Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day Three

(Hi Erica! Thanks for being my one remaining reader! :) This one's for you haha.)

Today is about: My Views on Drugs and Alcohol

*Disclaimer: These opinions are mine alone..for Daniel's, you will have to ask him.

I grew up in a house that was strongly against all drugs and alcohol. It wasn't just because I grew up in an LDS household, but also because my parents had personal backgrounds with both substances. My dad was a recreational drug/alcohol user in his high school days (that's what those stake presidents sons get themselves into). He started dating my mom shortly after high school and she told him she would not marry him or continue dating him unless he cut out everything and became the man to take her to the temple. He did, and obviously, they did.

My mom's experiences are much different. She grew up with an abusive, alcoholic father and from the effects of that, she never got involved with it in her own life. She is the most anti drug/alcohol person I've ever met.

The reason I give those backgrounds is so that you understand how I was raised to view these things. I think the only downfall to being raised in a house that was so passionately against it was that it made me more curious about it. You would think that it would make me never want to touch the stuff, but I think it had the opposite effect. In high school I lived kind of a double life. With my closest girlfriends, I went to young women activities and stayed clean. With a few other friends who didn't cross groups, I experimented with drinking and mild drugs. It wasn't much because I had a constant feeling of guilt associated with what I was doing. I think the main reason I even did it at the time is because I was running from other parts of my life and trying to cover up the problems.

After high school I stopped any drugs altogether, but drinking became something I played around with more. I went to parties and Vegas with friends far too many times.

The thing is, I come from alcoholic blood. It takes A LOT of alcohol to get me drunk. I have never understood why people drink just to get drunk. First of all, most alcohol tastes disgusting. Why force yourself to drink crap just to get sloppy and not know whats going on around you? That's not to say I didn't do exactly that, but everytime I thought it was ridiculous myself. It didn't really take me long to realize I was over it.

So now, I don't drink. I see no need for it in my own life. I don't judge those that do (obviously I can't), but I just don't need it. I will admit to the rare occasion of having a margarita with good Mexican food, or a glass of wine at a dinner party, but beyond that I'm just not interested.

I will say this about drugs. I am 100% against drug use, with the exception of marijuana. Just to clarify, I DONT SMOKE POT. But, I see less problems with that than addictive and harmful cigarettes. I believe one day marijuana will be legal and I think it should be so it can be taxed and regulated.

So that's that. my long ramble about my own experiences with drugs and alcohol. We are still friends, right? :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog Challenge: Day Two

Two days in a row. Booyah!

Today's topic is: Where I'd like to be in 10 Years

This is a tough one for me. For anyone that knows me, you know I'm not much of a planner. Sure, there are certain things I plan out in advance: vacations, meals for the week, monthly budgeting. That's about it. There are a few things I hope to be true in 10 years though.

1. I would like to have 2 happy and healthy kids
2. I would like to be working a little less and at home a little more
3. I would like to be living comfortably enough that my family and I can travel and enjoy various vacations together (although this might be hard if #2 is to be true)
4. I would like for both myself and Daniel to be healthy and in shape, living as active a lifestyle as we can
5. I would like to have a normal, healthy relationship with my parents and my family as a whole

That's about all I can think of, honestly. I know there are bigger goals I should have for my life over the next ten years but I like to keep it simple. :)

What about you? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog Challenge!

Hello Strangers..aka.. the 2 people that might read this blog.

I'm going to blog this month! I know, you'll believe it when you see it. Well guess what? Along with everyone else I am going to do a 30 day blog challenge. Because I'm not much for following rules or traditional format, I'm just going to start it right now in the middle (almost end) of the month!

Here's the deal. I write about a different topic everyday. Easy enough.

Here's my topic list in case you wanna get all sorts of excited for the days to come.

Aren't you just dying to know my feelings on some of those topics? Cause I am. (Although I will be changing a couple of them (Tumblrs? Huh?) Here we go!

Day One: My Current Relationship

I am married. 4 years now. To a champion. Someone told me today I totally scored in the husband department and I would have to agree. Daniel is my very best friend. My mom has asked me a few times what I see in him and I cant never adaquately explain why I feel so strongly about him. I just love being his wife. I have known quite a few friends and family who ended up in marriages that weren't great. I've heard everything from it not being an equal partnership, to not sleeping in the same bed or being able to hold a simple conversation when in the same room. I feel so sad for those people because that's not how life should be. I feel really strongly that marriage should be based on friendship first. Obviously, there HAS to be more than that, but if I didn't consider Daniel to be my friend, I think we would be screwed. One day my amazing good looks will fade and Daniel won't be such a hot ticket anymore and then what will we do? I truly enjoy my time with Daniel, even the days I want to punch him in the face (and sometimes I ask him if I can..and he lets me). I would never claim to have a perfect relationship. We argue, we disagree on a lot of things and there's always...something. But I also laugh every day, hold my husbands hand every chance I get and fall asleep every night next to a man who I happen to know would do anything for me. My current relationship is good.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cruisin' the Coast

Daniel and I decided we needed to take one more big vacation before we have a little baby in our house changing things up a bit. Half of our family was planning an extended trip to Disneyland so we figured that was a good time to go on our own trip. We rented a car and drove from here to San Francisco, from San Fran to San Diego, then back home. It was a lot of driving, especially for my poor legs/hips, but it was totally worth it.

We had never been to San Fran before, so we spent the first 3 days there. We saw all the main sights except for Alcatraz.
Next, we made our way down to Monterey. We had limited time there, but it was gorgeous. We did make sure to get in a trip to the famous Aquarium, which Daniel was all sorts of excited about.
The drive from Monterey to Pismo Beach was amazing. Full of beautiful scenery of cliffs and ocean the entire way. We stayed in Pismo one night.

On our way to Anaheim to meet up with the family for a day at Disneyland, we drove through where I grew up and Daniel saw all the places I spent my childhood, which was nice to share. Disneyland was a blast. Daniel hadn't been since he was a kid and I hadn't been for years so it was a fun day. Since I'm preggo I couldn't ride the best rides, but it was still lots of fun. The park wasn't too busy, the weather was great and it was so cool to see Disney at Christmastime.

Our last stop was San Diego for the Utes' football game. We met up with most of the family again and "enjoyed" half of a very wet, very cold football game. Us women and children left at halftime but Daniel and Boo stuck it out to see the Utes win! The next morning we said goodbye to everyone and made our way home through Vegas, where we were nice and boring and didnt step foot in a casino but just slept to finish the trip home. So that was that! I'm so glad we got to do this together because who knows how long it will be until we can do it again!

Monday, October 25, 2010

An Ode to a Man.

I married a man 4 years ago. We had a long bumpy road to get there but we made a choice. I love that man I married. I love him more today than the day I married him. I love him more today than yesterday. I'm sure I will love him more tomorrow. Unless he doesn't put his laundry away.

I've been told lots of things about him. I've been told he would never love me the way I deserve. I've been told he will use me and abuse me. I've been told he won't think having kids with me is special because he's already been there, done that.

Well guess what? I know he loves me just the way I need to be loved. I know he thinks I'm the best thing thats ever happened to him. He thinks better things about me than I think about myself. Maybe he has experienced all the first time parent things without me, but he sure hasn't done it with me.

And I've never seen him more excited.

When this baby of ours comes... I think I'm going to love that man more than any day I've had before.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Ok so I take full responsibility for for the death of this blog. Life had not a lot of excitement until recently. Now that we have bought a house, are working on making it really our own, taking a few small trips and the arrival of summer, things are looking up!

I will make some posts about our house soon, but I thought I would start with our recent trip up to Island Park for Memorial Day weekend. It was a nice, quiet, cold weekend. We did get a trip to Yellowstone in though, which was my first time going! We saw lots of bison and elk but no bears, which Daniel pretty much cried about.

One guy was excited to see the elk up close and personal...and we were excited to see his impending death, but no luck.

We drove alongside some bison (buffalo?) and I thought about pulling an orange shirt guy move and trying to pet one. Good thing I'm smart.

Then we carried on to see Old Faithful where Jackson was a little...underwhelmed. But adorable as always!

We drove the loop and saw Yellowstone Lake completely frozen and beautiful. Then we finished our visit with a little jaunt to the falls.

It was a nice little trip and thanks to R&V for having us! Next stop.. Denver. More to come on that later.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Everyday Roos?

I was thinking today...we have this blog called "Everyday Roos" that we never update. So I proposed to Elizabeth that we change the name to "Roos Quarterly" or "Semi-Annual Roos". I think that would probably be more appropriate. So much has happened since the last exciting post involving Boyz 2 Men (I know, I know, You re asking yourself how could there be something more exciting than that?). As most of you have heard, we are in the process of purchasing a home in Taylorsville. Our scheduled closing date is February 25Th and everything seems to be in order for that to happen as planned. We are really excited to have our own place. More space, more freedom & more private (No offense Murphy). It will be so nice to have my own yard and garden to work in. I will even have my own work room to...well, I don't really know what I'm going to do in there, but it will be MY space and I will be able to do whatever I want. I'm thinking it will be my computer repair area and space to keep my house tools in. Now all I need is house tools. Also it will be SO nice to be able to decorate our own space and paint our own walls whatever colors we want. (Again, no offense Murphy, but the Salmon walls just aren't cutting it for us). Also glad there will be more space for the kids. Jasmine will have her own room now and not have to bunk up with her brothers, and the boys room is about twice as big as the room all 3 are sharing right now. They are all excited as well. We have been packing for a couple weeks already, but still have much to do before that day. So there you have it...that's whats going on in the Roos family right now that is blog-worthy. I'm sure we will update again after all is said and done and we get settled in...if not then, I'm sure there will be a Vanilla Ice or MC Hammer concert that Elizabeth can share some pictures with us about. (Just kidding Baby,I Love ya)