Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2016


To my wonderful friends/readers 
here in Blogspot, 
visible and invisible..... 

May the joy, peace and blessing 
of the Holy Family 
fill your homes this Christmas 
and remain in your hearts 


Image may contain: 1 person, text

Monday, October 3, 2016



Long ago while sitting in a corner on top of a wooden stool with a sketch pad on my lap and pencil in my hand and wondering what it was I wanted to draw, Mama saw me from the kitchen (in this tiny humble home you can see everything just wherever you would be standing) and spoke out without moving an inch away from her cooking..... "Honey, whatever it is it will be good. Just let your heart do it for you." spoken in the dialect waray.
Mom was a teacher in her time. I would guess that she was a good teacher... because she was great teaching in our home. She taught me a lot about life and living, not just with words or lectures but in how she lived life herself. She also said 'life is the best teacher of all' and that 'the heart always speaks the truth'. I learned much about hard work, resourcefulness, determination, courage, hope, faith, trust, believing in your dreams, and in building dreams with and through whatever life throws at you. Life's tough, she'd say, 'very tough but it's how you respond to it which ultimately will get you where you want to be, sooner or later. You may arrive at the end with a big brass band and deafening applause.. or.. bruised and battered, weary and shaken but still in one piece. All because you learned how to respond to its challenges. And all because you listened to your heart.'
Time and life went by and gave me all that I needed to know and validated the lessons Mom taught. I can understand now, Mom......
Your heart can churn out the best masterpieces... the best achievements... the best work of your life.... the best sketches or drawings or paintings... the best music or sonata... the best speeches.... the best articles or books.... the best cooking or recipes... the best flower garden in your neighborhood... the best homilies in church... or be the best mother, father, son,or daughter, uncle or aunt, grandpa or grandma... the best employee in your department... the best salesman on the job... the best mechanic in town... the best barber in the city... the best barangay captain in the district... the best senator or congressman in the history of our congress... the best policeman or soldier on the job... the best performances onscreen or onstage... the best president or leader of a country.... the best lessons learned... the best friendships for a lifetime... the best role in life you would find yourself in and be the best person you can be, by divine design. The best not as dictated by people with their own created standards. But the best with the best of who you are in your heart. Live with your heart, lead with your heart, listen to your heart.
Well, I finished my sketch that day and when I showed it to her, she smiled and said "It is good." Lesson learned.
Unfortunately I lost all my drawings in the big flood which hit the city that month and year. I cried. But she said.... "You can always draw again."
She is right. We may fail on some ventures, fall from good fortune, lose precious treasures or people in our lives..... BUT..... we can rise up once more, shake the dust, and build again. That's my story; that's your story. It's our story ------ the rising, the falling, and the rising up again. But with our hearts all in one piece. Shining with our Light like never before every time! And you know what, God in all of His wisdom and magnificence put it there. Now you know you're special!
God bless you, my dear friends!

(Thanks to the internet for these wonderful images.)

Saturday, September 17, 2016



At the usual coffee bar I go to, I sat about two tables away from a group of young girls and boys who were spilling out their frustrations over the flaws seen in their families, respectively. It all seemed so huge hearing them talk about it. They all pined for perfection and yet according to the standards they each had set for themselves. That already by itself seemed shortsighted to my mind. I could be wrong but

That made me think.....

Really, if on some days they get on your nerves or if they seem to impede your progress in whatever you have set out for yourself or when they seem to be oblivious to who you are and what you do..... think again.

If you wished that you had your friend's family as they seem to be so adorable and perfect.... think again.

If you feel that your wings are being clipped unreasonably (that's what you're thinking anyway).... think again.

If you feel that God isn't fair because He gave you such a not-so-cool family..... think again.

And THINK you should.

Wanting a perfect family? Don't sweat it at all because you can't and because you won't have one. You can't choose them as they can't choose you either. God had other things in mind when He gave you to each other. So if you're seeing flaws in them and you feel that you could be better off without them.... think again.

As a mother (as all mothers would agree), I die a thousand deaths to my own dreams, goals, preferences, and plans...... everyday. I can't be myself sometimes but I am me where it matters most to be me ----. a mother and friend. Aside from being the maid and yaya..... driver (to school and back)..... cook (well, pancakes at least)..... laundrywoman (hankies and socks matter too, right?)..... seamstress (broken zipper and missing buttons)..... and other dozen-and-one things they can think of for you to do for them. Not discounting too those times of feeding bottles, diapers, and thermometers of long ago years.

But that's okay because that's what mothers do. So much the same way that fathers have their own tasks rolled out for them, too. So do children... they too have their own respective roles to play as members of the family. That is by Divine Design.

God had something else in mind when He gave you your family and It may not fit your own set of standards and expectations of what a family should be. But whoever told you that HE has to consult you for everything HE does, particularly in your life!?

You don't get to choose your family, really. Somebody up there does that for you. HE is better at it than we could ever be by ourselves. Like many things in life ---- it may not be what you want but maybe it is what you need!

Further, allow me to quote these lines from the prayer of ST. FRANCIS...

LORD, make me an instrument of your PEACE.
Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE;
where there is injury, PARDON;
where there is doubt, FAITH;
where there is despair, HOPE;
where there is darkness, LIGHT;
and where there is sadness, JOY.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as TO CONSOLE;
to be understood as TO UNDERSTAND;
to be loved as TO LOVE.
For it is in GIVING that we receive;
it is in PARDONING that we are pardoned;
and it is in DYING that we are born to eternal life. Amen

And THAT is what we do to each other in our families inside the home. Humans are not perfect but FAMILY LOVE IS!

May God bless you and your family. 

(Thanks to the internet for these lovely images.) 

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Remember my dear friend from India.. Mr. Quote Man? Not his real name, of course. He is a longtime friend since my early days in the blog at Indiatimes. That's about a decade ago. We haven't skipped a chance to connect every time we're online, in both highs and in lows, in all those great years of friendship. A treasure, indeed.
Well, in the past two years or so he somehow made it his mission to pass on to me his favorite quotes the goal of which is to make me write, particularly when I'm down to a 'writer's block'. He knows how it is because he struggles with it, too, being a writer himself.
Making the selected quote the subject of the day we then bombard each other via email (back-and-forth) with insights, perceptions, interpretations enough to fill a book. A thick one, I should say.
It's always such fun and a wonderful learning moment every time because he is such a rare specie of open-mindedness, is broadminded to a fault, unbelievably selfless, and is the least concerned with the usual I-Me-My-Mine of life and living. (Hmmm... I remember someone say this before .. "At this age you don't bother about that anymore.")
Can you believe that!? Yeah, sometimes it does make me think maybe this guy might be from some strange planet in the galactic realm out there.... an alien! A nice alien... so much like some nice earthlings that have crossed my path, too.
Well, this was another quote he sent to my email.........
"Truths, like roses, have thorns about them."   -   (Henry Blinn)
That's right, isn't it?
Truths are not always welcome and why we shrink or shirk from it with elaborately cooked up excuses.  Motivated by so much an aversion or diversion from what could be apparent challenges to one's preconceived notion or notions.  But all for naught because truth will seek you out. Always. Sooner or later.
Know that to be true?

 (I found this lovely quote/poster online and loved it.  Again true, right?)

Saturday, August 6, 2016


If only to prove my point that you must and should indulge your gift of talent, I am posting here paintings (in watercolor) which I did the past few weeks or so. I am showing you that talent is a gift from a magnificent God who simply wants you to enjoy life through expressions of your heavenly gifts.
Now this gift which I speak of varies from person to person. Things such as the gifts of song... of writing... of poetry... of dancing... of designing... of needlework.... culinary skills perhaps.... of creative ideas which turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Or the gifts of leadership... teamwork... compassion... kindness.... vision.... management... teaching.... healing... organization... of being a visionary... an inspiration... an encourager... a brilliant builder.... or being simply a Pollyanna to the world.
These gifts are not there or given you just for the heck of it. They are given you... or us... to serve a purpose. But I'm not going to tell you what your own purpose is because I think and believe that Somebody up there will lead you to discover it yourself. As He had given me opportunities to discover mine.
With no formal training in the art, one day several yeas ago I decided to give it a try armed with just a simple desire to paint. My daughter seeing that I had more free time in retirement gave me a huge nudge or push to get things done pronto before and to quote her.... " the desire gets lost or vanishes in thin air." Yeah, it was a push I could no longer ignore. I guess its time had come. And so I did!
I can't tell you in sufficient words the satisfaction and delight felt in accomplishing something you thought you never knew or had. Through the years that followed paintings in watercolor came out from my first fumbling steps and on to honing my newfound craft while growing too with every canvas finished. And now trying my hand at acrylics. Still so much room to learn and grow... and happily at that. Thank God.
I urge and encourage you to seek out your gift; it's there waiting to be discovered. When you soon discover your God-given talent, do remember to share the precious moment and experience with us, your friends. We'll be expecting it. :-) God bless you.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


While sorting through my old stuff meaning to throw away those no longer needed, I stumbled on a piece of paper which was apparently creased badly like somebody meant to throw it away but changed his mind. It was typewritten. Well, I brought it out to the table and began to read it.....
I am even more.

Life has been tough. A roller coaster ride through hills, mountains,
and valleys. I had been bombarded with cares and woes that I've lost
count on my fingers, toes included.
I've lost chances. Plenty of them which could have made my life
different. I've lost people too which could have lent my existence
some joy and fun.
I have faltered, stumbled, and fallen a dozen times. All different
from the other, not the same, but I soon discovered that everything
served the same goal of my learning.
I fumed, cried buckets, felt sorry over lost chances, and regretted
mistakes. Many things angered me, and many more succeeded to break my heart.
BUT..... I have realized that I can't fix everything even if I wanted to or no matter how I try. Strange but some things sorted themselves out. Divine intervention some would say. That then saved me a lot of 'huffin-and-puffin' just to bring the bad ones down. A good number I figured out myself, fortunately. Yet some do not disappear and simply stick out like a sore thorn on the side. You just have to learn to live with it. I learned that, too.
Bruised and scarred by my own battles, (life is indeed tough, amigo)
and yet here I am. Still standing. Because I have learned that I am
even more. So much more.
Somebody up there must be smiling. I guess HE meant it that way. And you know what... I'm glad that HE did. Thank you!
Heyy.. that's my story! :-) I think it's everybody's story, too. You are even more. If you do not know it yet..... let me say this again --- You are so much more!
God bless you

Thursday, May 19, 2016


This early morning I was sweeping the patio of last night's rain which flooded the tiled floor about an inch high. Not much, I know, so not much effort either in performing the task.
Almost done with the whole thing when came loud chatter floating into my direction from the street outside. Three middle-aged ladies were engaged in conversation in such high-pitched voices that easily anyone could hear what they were talking about. As they passed my front of the street I could catch snippets of their chat...... but I wouldn't put them down here as it would be very unfair to hear only one side of the story.
Gossip. Bashing. Or whatever other name it's called is never fair..... is unkind..... is opinionated (To my young readers, that means --- 'of fixed views').
No two persons are alike..... nor do they travel the same life road..... nor do they have the same life story. Each one is unique.... different.... an individual. Whatever he (or she) goes through in his own journey is tailored fit for him alone. His experiences, observations, perceptions, insights, opinions, challenges, or drama are all his. Love, laughter, tears, fear, embarrassment, confusion, disappointment, anger, bewilderment, doubt, joy, misery, sorrow, excitement, wonder, challenges...... the whole range of life and living are all lived in his own special individual character and nature. His own true form or template.
It would be unfair to gauge his life through our own set of eyes, mind, and heart. Like my mom used to say........ "I am not her; she is not me."   Let that person be who he was or is meant to be. He will have his own set of mistakes, blenders, and lessons to learn. He will do it in his own pace and time and reason.  

The thing is every person is growing as he should preset by Someone above. Sure, he is going to fumble and his mistakes may be quite irritating to us -- we may fuss over his mistakes, fume at his imperfections, curse his stupidity. Sometimes it ruins the day for us. But heyy, we fumble too and our own blunders may sometimes impact the people around us the wrong way. So let's try to be kinder to their imperfections as we also hope that others may be kinder to our own. It's the same road we're taking.

As someone once said.....  'We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.'  Besides we have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal lives.
I guess what mom was trying to tell me was.....
Let's try to be more gentle with one another. Be kinder. Be understanding and compassionate. Be aware that we all are, separately or collectively, living our own lives and writing our own life stories.
That makes us all the same .... and that makes us all different, too. By God's design.
God bless you.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Everybody is talking about change.... wanting change. Yes, the general perception is that we need change in every area of our lives.............. government, politics, public and private endeavors in business - banking - finance and in every industry meant to promote the country. Systems need changing and the people who run or operate it need some attitude revamping. too..
Just an observation but I've been here long enough to see that we are a people of contrasts and contradictions. More often than not we don't really walk our talk. Or maybe that's a human frailty.
When we speak of change, we think that it's the other guy who needs to do that (an external process rather than an internal one outside the self) ----- the government officials... the inefficiencies of public and private services... the system of governance... the policies in place which we perceive are no long relevant to the changing times... the institutions perceived to be corrupt... the foreign ideologies allowed to encroach into our territory... those and perhaps even more contribute to the mess we find our country and ourselves in. We point our finger to these reasons or causes.
Honestly... that's only half of the story.
Do you know what the other half is all about? Try these.........
--- not crossing on assigned pedestrian lanes
--- not following traffic rules and regulations
--- 'tanim-bala' at the airport
--- throwing candy wrappers, receipts, cigarette butts, empty coke cans and water bottles on sidewalks and streets
--- sweeping dry leaves, twigs, plastic bags, trash into street gutters in our neighborhoods and communities
--- using dishonest weighing scales at the market place
--- overcharging goods and services
--- cruelty to animals i.e. abandoning them in their old age or when sick, hurt or wounded
--- not coming to the rescue or looking the other way when somebody is being victimized by thieves or robbers on the streets
--- vandalizing public and private property
--- unnecessarily cutting down of trees and polluting rivers, streams, seas with trash
--- kung may nangungutong na pulis.... meron ding nangsusuhol na civilian
--- and so much more. You know it; we all know it. It's the little sometimes unnoticed and oftentimes taken for granted things being done in daily lives on the ground, visible and invisible, which show the character of a person, community, city, nation or country.
Change can be pushed by a leadership but it will take its roots from the people. If they want it too..... hurray! If they don't...... then it's back to square one... again!
That's our story. I don't care if other countries have the same story, too; that's their problem. This is ours... our story, our problem.
Donald Miller says...... "Change the world around you by LIVING A BETTER STORY." --- That, I believe, is now our challenge. To create a better story for our individual lives and for our people and our country.
God bless you.... our people.... our country.... the world.
(Big thanks to the internet for these inspiring images.)

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Somebody out there, I know, is struggling with worries, problems, hurdles, challenges and is close to teetering on the so-called 'edge of the cliff of hopelessness'. Life, as we know it to be, is not all sugar and spice and everything nice. Sometimes it can be bitter and ugly and everything bad.

People react to this in a diversity of ways and means groping, stumbling, falling ... but amazingly rising up again and punching back at life even harder than before. Why? Because people are tough. It's in their DNA.

These make up stories of courage, strength, sacrifice, diligence, responsibility, hard work, sorrow, sadness, fear, hope, disappointment, misery, and the fighting against all odds scenario of life. I know; I have my share. But who doesn't?!

But whatever the things people go through it can never be denied that faith plays a huge role in their lives, be it in a small or great measure.

Faith, too, as many would agree is not easy. It can't be bought, haggled for, blackmailed into, coerced, forced, faked, pushed or pressured.

Faith is ---- your understanding of your God. And your response to that.

Be of good faith. The God you trust can be depended upon.

Have a blessed Sunday, friends!
God bless you.

(Thanks to the internet for these wonderful images of magnificent inspiration.)

Sunday, April 17, 2016


There's an advantage in having or rather living close to the street. In fact, my patio is just about a few feet away from the road. That's how the residences are constructed in my subdivision area. Not complaining because it works to my advantage as it provides me with a vast source or inspiration for the writing. People, particularly, with their human quirks and uniqueness, make for a rich deep well of interesting thoughts, ideas, observations, and learning.

So one day while watering my thirsty plants on the patio two middle-aged ladies sauntered down my side of the street engaged in earnest chatter. In their unhurried pace easily I could hear snippets of their conversation trailing down to my ears. Also because Pinoys have this not-always-pleasing-sometimes-irritating habit of talking in very loud voices I wasn't missing anything at all.

Lady 1: ..Uyy alam mo bang si Selya ay kumuha ng cooking lessons? Ayun, twice a week ata ang class niya. Komyut pa siya puntang Makati para lang diyan. ----- (Hey did you know that Selya's taking up cooking lessons? Commutes to Makati for her classes twice a week.)

Lady 2: Ano ba! Pinag-aaralan pa ba yang pagluluto?! Aba eh sarap na nga yang puchero niya eh. Walang tatalo din sa kanyang lech flan. ----- (What for?!.. she needn't take cooking lessons! Her puchero's superb and her leche flan's unbeatable.)

Lady 1: 'Sabi niya marami pa daw siyang dapat matutunan sa pagluluto. May balak yatang magtayo ng carinderia. Tapos restaurant din balang araw. ----- (She said that there's so much yet to learn. Plans to put up a carinderia and perhaps a restaurant one day.) - A carinderia is a small local eatery in the neighborhood selling and serving food.

Lady 2: Ay ewan, aksaya lang yan ng pera at panahon! Yang si Selya oo, di na makuntento. Tsaka, tanda na niya para mag-aral pa noh! ----- (Gosh, that's simply a waste of money and time! That Selya has never learned to be content. Besides she's too old for that.)
And the rest of the conversation trailed away as they walked farther and farther from my house.

That got me thinking.................

Tell me, is it really a waste of time to seek further growth.. improvement.. development.. more education?   Should one be content with what he has achieved this far?    Does learning have to stop at some point in our lives?   Cannot one build new goals, ambition, or dreams?   Or perhaps pursue old ones that yet haven't found its day?   Does age have to stop you from learning?

Well, while going through my old files I found this one (though how I wished that I knew who wrote it) and probably is the answer to those questions.........


Have a great Sunday, friends. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching for the stars. God bless you.

(Big thanks to the internet for these wonderful images.)

Friday, April 8, 2016


Life is not all fun and stuff. You know that. I know that. We all know that. There are the times when you wished you were somewhere else... perhaps the moon or mars!? I do. Particularly when people come into my space without the slightest good intent. Oh yes, the world is made up of both the good and the bad. A famous writer (whose name I forgot now) once said that "..... a person has both the good and the bad in him and he is defined by the choices he makes".
Okay, following that line of thinking -- then when that person who with all of his sanity and humanity chose to be mean to me -- therefore he is a bad person. On the other hand, another person who chose to be kind, sympathetic and helpful to my plight -- therefore is a good person. And then when I want to bash into smithereens the head of the bad person and reward with kindness the good person --- I am then both good and bad. Simple lang noh?!!
But... I chose not to be bad in my responses to such situations; I wasn't raised that way. Besides I believe in a Divine Presence who sees everything and gives to every person according to what he or she deserves, both good and bad. So there!
I have learned so much from Mom. She was all-patient, forgiving, generous, tough, resourceful, long-suffering, but of such staunch faith in her belief in the Divine whose fairness in all things can be depended upon. The results she may have expected or prayed for may have come not promptly as she hoped for but her faith always was proven right. God has His ways, in His time. I saw that in her life. I was made sad though that she didn't live long enough to see her vindication. But I was glad that God honored her faith. In all things.
I have loved this from the first time I heard it from the movie "Cinderella" ---- "Be of good courage and be kind". That movie now is among the very top on my list of favorites.
It reminded me of Mom... the story of her life. Courage in a tough life and kindness of a heart which knew how to understand.
Never mind the bad people and things and stuff which come into your life. But choose your responses to it. Your responses will define who you are. And.. God sees what people may not see nor understand. That is sufficient.
God bless you.

Friday, April 1, 2016


---- A pet dog loves you for whoever you are... whatever the color of your skin... the race you belong to... whoever you pray to. It don't matter if you are blind... crippled... deaf... mute... single, married, divorced, or betrayed, brilliant or intellectually challenged.  It won't matter if you feed him steaks or food scraps. Your anger or ugly mood won't stop him from loving you. He follows you everywhere you go, content and happy in your company. He won't leave you not even for the slightest reason or whatever his mood is. He is happy when you're happy; sits close beside you when you're lonely and blue. He protects you and your home from strangers, rushing to your aid at the slightest sign of threat. He has no issues with whether you are rich or poor..... a high and mighty king or a lowly street-sweeper.  He doesn't care a hoot if you are the CEO or the janitor of the company. Those things mean nothing to him. All he knows is that he loves you --- and that's forever!!
If humans could do those things, too....... Imagine how good and wonderful this crazy world of ours could and would be!!
Meet Maxi, my adorable companion (shown in picture). I love her, too .....and that's forever, too. And in case you would wonder, more canines and felines have made our home their home, too. Ain't that just crazy?!?!
Enjoy a great weekend up ahead, folks. God bless you!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


That was a long vacation, wasn't it? (Lenten season) Now we're back down to our regular normal routine. Live, work, play, pray, and love. I'll add one more thing to that --- write.
Awhile ago with nothing much to do I sat on the sofa and watched the CNN interview of US presidential candidate Kasich. I was impressed in some by the man but what truly stuck to my mind was this line.....
Kasich: "We need to live a life bigger than ourselves.".
I like that. He spoke my own thoughts. You see, after we're done with our personal pursuits (all are good; don't let anyone tell you that it's bad) and come to that place in our lives wherein we feel content, happy, accomplished..... then the time becomes ripe to set our sights on something else other than ourselves. Or bigger than ourselves.
We now should begin to put to use what we have become (mature, wise, learned, educated, enlightened, smart, etc) .......and with what we have (talents, skills, wisdom, resources, wealth, etc) for something bigger. Or in service to a bigger cause..... or with each other.
But wait...... When we speak of 'serve'... you must be thinking along the lines and likes of ----- philanthropists..... Mother Teresa..... charities..... NGOs..... medical or humanitarian missions..... or tangible substantial donations to a worthy cause..... and more. Yes, to all that -- Well, maybe one or two or a bit of everything on a grand or grander scale, if you can. All is well and good. But really not necessarily in that manner prescribed every time. Admittedly some can and some cannot.
Maybe this is what it means, too....
- A nurse who goes out of her way to care for a patient or who never lacks a kind word to say to his family
- A doctor who goes the extra mile to help restore his patient back to health without thought of added compensation
- A teacher who on seeing a student's potential pushes him or her to become better or best in class
- A person who does not throw his trash unto his neighbor's garbage can or gutter or yard or property
- A driver who obeys traffic rules and respects the rights of fellow motorists on the road
- A pedestrian who crosses on the proper lanes set for pedestrians
- A taxi driver who turns over to the proper authorities a bag left behind by his passenger
- A businessman who does not overprice his goods
- A person who does not cheat or steal or lie or bully someone
- A person who understands and cares for the environment
- A person who cares for our four-legged friends
- A person of faith in thought, word, and deed
- A person who strives constantly to give his best to every task
- A person who is kind and compassionate to the underprivileged
- A parent who disciplines and teaches his children to embrace good character values
- A politician who works for the greater good putting his interests last
---- and many more.

Deeds or actions which may even be considered by many as insignificant or taken for granted ofttimes unnoticed but truly in serious retrospect are worth more than all the gold in the world combined!
"Take time to be of courage and be kind." ---- Beautiful lines spoken in the movie "Cinderella" shown on TV two nights ago. I watched it with my eldest daughter. In fact, we saw that movie twice already.
I also remember this from Mom long ago .... " Caring for others is caring for yourself, too. But caring for yourself does not always redound to caring for others. "

Oh but we need to live a life bigger than ourselves. We are children of God and we are created for greatness, right? Don't sell yourself short.
May God bless you with good health, great opportunities, and joy for every good reason and in every measure big and small. In Christ. 

This photo was taken by my eldest daughter at the Shrine of St. Therese (in the airport and Resorts World area) .. one of the seven churches we visited (Bisita Iglesia) during this Holy Week observance.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

CARPE DIEM -- Seize the day

-- Haven't written anything for a week now. Well, the nudge wasn't strong enough to make me want to write something or anything. Instead I got busy with each day that came to me. And you know what... it felt good. Being busy with..... Carpe Diem. Carpe diem in simple language means 'seize the day'.
I got acquainted with that word in the movie 'Dead Poet's Society' which starred Robin Williams. That was years ago and to this day it is still on my list of great movies.
Carpe Diem. But if you expect it to be doing grand or grander things every time to make the day special, far from it because life doesn't always happen that way. Yet you can make the ordinary mundane things of life special..... very special. Oh sure, at this age and point in time and having traveled far down life's beaten path you could easily say 'been there-done that'. You pride yourself then in knowing so much about places... people... life... living. Well, I remember this from long ago when Mom said to me ----- "Honey, to know everything in the world will take you more than just a lifetime." ..and.. "People don't live long enough to do that", she added with a wide grin. "Don't even try to squeeze it all into this lifetime. What you can do is to make each day that comes to you ........special.  Seize the moments."  Carpe Diem.
A friend loves saying this to me with smug confidence 'Been there-done that.' -- So then does that mean that when you've 'been-there-done-that' then nothing else is left to do or see or discover? That nothing will more or less surprise you.... amaze you..... astound you.... thrill you... mystify you?? That nothing else matters anymore because you've seen them all, know them all, done them all. Really?
Last night I was on a dinner date with my family at this fine restaurant down Ortigas in the vicinity of the Marco Polo Hotel. You would think that all these many years with my family that this occasion would no longer exude that same excitement felt on the past many dates spent with them. Quite the contrary. You see, the magic is still there as I watch my children and wonder greatly amazed at 'how they have all grown' and at how life has taught them well. 

My thoughts now at 70 are far different than when I was 20 or 30 and admittedly have lost quite a few. But with great joy and humility I give thanks to the One above because the magic's there ... still there Life is beautiful. And always will be..
Carpe Diem. And the picture below (one taken after quite a long while; courtesy of my eldest daughter) will tell you ... this is me -- your ordinary human being but happy with my day. Big thanks to Someone up there.
Wishing you all great blessings from the loving heart of God.

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I was on the phone with a friend who suddenly appears out of the blue after several years of absence in my friendship world. Been missing this girl for a long time.
''Been busy with life", she says with a chuckle.

"Well, I'm pretty sure life has been pretty busy with you, too. You sound happy", I kidded back at her.
"Well, not a bed or roses I'll tell yah.... but they can throw at me all the bumps, bleeps, and bang but not enough to mess up my world", she replied back with a merry lilt in her voice.
I believed her.
You see, my friend (let's call her Jane) is quite unique. She's not like many of us puny little human beings who easily buckle down with every test, challenge, trial, or difficulty. But oh sure problems do assail her...... makes her rage, worry, stress out, and cry. So much the human reaction, right? All of that in the moment it hits her... then... wait a minute... she becomes still. And then the transformation takes place.... followed by...
"C'mon, let's get ourselves a burger! I'll race you to the car.." And off we fly!
Yeah I did once thought if she was an alien or something. But I must admit that she's one happy human being.. regardless.
I only really understood when one sweet day I stumbled on this quote....

"The happiest people I know are the ones who have learned how to hold everything loosely and have given the worrisome, stress-filled, fearful detail of their lives into God's keeping." --- Charles R. Swindoll
That's Jane's secret. She connected with her God. But it's not a secret. We all know that, don't we?

(Once more, thanks to the internet for these wonderful images)

Thursday, March 3, 2016


'Twas the time of day when time seemed to stand still. Some people may try taking a nap to ease the sluggish hours away through sleep. Others watch something on TV. Still others would raid the cupboard for a huge snack to munch on. I wouldn't hesitate to do any one or the other but this time I decided to cruise down the internet, not sure what to look for, but just coast along hoping that I hit the jackpot of catching a worthy item to read or learn from.
And this caught my eye......... an excerpt from Pastor Jason's blog post. (a blog I stumbled upon). To quote:
"Fulfill God’s Purpose for You in Your Generation: ---- I love what the New Testament says of King David, “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep.” (Acts 13:36) .
What part of God’s purposes are you called to fulfill in this generation?
God made you like no one else, to do something no one else can do. Never underestimate the importance of your life. If you were unnecessary, you would not have been born. Discover and fulfill God’s purpose for your life, and your legacy will be fulfilled!"

That is a good question, isn't it? Have you ever thought about that?
Allow me to share my thoughts.

I believe ...Man does not think about that at all.... well, not until he is old or older. Let's be honest with ourselves, when we were young all that really mattered to us was making it big in this life i.e. a good position in a well-paying job..... a bright career and profession..... a great marriage..... a big house, flashy cars and all the trappings of wealth..... being popular in the social world..... being famous..... receiving dozens of titles or recognition..... making a name for ourselves..... fulfilling our goals and dreams, and etc. It was all and everything about  "I" .. "Me" .. "My" .. and .. "Mine".
And we all get to have it in different measure, package, and level or degree. True. And we're happy. Satisfied. Sated. Content.
Then Father Time begins ticking loudly. So loud that it bothers even our sleep. Father Time seems to be in so much a hurry, we now notice. We're growing older.
Then all that is left for us now are just memories. And........
this question............. "Have you truly fulfilled your main purpose in life?" To some this question may come early and then to others quite late. But definitely there must or should be an answer to the question.
Because it matters. By God's design.
Blessings to you and yours, dear friends. God bless you.