July 23, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Today was Ellie's first day of swimming lessons. It was quite the experience. We sang songs and played with toys and learned to float on our backs. It was a good thing it was only a half hour long though cause after the part where we learned to climb out of the pool and jump back in Ellie was done. She definately has a personality of her own.

July 14, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Ellie likes to stick her tongue out at people when they have food

July 13, 2008

After Baby Max's blessing we went to the park so i could take some pics of Ellie. This was also the same day she discovered "The Swing". Life will never be the same. Now when this child sees a swing she starts kicking her legs and flailing her arms!

The day after the fourth Ellie and I went to Utah to visit my parents and my sister and Baby Max for his blessing the next day. After a long morning of driving and being hot and stuck in the car, I took Ellie out to play in the grass which was being "watered" (more like flooded). She loved it! This kid would be a fish if she could choose to be an animal. She had so much fun and was so cute.

For our Forth of July we went to a Chuckars baseball game in Idaho Falls. After a BBQ and lots of kids running around and no nap for Ellie it was quite the day. Good memories though!