I was scratching my head for a bit trying to figure out how to make some decent looking mutants for my Lost and the Damned list. I searched for bits to buy but there really weren't a whole lot out there. So I just took lots of stuff I already had and cobbled together some mutants. I reasoned that they didn't need hands since they would surely die on the battle field. So I took to chopping their hands off and replacing them with spikes, blades, clubs, flails, etc. I used lots of bits from lots of companies and various kits to threw these guys together. They don't all match but that's okay, you can't expect a bunch of mutant freaks to have time to co-ordinate their outfits. These guys don't even have hands for crying out loud! :)
I made a few guys into chaos 'arco flagellents' in case I want to run a radical Inquisitor Lord. I already have the model just not all of his posse after I liquidated some stuff. Here they are though.
Here's the whole gang from the other figures I painted up for this merry band of degenerate freaks. A few blokes were hiding out when I took the pic so its not quite the whole gang but pretty close. If you look closely you will see a flamer or two. Mutants can't get a flamer but I thought I may use these guys as conscripts or renegades as well so I might as well model and paint up a few flamers for them; just in case.