My work has appeared in…

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Rag dolls…

My first proper finish of the year, or should that be two?

Two rag dolls for twin girls. It's a pity when twins are dressed identically, it's as if they're not allowed to have separate identities. So I didn't want these rag dolls to be exactly the same. Instead, they are similar but different. Both have bloomers made from embroidered hankies. Both have lacy stockings, lace-up booties, worn and mended dresses that they protect with aprons. But while one has untameable hair, the other has a neat little bun. They may look similar but they have very different personalities, as I'm sure the twins will have too.


Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Back again…

Just as blogging seems to be going out of fashion in favour of more instantly gratifying instagram,* I've decided to give mine another go. I never meant to stay away for so long. But I've been writing another book, which has taken up most of my spare time (more of the book in another post). In the end, I decided not to blog and take the pressure off myself. Besides, as everything I made was for the book, I couldn't share it anyway. That's just not done!

Now that everything is with the publishers, I'm free to start making for fun and sharing again. There are so many things I want to do: pojagi, bookmaking and doll-making are top of my list. And I've really missed the comfort of plain old running stitch; so another quilt beckons.

I've made a start. A couple of rag dolls are underway. Two cuddly mice for some recently born twin nieces. And I've become obsessed with visible mending. This jumper was a favourite but full of holes. I needle felted contrasting colour into the worn areas then reinforced them with darning. I enjoyed the process so much, I added patches to the neckline and hem where there wasn't any damage to the jumper. I think it helps balance things out a bit; do you?


*Perhaps a better name would be instagrat?

Friday, 15 March 2019

Return of the Wabbitys…

One of my early blog posts was about the Wabbitys. The Wabbitys are a family of knitted creatures that don't require swatching, seaming or blocking. The perfect project for impatient knitters! They are made mainly from remnants of sock yarn, or stash leftover from other projects. What I get from knitting is quite different to what I get from sewing. Knitting is something I do to relax while watching telly (the sound and rhythm of the needles is soothing). I don't examine knitting in the way I do sewing, or have high expectations for the results. I must have been relaxing a lot of late as I've made a heap of Wabbitys, even more than shown below.

This is Lucky Wabbity. He's a mischievous and nosey young thing who eats far too many carrots.

This is Rex, Lucky's eldest brother. Rex is a romantic and always falling in and out of love, usually with totally unsuitable objects of affection.

This is Hopper, she's the baby of the family. Like Lucky, she is inquisitive and can't wait to have adventures of her own.

This is Presto, Lucky's elder sister. Presto is a magician but refuses to teach Lucky how to do magic, as quite rightly, she doesn't trust her little brother to use the power wisely.

This is Mama Wabbity. Mama Wabbity loves to knit and is covered in fluff, which is the telltale sign of all keen knitters. She's not fond of domestic chores such as cooking (fortunately her husband is) Mama Wabbity would much rather be knitting.

This is Grandpa Wabbity. He is very old and doesn't suffer fools. Grandpa Wabbity has terrible table manners and is always burping and making other rude noises.

The Wabbitys have developed into a more standardised shape since they were first made. Now, all Wabbitys have extremely long and strong ears which they use in place of forelegs. Their giant pompom tails help propel them as hind legs would otherwise do. The whiskers have become more of a feature and are used for delicate work such as sewing and making things, and to express emotion. Originally, the Wabbitys just had knitted eyes but I'm toying with the idea of giving them safety ones, however I can't decide which I prefer. The safety eyes certainly make the Wabbitys look more real.* On the other hand (or should that be ear?), knitted eyes are in keeping with the idea that Wabbitys are what become of the abandoned woolly hats, scarves and mittens I see around my local woods and parks. Just recycled wool, with no additional bits of plastic.

What do you think, safety or knitted eyes?


*When I say 'real', I realise Wabbitys are made up things. To think otherwise would be quite mad and suggest I spend too much time alone with my knitting needles.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Mermaids and Dragons…

Hello, it's me. I almost slipped off the blogosphere, but not quite!

One of the reasons I've been so quiet is that I'm writing another book, which means that anything I sew can't be shown. Trust me though, I'm doing a lot of stitching and writing about stitching.

One thing I can show is this.

What do you see, a mermaid or dragon? It was meant to be a mermaid but I got so lost in the detail, and carried away with the needlelace that I neglected to stand back and look at the overall design. (My mermaid's hair took on a life of its own.) I even went to the trouble of mounting the finished piece. It was only when a friend said, 'what a lovely dragon' that the scales fell from my eyes.

This was meant to be a piece for the next book but not any more. To my surprise, I didn't have a hissy fit or bemoan the wasted hours. I just put the thing to one side and started on something else. Quite a result in itself!


Friday, 21 September 2018

Knitting and Stitching show 2018…

Hello, dear, neglected blog. A tiny post just to show I still care.

Once again, I'll be teaching how to make Dorset buttons, and do needle weaving at the K&S show this year. If you have a moment, look at this super-cute animation the promoters have come up with to advertise the event.

Doesn't Sewphia have a fine set of pins!
