My baby is becoming more and more like a toddler. It just baffles me how independent she is becoming. Well, I say that, but she wants to do everything by herself but also wants me very close by to watch her :) That part gets a little tiring at times because the moment I walk away she does this grunting thing. It started out very cute but now when I hear that sound, I get a little flustered!
Some of the things E is doing lately:
. Taking steps! It is so exciting to watch her explore new things. She is such a strong little girl and nothing stops her from conquering a new thing.
. Patty cake is a new favorite. I have done it with her since she was very young and she always seemed bored with it. She just started acting interested when I do it. She will clap (so HARD) and bounce up and down and she just started patting her legs when I say "pat it". SO CUTE!
. She is very interested in books now. I have been waiting for this to happen. I read to her daily but usually have to force her to stay in my lap. Now she will bring me a book (usually "Brown Bear, Brown Bear") and sit in my lap as I read to her.
. Music, music, music! She is obsessed with music and I just love that about her. Growing up, I remember music always playing in my house. For every song there is a memory for me. It made me feel like our house was so warm and full of love. I hope E feels the same way when she looks back on our home.
. Dancing machine...with the music comes the dancing!
. E only drinks from a bottle right before bed and that is only because I am usually out of sippy cups by the time night time rolls around. She was never attached to nursing and it is the same with a bottle. She doesn't care what form the milk comes in...just that she gets it!
. She is saying "da-da", "na-na" (her name for me ??), "duh" for dog, and "na" for Nash. There are many other things she says but I have no idea what they mean :)
. Her favorite new thing to play is "roll the ball to me and I will roll it back". We do this at least 5 times a day. She has gotten really good at it.
. She also just started stacking. She will sit down with her blocks and be in her own little world.
. She has a temper and it comes out daily! She will throw herself around if she does not get what she wants. It is pretty hilarious but she is hearing "no" or "no ma'am" a lot these days!
Well E, you are growing up so fast and I can barely keep up. I can no believe you will be a year old in two months. I am already tossing around ideas for your party!
I love my days with you and look forward to going and getting you out of bed every morning. Our days are full of laughter and it is all because of your silly nature. I love to watch you spot the dogs for the first time in the mornings. You start huffing and puffing and waving your hands around. I have to automatically put you on the ground so that you can chase them. It is hilarious!
Daddy and I love that you have such a silly side and that you are able to play games with us. You love to be tickled and for us to chase after you. As long as we are nearby, you are happy as can be. That is an amazing feeling for a mommy and daddy!
I have never been as happy as I am with you and daddy. We will always be here for you no matter what the circumstance. You are our special girl and will forever be our BG.
Love you!!
This is something E does daily! She will search for something from the floor to put in her mouth and then hold it close to her mouth and make grunting sounds. Once she gets my attention she will start to slowly put it in her mouth while I am saying "No No". She then drops it and starts quickly crawling away so that I will chase her.
E loves to be outside. It was so cold yesterday but I could tell she was getting stir crazy. I took her push cart outside and let her cruise around. It was just what she needed!
Miss Independent. E wants to do everything herself. I just gave in last night and let her eat spaghetti on her own. She was in heaven.