Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Das leben der anderen

I "steal" the title of a great movie, to write a small piece for the lives of people we just pass by. Lives so different than ours... How many times have you moaned that "things never go the way I'd like". How many times have you said "why me?". How many times have you seen faces like these and speed up your pace, so as to avoid them? How many times have you thought that it was their fault they live like that? How many times have you though it is just of sheer luck it is not you in these pictures?

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

-- from stoneth - (?)

Please click on the pictures to read their stories. They are all doors to things we only imagine but are all around us. It might not be easy for us to come close to these people. Prejudice prevents us from doing so. At least, I hope next time we pass by them we'll feel something different that disgust.