Showing posts with label start ups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label start ups. Show all posts

No Start-Ups, No Recovery

A Challenger, Gray & Christmas survey found that 2011 marked the lowest start-up rate in the 11 years since their study began. The waning state of entrepreneurship demonstrates why the U.S. Senate needs to get off the dime and pass H.R. 2930, the "Entrepreneurs Access to Capital Act" -- otherwise known as the crowdfunding bill.

GOP Senators are having a press event today to urge passage of four capital access bills that swept through the House with huge bipartisan majorities. For example, the vote for H.R. 2930 was 407-17. President Obama supports these bills, so what is the hold up in the Senate? Entrepreneurs need access to capital – the environment is getting steadily worse.

Call your U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and demand that they act on the bipartisan, Obama-supported crowdfunding bill – H.R. 2930!

Karen Kerrigan, President & CEO