bercerita mengutuk memuji sesama sendiri bergosip pasal orang yg dikenali mahu pun tidak dikenali dan makan dan menyanyi berkaraoke dan menceritakan hal kahwin masing-masing yang rupanya tarikh kami berderet-deret, insyallah.
Buat Aqilah atau nama manjanya Kak Yang atau nama kurang manjanya, QLOD; we wish you the best of luck! Jangan lupain kami semua yang sayang banget sama kamu. Dari dulu sampai sekarang, kau tak pernah berubah dari segi kesengalan tapi maintain pandai nak mamp** hingga terbit rasa nak curik otak kau tapi aku tak mampu,hihihi.
Jangan lupa balik Mesia ye, satgi nangis tunang tersayang ko tuh, kitorang tak nangis, happyyy je ko takde, hehehe...tadela, we gonna miss you so much! Jumpa di KLIA 9 julai yahh! xoxo, hidup TLC!

errr..Paa, bila aku maksudkan tinggi, ko tidak tersenarai. hikhik. Paa, Me, Qlod.

Qlod bangga dengan hadiah die. Ehem, Qlod, aku yg bagi scarf & cap tuuuuu...jgn lupa diri lakk...paham-paham je la ye, nanti ko balik mesia hadiah sape yg paling banyak... =p

Monday, June 29, 2009

155 SMSes.

Talking about jiwangness. Hik.
My weekend was aweeeesomeeee! yeah, for one obvious reason, Seri Bijaksana masuk port kat Elba, Savannah, USA for 3 days. Start dari Friday night till Monday morning, handphone nie kat tangan jee, eventho tau yg dia tgh keje tapi die dah glue tangan saye kat handphone. Jiwangness okayy! ^___^
Walaupun perbezaan masa 12 jam, dia siang saye malam, die malam saye siang tapi kami berjaya untuk tidak menidurkan diri, hihihi. Tipu lah, tido la jugak tapi handphone kat tangan lah. Jiwangness, remember? =p
Thank you sayang sebab adakan masa untuk saya yang tak habis2 SMS Bee je kerjanye walhal tahu Bee susah nak reply sbb kerja and sebab mahal, RM2 per SMS, kalau dah 155 SMS TAK termasuk 1 SMS yg lebih dari 1 page, camno tuh? Itu tak masuk call lagi, RM6 per minute, camno tuh? Camno tuh, camno tuh, diammmm sudahhh.. >____< Jiwangness, jiwangness.
Seronok ah berjauhan berinduan cegini ekk? Rasa mcm baru-baru bercinta je, malu youu..hihihi..

Friday, June 26, 2009

Akibat Terlalu Jakun Dengan Nama Sendiri

Hi sayangss sekalian. Hihi.
Rindu lah kat blog tercinta ni. Tapi lagi rindu kat cik abang tengah laut tuh. =p
Ni nak cite ni, pasal saye yang jakun. Mesti korang menyampah or jelir jelir lidah blueek kat saye bila baca entry nih. Tapi itulah hakikat kehidupan, hehe, saye memang jakun. Jakun nganga sengeh sengeh. >____<
Pagi ni berpusu-pusu SMS & call berdering-dering kat handphone nih. Maap ye tak jawab, saye dlm court takbleh jwb tepon nanti tepon kene amik sape nak belikan baru..ade sape-sape nak belikan? Takde kan? Hihi. Tau.
Alkisahnya, abah,mak, makcik pakcik, sepupu sepapat, kawan kawan ramai SMS "wah ade org tuh masuk paper". Hihi.
Over kan depa nih, macam la muka aku nih jadik cover girl pancaindera or BiPop, sebenarnya nama saye saje yg masuk paper. Saye yang jakun nih sengeh sengeh la bile polis mahkamah tunjuk paper "Puan, ni puan punye debut". Hikhikhik. Patut la byk missed calls, mati-mati ingatkan buah hati dah masuk port kat US sinun...
Yang bestnya ada cikgu sekolah saye dulu SMS cakap die tunjuk surat khabar NST kt anak murid die hari nih, cakap saye anak murid die dulu. Wah cikgu, canang nampak? Dulu marah saye tidoq dlm kelas kan? Kan? Teeeheee...
Seronok bile semua org yg kita sayang masih ingat nama kita, walaupun hanya sebaris ayat dlm berita tuh, tapi besar kesannya kat hati-hati mereka yg ikhlas sayangkan kita...isskk...terharu...terima kasih semua....i love you all lah! *
Untuk menambahkan lagi rasa menyampah you all kat I (hehehe,korang tak nyampah pun kannnn? muah muah!), click la mane mane link tuh, I nak tayang glamer-gitu-nama I-masuk-ayat-sebaris-dalam-paper nih. Hihi.
Bukan untuk membangga, tapi baru sedar besarnya pengorbanan mereka dalam menjadikan diri ini seorang insan hinggakan dengan hanya sepotong ayat di dalam sisipan media bisa menitiskan air mata mereka yang membesarkan diri ni... Abang longku terharu menunjukkan dada akhbar itu kepada rakan taulan dia...katanya "ini adik aku". Sungguh, hanya Allah yang tahu betapa bersyukurnya aku.
Tak sabar nak bgtau DIA! ^____^

Monday, June 22, 2009

Selera Tak Ingat Poket.

Today is my first day at Klang.
Macam biase lah, courtesy call dgn tuan majistret, sengeh sengeh dengan DPP lain, kenal-kenal dgn encek-encek polis, kenal-kenal dgn court staff, pastu terussssss masuk court; harusssslah kan kalau kat HQ nih mau aku gi cafe beli nasi lemak dulu makan-makan sambil baca blog, hehehe...no more ye, no more, ho yeah! CITA-CITA HEBATTT! *tepuk tangan*
Alhamdulillah, semua okay. Time kaseh buat chenta hati saya yang call pagi-pagi pukul 6.30 nak wish good luck & hulurkan I love You barang semulut dua. hik. suke! Tapi dia terkejut lah kan buah hati dia nih dah ade kat Petronas pukul 6.30 nak isi minyak nak gi keje dah tuuu...tapi hampeh dia cakap "biase la first day, baby mmg semangat...semangat first day" cess cess. Takpe mung!
Tapi mmg betul pun, sharp pukul 5 tadi dah balik, kononnye tadi bgtau Kak Dina yg ntah pukul brp laaa balik hari nih tapi takde maknanyeee, akibat semangat juang yg tinggi bangun 5.45 pagi, akhirnya pendekar ini hanya pendekar sehari sajo. Ngantuk dah ni >____<
Apa buat saya suka kerja kat Klang?
#1 : Dulu tol sebulan utk ke HQ @ Putrajaya RM128. Sekarang, RM 0! ^____^ KOSONG RINGGIT & SEN OKAY!
#2: Dulu kat HQ makan adalah kerja no.1, kaji IP (investigation papers) no.2, so gemok adalah sgt dijangka. Sekarang, masa harus dicari utk makan, maka puasa sunat lah hendaknya selalu... Kurus? Amiiiinnnnn...
#3: Dulu gi kerja awal sbb kat HQ parking kene berebut berbunuh-bunuhan (over kan?). haha. sampai bukan setakat double parking, triple sume ah, siap naik atas curb parking atas rumput (sapee laaa wat camtu ekk..hihihi). Sekarang, pak guard tahan kat main gate, turunkan tingkap, dgn ala-ala sirius macho, "selamat pagi, saya DPP". Terusssss Myvi putehku diberi green light parking depan pintu office gitu. Suke suke.
#4 : Buat masa sekarang, itu je dulu. =p
Yang tak bestnya hari ni perut gedik nak berperiod pain, so mood agak kureng lahss. Ubatnya? Dgn poket makin nipis tunggugajiBeemasukehsilaplah, tunggu gaji SAYA masuk; laju jee gi baskin robbins. selera besar tak hengat, kata nak kurus! Alaaa, eskrem jee. Hihi. Pas makan elok lak perut nih, ngada lah kau nih perut, kalau tiap-tiap bulan camni camno? Hadoi.

Makan ubat nih tadi. Sedap ah. Caramel panas dia...fuuhh...! Kurus? Ha,piirah!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bila Si Dia Menulis Cerita Untukmu.

Before Razmin left for his work, he told me that he wanted to surprise me with something out of ordinary.
My guess? Well, maybe a shopping spree or holiday or maybe just a fancy dinner.
uh uh. WRONG.
He wrote me a novel. Based on a true story. His true story. For a girl he had a crush before, and he loves now. Me.
Well, cerpen, more like it, 20 pages of his hidden feelings towards me since he first laid his eyes on me, 9 years ago. There are three parts, and for the third one, he asked me to wait.
When I first knew about it, I cried. I know he struggled for it to be done as he is not the type that writes long emails, SMS, letters. He said; "saya nak bagitau mcm mana saya betul-betul jatuh cinta".
When I first read it, it was all blurry, because I was crying at every page. His words are so sweet & exceptional & it breaks your heart to know that someone has this kind of love that is so strong in his heart that refuses everyone but you.
I feel so guilty for making him suffered for 7 years & thru out those years, I have showed to him nothing but despise. But he, he did nothing but smile and smile and smile and waited patiently for me.
Antara bait indah karangan si dia...the truth, from part One.
Dia yang aku impikan kini di hadapan mataku. Wajahnya yang cukup menawan itu bagai diukir Yang Maha Esa dengan keagungan dan kekuasaanNya. Matanya cantik. Bundar matanya menampakkan emosinya yang begitu selari dengan persembahannya. Nakal,manja,mengusik,menggoda,menawan hatiku.
Hidungnya yang mancung begitu istimewa untuk seorang gadis Melayu. Sepadan dengan wajahnya yang cantik dilitupi kulit yang halus,lembut,dan kemerah-merahan.
Lesung pipit di pipi kanan itu menambahkan lagi pesona yang tidak dapat aku tepis apatah lagi untuk aku nafikan.
Inilah dia kata hatiku. Inilah dia bidadari yang aku mahukan untuk mengisi jiwaku. Dia yang kini bertakhta, menjadi puteri idaman istana hatiku.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pg 3
Aku berdoa sebanyak-banyaknya yang aku mampu. Aku tahu kehadiranku di sini tidak lama dan aku perlu merebut segala peluang yang ada untuk beribadah.
Pada suatu petang yang syahdu, aku menadah tangan di hadapan Kaabah sambil berdoa kepada Yang Maha Agung…………

“Ya Allah,kau jodohkanlah aku dengan Elya Ezrin bt.Mohd Roslan. Kau ketemukanlah kami walau dengan apa cara sekalipun Ya Allah. Kau perpanjangkanlah jodoh kami jika kami ditakdirkan bertemu,hingga ke akhir hayat kami.”
“Ya Allah,sesungguhnya aku amat-amat menyintai wanita ini Ya Allah. Kau makbulkanlah doa ku ini Ya Allah.Amin,Ya Rabbul Alamin…”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pg 10
Sayang, you know your prayers have been answered.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Few good changes. And cerita kosong.

In my previous entry, I did mention that I was stressing out because of my re-positioning as the administrative DPP, instead of the ordinary DPP i.e. who does the criminal prosecution.
Now, stress sudah tak ada! ^____^ Datuk has given me the green light to prosecute again, and I've been stationed at Mahkamah Majistret & Sesyen Klang. Deal breaker sungguh kamu nih Elya! Alhamdulillah... it's going to take me around 30 minutes drive from home sweet home here at USJ. X ape lah, janji the job is good. Heh,good ke? Penat kotttt >______<
So long HQ. I'm going to miss Putrajaya so much, especially our mini office aka library and the GREAT GREAT colleagues who are now stationed all over Malaysia. Jangan lupa saya eyh korang sume!

I'm going to miss the scenic lake, directly from our office window.

I'm going to miss THEM and the good laughs!
OKEH. Apart from the isu-kerja-yang-sekarang-dah-selesai-thanks-to-the-fickle-me, I'm now having sore throat & pening-pening because of the haze. Teruk ah sekarang, nampak redup je Subang Jaya nih tapi jerebu mak aihhh, takbleh kuar rumah sangat.
Razmin calls me once in two or three days to make sure that I drink a lot of plain water & didn't go out much & also to online as frequent as possible to update him with the results for matches in the Confederations Cup. Kaki bola sungguh Bee neh. Itu tak masuk lagi dgn result French Open lah, F1 news lah. Layannnn...dah broadband die yang beliiii...ehehehe...takbleh lawan tokey,takbleh takbleh...
He also kerisauan tak keruan when I told him this morning that I'm going to work at Klang as I've told him before that in Selangor, and probably in Malaysia; Klang has the highest crime rate. Sayang takpelah ekk, saya okay, I will take care of myself okay? Kalau tak okay jugak nanti saya berenti keje B tanggung saya sampai syurga ekk? HAHA. ayat takbleh blah =p
...hmm...taktau nak cite ape lagi neh,tapi nak type jugak sbb bosan duk umah.....
Tau tak saya suke bace buku? Tak tau kan?
Hihi. My fav, those by John Grisham, Sidney Sheldon, Michael Crichton, Jodi Picoult & Stephenie Meyer. Tapi paling suke John Grisham & Jodi Picoult lah. Abah is a big fan of JG and collects all of his novels. The latest is The Associate, tu yang hard cover kaler biru tuh. Best, but my all time favourite would be A Time To Kill.

Jodi Picoult is for leisure reading, sambil golek golek atas & bawah katil. Her writing is more into life peripheral, kasi nangis-nangis siket but not much on love love story lah but suits me well. Dia ada banyak jugak novels but so far I just have 7 of them, 5 of which Razmin yang bayar, so kirenye dia punya la ekk? Hehehe...apa la B, takkan berkira dgn saya kottt... =p

Tu ha, rindu kat mamat dalam gambar tu haa...bila nak balik abang oiiiii? >____< *
sekian, dari saya yg tak tahu nak tulis apa. xoxo.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Hi lovelies, hope semua orang sehatttttt & senyummmmm!
Dah lama tak jenguk blog, byk cite baru ekk korang sume neh? hehe...
OKEH. Just a quick one, I've been transferred to Shah Alam from Putrajaya (lagi dekat dgn rumah, yeayy!) TAPI...life here is hell, tak best langsung, working-wise lah..but who am I to complaint kan????? =(
I'm now DPP on paper, meaning; no more dakwa the bad people out there, tapi duk terperap kat office doing civil litigation...pergi court jugak tapi no more criminal law...tadi baru je jumpa Datuk, bagitau dia that I tak nak lah wat civil...requesting her to consider, to re-position me here.....to be the prosecutor again... *sigh..*
Well, mengharap je la...really STRESS gila here...how I wish HE could be here with me right now, gosh, I miss him so much!!! Phone cards for the satellite phone are available,tho. So, dapat laaa ngok ngek with him once in two days...That's the only thing that comforts me....his voice. >______< * * I'm crying right now, IN THIS BLOODY OFFICE!

Sayang...stay happy out there okay...but don't be in the pool too much, North Atlantic Ocean is freezing, you know better dear...I miss you...I'll try to be happy ASAP, deal?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saya sangat teruja dapat dengar suara dia! =p

Tajuk entry ni says it all, kan? ^____^
Ye, saya sangat teruja dapat dengar suara cinta hati! Huh, Maxis memang sangat kaya lah lepas nih! Sian Razmin.....ehehe...apa laaa Elya, chip in lah siket.. =p
Since hari ni tak ada buat apa sangat, so aktiviti meng'stalk' Seri Bijaksana bermula dari pagi lagi..mula-mula dia ada kat strait ape ntah, so probably x ada line lagi..
So Maghrib tadi, saya dengan penuh professionalnye mendapati kapal itu ada berhampiran Gibraltar,Spain - GOTCHA; terus msg-msg jiwang utk cinta hati. (thanks K.Hanin >____< )
And pastuuuu...ringtone utk contact SAYANG Mxs pun lompat-lompat menyanyi..hihihi...!!!!!! Best best!!! His first words were "baby...haaaa,takmau nanges..." hihihi, ape la Bee neh, tak konfiden langsung dgn saye...tapi memang nanges ponn...happy mak aiihhh, mcm tak caye je...! ^____^
Alhamdulillah...he's fine, makan pun banyak katenye, diet hilang ntah ke mana ye B....takpe..takpe...dah expect dah ponnnn.....hahaha....ampun sayang.... =p
Dapat cakap around 15 minutes, then he rushed off to work...Alhamdulillah..lega sangat dapat dengar suara dia happy jeeee...hadoii...tido sengeh-sengeh la malam ni....hehe...kita SMS lak ye B...
And, yes Kak Hanin; you were right, he misses me so much sampai demam last 2 days! Thank you for your SMS this morning sis =) Razmin says thanks too, for tenangkan girlfriend dia yang mengada ni,hehe...

Nanti turun kapal Razmin tembam mcm mane lak yeee...hehe.....

Friday, June 12, 2009

Her whereabouts is made known.

She's now approaching the territorial waters of Algeria, near the city of El-Jazair.

Her destination port is somewhere in that red-box area. Savannah,USA.
(Do click on the image for clearer view)
Nampak map kat atas tuh? Nampak tak saye senyum ni... ^_____^
Last night, triggered by intuition; I typed SERI BIJAKSANA at the Google search engine.
And one of the search results indicated "Location of Seri Bijaksana". Hairan jugak, so tengok lah apa dia.
Pastuuuuuuu, tersengeh la saye.
Sebabnye, Google ada this cool thing called the APRS info or something like that lah for its Google Maps. How it works?
"This page shows real-time information collected from the Automatic Position Reporting System Internet network (APRS-IS). APRS is used by amateur (ham) radio operators to transmit real-time position information, weather data, telemetry and messages over the radio.
A vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver, a VHF transmitter or HF transceiver and a small computer device called a tracker transmits it's location, speed and course in a small data packet, which is then received by a nearby iGate receiving site which forwards the packet on the Internet.
Systems connected to the Internet can send information on the APRS-IS without a radio transmitter, or collect and display information transmitted anywhere in the world. " (copied from here)
So, obviously Seri Bijaksana ada the APRS-IS device, and that's why her whereabouts is made known, and she can be tracked down hourly! How cool is that?! ^___^ Kalau lah boleh tengok isi kandungan Seri Bijaksana kan lagi best, boley intai orang tuh tgh wat kerje,hehe...
Tapi this is also good enough. In fact, wayyy too good! At the website also we can know which kapal yang dah roger Seri Bijaksana, pukul berapa, etc etc. Walaupun tak dapat berhubung dengan Razmin for a moment, this is the best I can have so far. Dapat tahu dia ada kat mana pun dah cukup. Angau angau. =p
So, official stalker is my new name. >____<

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Punyela rinduuu, sampai ngigau budak nih!

Ni kalau Razmin tau ni, mesti terkekek die ketawa, tak pun die sunyum-sunyum manja gituu mengenangkan buah hati die neh weng siket sejak-sejak die sign on ni. Ampun Bee, bukan bermaksud untuk menjadi weng weng. ^____^
Semalam seharian kat office mata ni mengadap laptop. Serious tak ingat bila mase mata berkelip or bila paru-paru ni bernafas. Ceh, description bukan maen lagi, nak bgtau busy la tuh. Tapi sempat lagi pi makan JM Beriyani kat Alamanda, hari neh lak naseb baek tak sempat gi Alamanda, kalau tak nak pi Bayou lak. Makan itu penting, Bee cakap lah, bukan saye. =p
Nak dijadikan cerita, sampai je rumah, mata dah berat, badan letih takyah cite la kan... Amik wudhu, duk atas sejadah tunggu Maghrib, perghhh, bangga mak aku...hehe, abes je solat, naek katil dgn telekung-telekung; and tau lah cite seterusnya kann...tidoq mampuih...
Tiba-tiba terjaga dan dalam keadaan mamai tuh, handphone dicapai, speed dial nombor 9 ditekan...tapi senyap je.....pelik....pastuh masuk voicemail....menu dibuka, icon message ditekan...message pun di type;
"B...kenapa off hp...bateri habis ekk...b dah dinner dah?"
Tido disambung......
Mata terbuka...terjaga, teringat tadi rasenye ada pegang handphone...check handphone...eh,apa aku buat tadi...check dialling time, check outbox..........DAN, dalam gelak mentertawakan diri sendiri....air mata pun berjuraian lah akhirnya...hmm...tau dah kan?
Punyalah rindu kat si dia, terlupa yang dia ada di tengah lautan...itulah kan,kalau dah terbiasa mencari si dia sejenak membuka mata terjaga dari mimpi, sampai dah jadi rutin... =)
*tapi saya tahu, dia pun rindu jugak!

The only silly smile that drives me silly too. ^____^