November 4, 2011

Halloween and slacking

So it's been like four months since I blogged. That's pretty bad! I still have Dane's birthday stuff to put up but until then here is our Halloween. This was the first year in a long time I have dressed up with my kids. I was a witch and had the hat but forgot it in the picture. Ellie was also a witch and Dane was a skeleton. We had a lot of fun getting ready and finally headed off to the big Halloween party. Dane was being so grumpy and would not let me put him down. About a half hour into the party, BLEH...he puked all over himself and me. We took the poor kid home and nursed him back to health. An eventful Halloween for sure! P.S. The green face paint from Walmart is a joke. This picture is a good example.

July 8, 2011

Ellie turned 4!

Ellie had a birthday about a month ago and I am just now getting around to posting her pictures I took for her birthday. It's hard to believe it's been four years. She has been so much fun. It's amazing to see how she has changed over the past year. Here are some funny things about Ellie now being four.
she loves bugs
sometimes she talks like she is british (thanks to peppa pig and charlie and lola)
she eats peach oatmeal every morning for breakfast and a honey sandwich and cheese for lunch
she loves dress up, dancing, and showing off
she loves Target as much as I do (esp the pretzels in the food court)
she only eats the salt off the pretzel ($2 wasted)
she is good at negotiating
she is outgoing and loves talking to people and playing with friends

Happy Birthday Ellie ~ We love you!

Here are a few pics of Ellie the last few months. We had her birthday at my parents house with CJ, Courtney and Saige. She got so many cute presents from all our friends and family. I made her cake with bugs on it since she loves them so much. She also had her ballet recital. She loved it and ate up all the attention she got. Her favorite part was wearing the makeup I think. Happy birthday Ellie!

May 17, 2011

This is my brother and his beautiful daughter Saige. She stayed at my parents for a few days while Courtney was helping a friend out of town and I took the opportunity to practice on her a bit. She's so sweet! This is my new favorite pic of my brother. I love that you can see his eyes perfectly, especially his "cat eye" on the right, and I love his expression. He is a silver miner in Kellogg, Idaho and I liked the contrast of his rugged hands against Saige's creamy white hands. You can see more here.

April 28, 2011

Happy Easter

I have been wanted to get some pics of Ellie and Dane together for awhile now. (look back to last year's easter, ugh!) I dressed them up in their Easter best and made them sit in a field. We got a few good ones and even more outtakes. Dane is crying because he hates the bow tie so much. He was not easy to take pictures of with all the fit throwing and crying. We did get some good ones though. Easter was so much fun. We had stake conference and heard Elder Uchtdorf speak which was amazing. My parents had a big dinner at their house where my brother deep fried a turkey. It was so good! The kids had an easter egg hunt and everyone had a blast. I am so glad to finally live by family!

OUTTAKE: Ellie was worried about ants crawling on her and Dane was still mad about the bowtie.

It's been awhile since I posted so be prepared for a bunch of pictures. Let me start with saying the weather sucks. It's cold and windy and has even snowed. At least we aren't having tornados here so I am grateful for that. Here is what we have been doing the past few months...

Laughing. Here Ellie is laughing at my mom. She's pretty funny.

Crying. Here Dane is crying at me to let him in the house. I try to be compassionate without turning my kids into sissies and it was so funny I had to take a picture. I did let him in after the picture. He normally loves to play outside but I think a dog knocked him over or so he had to come tell me all about it.

Playing. One day it was barely above 50 degrees so Ellie and Dane went out to play and help grandpa. This is everyone's favorite thing to do because they get to run, eat dirt, throw dirt, chase dogs, be chased by dogs, chase each other, ride in the wheel barrow, and collect worms. Ellie loves worms and usually puts them in her pocket for a bit before finding them a new home in a dirt patch somewhere. Chris thinks it's disgusting but I think it's great. Back to the preventing sissy kids part.

Growing. Dane turned 18 months and that means we got rid of the dreaded pacifier. The point of a pacifier is to soothe and calm a child. When the child cries and talks through it and wakes up three times a night because it's lost somewhere in the bed, it means it's not working anymore. We had a grouchy two days but let me say that we have soundly slept through every night the last three weeks. He has also exploded with talking. This kid has a lot to say and has new words daily. He is about 50% on all the charts except he has a small head. It's always been that way. I'm sure that change once he is a teenager and thinks he knows everything.

Eating and being girly. Ellie and I love all kinds of cake, brownie, cookie dough. I think it's genetic because my mom is the same way. The whole reason for this picture was to show how girlie Ellie is. Who sits on the counter with your legs crossed eating cookie dough? Thank you Cami for the recipe. We made some killer easter sugar cookies.

More eating. Rice Krispies of course. This boy is serious about his cereal. It's also his favorite word which sounds more like Sue-wo. He is getting a little better with food. One day he had some pork kabob meat which was huge for him and whenever he goes to my parents he eats all my dad's strawberries.

Dancing. Ellie is in dance again and is doing so well. She is the youngest in her class but does really well. The girl has no balance but is catching on really quickly. It's the highlight of her week and has her recital in about a month. Look at how hard she is concentrating. American Ballet Theatre here we come.

March 17, 2011

Last night I was thinking about all the funny things I want to remember about my kids at certain points in their lives. Dane is almost a year and a half and just has the funniest personality. I try to compare him to Ellie at that age and they have so many similarities but a lot of differences too.

He is the weirdest eater. This kid survives on Rice Krispies alone most days. There was a few days when he was really into "cuties" (the oranges) and ate seven at one sitting. He HATES bread and cheese but he loves grilled cheese sandwiches. Milk has never been his favorite until he discovered cereal milk. He will drink all his cereal milk and ask for more but if I put just milk in a sippy he will not drink it.

Now that he is talking more and more, he speaks with attitude. When he gets irritated with someone he will yell GO! over and over. When we take Chris to work Dane will say bye as soon as we turn into the entrance. He and Ellie yell at each other over toys and sippy cups and sometimes just to see who can be the loudest.

His favorite thing in the whole world (next to me) is his raggy brown blanket, especially if he gets a pacifier at the same time. He carries that thing around and smells it all day. I used to do the same thing as a kid. When he's feeling generous he'll even put the blanket in someone else's face so they can experience the joy of smelling it. He also has a special giraffe stuffed animal that used to be Ellie's. It has a very soft tail that he loves to smell and rub all over his face when he can't find his blanket.

He loves to dance and play chase and wrestle. Dane still has the best laugh of any kid I've ever met and is so easy to get going. He likes dogs and loves playing outside. He's such a fun kid and I can't believe it's already been a year and a half.

February 16, 2011

We love being in CDA esp since the snow is all melting and the rain is coming. I love rain! I bribed Ellie to let me take her picture when we had a little break in the rain. What a funny girl!

February 6, 2011


My cute sister in law is about to have her baby so I wanted to share some of my favorite pics I took a few weeks ago. She was such a good sport. Thanks Courtney and congrats! You can see more at

(she's not naked) this ended up being my favorite shot from the whole day.

January 28, 2011

testing testing

we made it and i finally got my computer working. I finally got a few pics of ellie and dane for valentines day since we didn't send out christmas cards this year.