Thursday, December 8, 2011

Skylar is so in love with Cambrie it is so cute to watch! He was so baby hungry! I had family and friends mention how cute he was when I was pregnant. He brought home cute little things for the baby all the time and he was always talking about her. I let him name her because I pretty much named the other girls. His mom really really wanted us to name her Skylie. She wanted us to name Bailey and Kinley Skylie as well. She thought Sky needed to be in her name somehow since our girls look so much like Skylar. Skylar has always loved Cambrie that was always a choice with Bailey and Kinley. So we went with Cambrie Sky (This way Carol gets Sky in the name like she wanted.) Cambrie looks the most like Skylar anyway so it’s a good middle name for her. Some people think going from two kids to three is the hardest.. Not in my situation, it has been such an easy transition. My girls are also older 7 and almost 4 so they are a lot of help, not a lot of work. I love the spacing I was worried because my girls are spaced out more then the average family but it works well for us. Our home is not a stressful one, its not chaotic, or wild. We enjoy spending time with the family, we joke and play around. Its really nice. On that note if I can talk Skylar into one more child I will have it close to Cambrie. I do want to try close spacing I know that they are better little play mates the closer they are in age. I would have had my kids closer but it just wasn’t in the plans for us, and that’s ok it worked out great.

Cambrie's first weeks home

          When I was nursing her at the hospital I noticed my nipple was odd shaped when she was done. I mentioned this to the nurse who didn’t act interested. Cambrie seemed to like nursing and seemed happy and content afterward so I let it go. After a few days I was in so much pain every time I fed her. My nipples were shredded and hurt so bad. I remember having pain with Bailey and Kinley and I remember it lasted a few weeks so I would just grit my teeth and get through it. At Cambrie’s two week check she weighed 6lbs 10 oz (not up to birth weight) and she was jaundice. Her Dr told me I could wait a few days and check her weight again or I could go ahead and supplement. I decided to supplement because I had a breast surgery after Kinley and I wasn’t sure if I was making enough milk… I started pumping and my milk supply was way down! I picked up so fenugreek to help boost my supply and started pumping 10times every 24hours. By 4days my milk was back up. I spent hours and hours researching breastfeeding problems and determined Cambrie had a shallow latch. This made milk transfer hard so she wasn’t getting much, making my supply go down. By the time I got it back up again she was used to the bottle so she then developed a lazy suck! Everything was going wrong! The one thing I had in my favor was she didn’t mind sitting at the breast for 45mins and practicing and then getting a bottle afterward. Today is day 4 of exclusively nursing not bottle! I’m so proud of myself I was determined to breastfeed. The bad thing now is she nurses with a nipple shield. I don’t mind its way easier to clean then bottles would be. Darcy used one for five months with June and reading about them they don’t affect your supply or anything. Cambrie still has a shallow latch so it’s the only way I can think to still breast feed because I wont exclusively pump that was to stressful and time consuming!

Cambrie Sky Baum


Cambrie Sky Baum was born 11-11-11 at 4:50pm. She weighed 7lbs and she was 19inches long. The morning of 11-11 I got a call from the hospital at 8:30, they told me to check in for my induction at 9:30. Skylar and I loaded the kids up and headed for AF. We dropped them off at my moms and went to the hospital. They had me undress and get on the bed so fast. We were only there 15mins and I was already getting my IV. The baby had a really fast heart rate 170’s. They want the baby to stay around 130. They didn’t want to start me on pitocin till her heart rate was down. So we sat around and waited. My Dr Kari Lawrence (the best OBGYN ever) came in and broke my water around 11:30 and started me on pitocin. At that point the baby’s heart rate had been normal for about 30-45mins. The nurse asked me if I wanted my epidural. Wow things have changed since I had Bailey 7years ago… They didn’t let me get my epidural with her till I was dilated further and closer to delivery. They also didn’t let me eat or drink anything! This time around I could drink, eat popsicles, any clear liquids.. amazing! I wasn’t in pain and didn’t need the epidural yet but she told me that the nurse anesthetist had to go do a c-section so I either got it now or waited until he was done.. I opted to go ahead and have it. By then my contractions were regular and every time I had one I needed to pee. It was annoying so I really just wanted the catheter. Everything was smooth sailing from there. At 3:30 I was dilated to a 4 and by 4:15 I felt like I needed to push.. They checked me out and I was fully dilated and ready to go. I called my mom to come over and we waited for the Dr to get there. I pushed for about 10mins or so and then she was here! She came out so blue it was scary, I kept asking if she was ok because she wasn’t crying.. They kept reassuring me she was fine and breathing. They suctioned her out and then she cried for a split second. Dr Lawrence showed me her cord.. She had a true knot, It was crazy, Im glad she was ok. My mother in law mentioned that Cambrie looked so content like she was just so happy to be here. After having Cambrie for a month now I agree, Cambrie never cries only to take a bath and that’s because she is so little she gets cold. I keep waiting for the purple crying to start which usually starts at two weeks. Cambrie has yet to hit that stage. Maybe we got a happy baby this time?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wow its been awhile since I took the time to post a blog. Birthdays, Christmas, ect.... I could post another mile long blog updating everyone on all the moments I haven’t shared but I'll spare you. Right now I'm really missing my little sister and Her kids! Especially Tucker boy! I'm so thankful for Skype and picture texting... June bug was born April 15th. My understanding is it was a really scary birth and she could have easily lost June. Her placenta was tearing and she was being rushed to emergency C-section when she just freaked out and pushed the baby out without being fully dilated. I'm sure the recovery after that has been hard. They moved to Texas a few months ago. Tallon is in the air force and is doing his basic training there. Darcy will be here May 28th until July 2nd. Then she moves to Italy :-( I know its a great opportunity for her but I will truly miss them! My mom just graduated with her Masters and I’m very proud of her! she’s been going to school on and off ever since I had Bailey almost seven years ago. She has worked very hard! I hope to go back to school one day and follow in her foot steps. Bailey girl is finishing the first grade and is very smart... She gets 100% on almost all of her spelling tests and she is a great reader! I can't take any credit in her smartness, maybe it comes from grandma Dayna's side. Kinley girl is three now and she is full of life! She is bossy, independent, and very stubborn. It has been very different from Bailey who was very easy going at this age. Its been fun though, its hard not to laugh at her when she is being bossy or giving us attitude telling us the way its going to be. I love being a mom, its the hardest, most rewarding job in the world! I have big news! I'm expecting number 3 in November :-) We are very excited. I am 12weeks now. (although I swear I look more like 16!) I had my first doctor appointment and everything looks great! So pray for us a safe, healthy baby in 6months time. Anyway here are a few picture updates...

June bug, so cute!

Our trip over spring break, Disneyland, and a fancy condo (thanks to Dr Carter) on a Newport beach resort.

See that black thing in the distance that kinda looks like a shark fin? thats one of three dolphines playing right in front of us.. It was AWESOME!

Meeting Hop at Universal Studios

Bailey with Grandma Dayna coloring Easter eggs... and My cute girls showing off their easter dresses.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bailey lost her first tooth!

Bailey's tooth has been loose for weeks, her adult tooth is already erupting behind it. Last night was the night it was time to come out! It was a hard, LOUD night. She wanted it out because it was so loose it hurt! On the other hand she didn’t want anyone to touch it! First Darcy gave her a twizzler, and told her to wiggle it with that. No progress.... duh! and then Tallon said let me see and jammed the twizzler against the tooth, that sure made Bailey cry! Darcy then asked to "look" at it. Sweet trusting Bailey let her. Darcy pushed the tooth hard toward Bailey's tongue. It started Bleeding, and that scared Bailey. So with my quick judgment, I decided to hurry and finish the job by twisting it out. Might as well if she’s already crying right? and Crying is an understatement if anyone knows Bailey she goes ballistic! Weather she’s getting her stitches out or getting her hang nail clipped, she’s a nut ball! Tears quickly turned to joy of course, that’s a big moment first tooth! and now she’s eating pain free!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wow! It's almost June

I cant believe how fast life goes by, It seems I'm so busy from the minute I wake up, till my head hits the pillow at night. I am working full time, Mon-Thurs that is. When I get home at 5, all the house and mommy things still need to get done.When I finally have a minute its 10pm and I'm exhausted! Skylar is still working part time with ups, Mon-Fri 4-8am. He has been at it for two years now, waiting for them to hire more drivers. He also works for Davita 3 times a week. He stays busy in his free time, finishing our basement (which is almost done being sheet rocked woo hoo!) and helping his mom, family, and friends, with anything and everything! He is such a hard worker! I am glad he gets to watch the girls two days a week, while I am at work. He has become such a patient loving daddy. Skylar and I started teaching primary last month its been fun, but now it makes us have to attend church every week... I did it, I prayed one night that I could find someway to help Skylar and I become more active for Baileys sake. (Its all to easy for us to say, "Lets just go for a ride up the canyon, or Lets just sleep in.") wallah! that very next week, we get a call asking us to sub and then they ask us to make it permanent..... prayer answered!

I have been thinking of going back to school, but I am on the fence with this idea. I am so busy, I would feel terrible leaving my kids another second of the week. I do have a lot of free time on my lunch breaks, which sadly are getting longer and longer! So I think I could take a few online courses during that time. I don't know what I'll do yet, just pray and hope I make the best decision. It would help a lot if I wasn't such a busy bee at home. I CANNOT sit still for the life of me! I am usually organizing, cleaning or working on some project. Recently I did Kinley's big girl room......

I painted my old daybed hot pink, modpodged some paper on a magnet board and glued some flowers to a plain lamp shade. She loves her big girl bed! We thought, because of her stubborn personality, we would have a hard time getting her to listen, and stay in bed. Much to our surprise she is an angel at bedtime she gets in bed and stays there all night. Even if she has a hard time going to sleep, I'll hear her talking or singing to herself to pass the time. She thinks she is 5 & She talks a lot for her age. I mean full paragraphs, She told me the other day "Mom, Jayden pushed me down and it really hurt my feelings, Aurora and Ava push me too mom, I say no no, be nice to me, your not my friend!" no joke this is how my daughter talks big long sentences. what she really meant to say was " Mom I decided my friends were not paying enough attention to me, so I took away their toys and hit them. and then they hit me back so now I'm mad!" Of coarse we could all understand her a little better, if she would get that Binky out of her mouth! I do have to say at least she followed Baileys footsteps and potty trained by 26months its so nice!

I just got back from Bailey's kindergarten program this morning, and I was crying like a baby she is so big now!I took her out a few months ago, and told her I was going to take her training wheels off, and teach her to ride her bike. She was excited, so I took them off and when I looked up, she riding her bike like a pro! I didn't even have to teach her. I am happy that she finds much joy in this new found skill. She rides her bike as often as we let her, in fact a few Saturdays ago, she and her friend Lauren played all day on their bikes. I literally had to drag her in the house at 8pm saying its time to be home!
Bailey loves art she can sit down and create the most amazing things! She found a page that teaches you step by step how to make a flower, or a puppy, so she taught herself. Now without looking at anything, she can draw the coolest dogs. Way better then mine ever wished to be! She also is a bit of a clean freak, whats wrong with us?! I tell bailey she needs to stop being like mommy with her cleaning, or organizing, and be a kid! play with her barbies, make a mess, have fun! so last night she dumps out all her animals, and says she will play with them in her doll house. GREAT, have fun! then later I go upstairs and all her animals are in her doll house, but they are all organized! The giraffes are in the bathroom, the puppies huddled in the bedroom, the cats and mice on the deck, monkeys in the kitchen, and so on! Poor thing. I guess I need to set a better example of having fun too.

So we have had a lot happen in a 3month period. My mom decided to divorce my step dad, and remarry my real dad. Total Jerry springer! I didn't think It would be a hard adjustment for me, I mean I am adult with my own family and kids. Plus what little girl doesn't wish with all her heart that her parents would remarry? It was hard though. I love bob, hes always been their for me, and my kids. He might be quiet, and keep his distance. But he was at all my dance concerts, he drove me and my friends anywhere we wanted to go, and he never complained with anything my mom bought us. I also felt really bad for Bailey, she is really close to Bob. He lets her do his hair, or jumps on the tramp with her. whatever she wants, he does! I think its OK now. He ended up moving out by us, and the girls still see him. I get to see my dad more, and he gets to be a grandpa that our kids see on a normal basis. My dad is great, hes very nice, and respectful to me. Its been nice to have him around more.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This Halloween Kinley was a cat. She was so in love with this costume. Bailey was Ariel her favorite princess.

My Tucker boy and Kinley girl! They are now becoming little buddies. Kinley thinks she is the care giver, when Tucker is crawling around she kindly puts a blanket on his back making him plant it on his tummy, and then she pats his back pretty hard and says shh! shh! while he is squirming with all his might to get away!

I know im partial to my own kids but I mean really look at them!

Kinley with Grandma Carol, she ran to the nearest person she knew once she saw who came through that door, SANTA! I don't blame her though, I mean who really wants some old, hairy man telling you to sit on his lap?

The three amigos, Kaitlin, Oakley, and of coarse my BEAUTIFUL Bailey bum cheeks!