Thursday, April 3, 2008

Paul, Paul, Paul

As everyone knows, this week has been a tough one ever since finding out about Paul. Daniel has been trying to figure out his favorite *appropriate* Paul memory. We have talked about it a little bit, and I don't know if he has figured his out, but I know mine! Well, I have a few, but only one was well documented. It was at our wedding, during the Dutch dance. It's time for the couples kissing in the chair part, and here comes Paul, matched up with my lovely married friend Shiloh. Well, she's a cute redhead, had a good amount of cleavage on parade and this is Paul's chance! Not so much. He tried to go for the kiss, only to have her turn her cheek at last second.. and right at that moment "CLICK" went the camera. I love this picture.. it kills me everytime I look at it, just because I know what could have been. (And you can see Riley's hopeful look on his face like, "Go for it man!") :) We miss you Paul!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

HSN here I come!

I have a new hobby. I'm learning to make jewelry. A couple of my friends have been doing it for a few months and I decided to try it out, only I had to wing it and teach myself. I started with some earrings the other night:

Last night I tried a new kind of earring (thank you Becca for being a fabulous pinky model),

a bracelet,

and a funky necklace.

I don't know about you but I'm pretty impressed with myself, and I think I could make millions on the Home Shopping Network. Or at least I could make 10 bucks and buy some more supplies.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Celebrity look-a-likes.

I am conducting a survey. Tonight Becca and I were having a conversation about celebrities we look like, and I told her, once again, that she totally looks like Anna Faris. For those of you who dont know who that is, she was in all the "Scary Movie" sequels, "Just Friends", "Waiting" and more! Becca says that girl is ugly and she doesnt look like her and that she looks more like Melissa Joan Hart aka "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" (who has a lazy eye). She just doesnt understand why people think there is any resemblance. You tell me.

Melissa Joan Hart

Anna Faris

Becca G.

Weird isn't it?

Friday, February 22, 2008

more cowbell..

Ok so I haven't blogged about anything for awhile, and mainly that's because I'm pretty lame and having nothing to talk about. My life is the same, day in, day out. I go to work and take commands, then come home and try to give commands (which never really works). I think I need a vacation. So, yesterday I decided not to make any appointments and I took the day off. I ended up having a rough day ( talk about emotional rollercoaster) so I went on a mini vacation and did some retail therapy. Enter: Taipan. Can I just tell you all how much I love that place? I was in there for what seemed like forever and every magical corner I turned I found something else I wanted. I eventually had to take 6 things out of my cart just so I wouldn't empty my bank account.

Ok so I just sat here for a full minute thinking to myself, "This is the lamest blog anyone has ever written. Why don't you just stop: not while youre ahead, because you haven't gotten there yet, just stop."

The moral of this story:
Go to Taipan, its awesome.
I need to get a life, don't pity me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So I was "tagged" again... a little something about my adorable husband.

What is his name? Daniel Louis Roos

How long have you been married? a little over a year

How long did you date? oh gosh. I like to say 4 years.

How old is he? 35.. crazy i know.

Who eats more? Daniel for sure.

Who kissed who first? I kissed him.

Who said "I Love You" first? he did.. it took me a long time to say it back.

Who is smarter? i would say I am.. but he is way smarter at everything technical.. cars, machinery, computers, etc.

Who is taller? Him by far.

Who sings better? Im going to go with me, but hes not so bad himself!

Whose temper is worse? his but he knows exactly how to push my buttons

Who is more sensitive? I would say me (my feelings get hurt easily), but there are definitely things he is more sensitive about.. like if you question anything he says or does he gets all uptight about it.

Who does the laundry? Both of us... but im the only one who will fold it.

Who does the dishes? he does.. hes pretty much the best husband ive ever had. :)

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? well if youre looking at the bed, i do.

Who pays the bills? I do

Who cooks dinner? We like to switch it up. Recently its just been me.

Who drives when you are together? I do unless I'm feeling lazy.

Who is more stubborn? He is. I'm told its a Roos thing.

Who's parents do you see the most? Ha ha.. his.

Who proposed? He did.. and it was very cute and very special!

Who has more friends? I do.

Who has more siblings? He does, but only by one. He has 6, I have 5.

Who wears the pants in the family? hmm.. thats a tough one. He says i do but he is so stubborn he always gets his way, so i think he really does.

Ok, so now I tag everyone who reads this blog. Renee, Rachel, Rebekah, Kalie, sometimes Becca. (Becca hes not quite your husband but pretty much.. you can just pretend youre already married) :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cafe Rio Recipe..kinda

On Thursday we had some family over to try out my new Cafe Rio wannabe recipe. Everything was great to me, except the dressing, which is what I was most excited for. It just didnt taste right. Thanks to everyone for telling me it was great though. I had a few people ask for the recipes, so here they are!


4 cups water
4 cups Minute Rice
4 T. butter
4 chicken bouillon cubes
handful of chopped cilantro
1 tsp ground cumin

Stir everything in but the rice, when water boils stir rice in and take off heat til ready! Easy enough right? You can also add lime but I didnt have any the other ngiht so I didnt. :)


One packet hidden valley ranch mix
1 cup mayo
1 cup milk
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tomatillo
one bunch cilantro (or less depending on how much you like)
Cholula hot sauce to taste

Just throw everything in the blender and when blended, let sit in fridge for at least 30 minutes. Easy. I used light mayo and skim milk which Daniel thinks is what made the differnece but I don't agree because I use those for everything and never taste a difference. The real reason I think mine was a little different is cause I doubled the recipe but forgot to get two bunches of cilantro so there was only one bunch for the doubled recipe.

So there. For the chicken we just cooked it in the wok with a packet of fajita mix, and the uncooked tortillas we got at Sams Club. Try it all out and let me know how your dressing tastes!

Goodbye 2007... Hello Rock Band.

Well, the holidays are over once again. I do love Christmastime, even if the thought of Christmas day now leaves me with anxiety because of how overwhelming it is as a Roos. This year wasn't as bad as last year, even though we added an extra stop at Rebekah and Victors. It was good times though!

To bring in the new year, we decided to host a "small" get together. Some of Daniels family came, and surprisingly, some of mine did as well (and that includes Becca and Billy). We rocked our socks off playing Rock Band all night, and even midnight came and went and I've never seen quicker kisses from everyone so they could just get back to rockin! We had a good time and are grateful for everyone coming out.

I'm happy to welcome a new year into my life. Hopefully this year will be a good one for Daniel and I. We don't like to make new years resolutions because they just get broken by February 1st, so we are going to aim to make small goals throughout the year. This year we will definitely be focusing on our health and our money. Hopefully each can get better! We hope everyone else has a great year and nothing but the best comes your way!