i had a few photos this week that i could choose from, but i chose this one. i know it might be silly but my newly organized bookshelf makes me happy :) and it was totally a simple thing! ![]() tomorrow marks the last day of this long month of January. does anyone else feel like January is the longest month of there year? it might have something to do with February being my birthday month (!) but i always long for February to come. this month i will be joining Willette and many others for her free photo inspriation course! i am really looking forward to that! ![]() |
the joy of love |
söndag 30 januari 2011
the simple things #12 + the Joy of Love
lördag 29 januari 2011
altered printers tray
i really enjoy making these altered printers trays. they are fairly easy and it always makes a big difference as soon as i add some color!
for this one, i added a polaroid of mine and some patterned paper pieces and some odds and ends from around my house that make me happy. i also made an origami crane to go with the happy buddha :)
here are the other trays i have made!
i made this one as a wedding gift for my friend Linda.
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and i made this for my craft room! |
fredag 28 januari 2011
my job and sadie - a scrapbooking post
last week i shared how much i love my job here and i shared this photo also. so naturally i used it on this page about how i love my job. i love how it turned out!
my sadie girl that we said good bye to in october 2010. just recently i woke up from my first dream about her. it was such a good feeling to have her close again.
i am hopefully going thrifting this weekend, i have missed it so much! i also hope to have a few crafty posts during the weekend, so be on a lookout for that!
torsdag 27 januari 2011
valentine project + giveaway winner!
i love garlands and banners. they are such an easy way to create a festive feeling to the everyday. this is a heart garland that i made during a ferry ride a few weeks ago. i simply folded the colored papers and drew half a heart and cut it out to be a whole heart. i added string to each heart with just 2 stitches each. i might have gotten alittle carried away because the whole garland is over 2 meters long :)
i did the green version last year and loved it so much! it´s an easy mini wreath i made using cardboard (you can use an old ceral box or whatever) for the base. i also used the Heart confetti from my shop and layered the hearts ontop of eachother filling the cardboard base. this year i stamped the word "hug" (kram in swedish) and last year i used a pre made bingo card, i like them both. i´ll put them on our montly shelf, but how cool would it be to send these as Valentines?!!
i did a yearn wreath for christmas 2 years ago and really it is such an easy way to spice up a styrofoam form. this one is shaped as a heart and then after adding the white yarn, i made some flowers from an old t-shirt :) they are so easy to make that i can´t even tell you, but there are a bunch of tutorials out there so just do a google search.
ok, so there you have a few newer Valentine projects in opposite from the older ones from this post.
now on to...
the giveaway winner is:
Kirsten sa...
I love the smells of my everyday life - my boys when they first get up, that first cup of coffee, dinner cooking in the evening and the candle that I light each night. These daily smells bring comfort to my every day.
email me your adress, kirsten!
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my shop |
52 photos in 52 weeks: week 4 roundup and new prompt
i was picking up the mail from the mailbox down our street that morning and i glanced over towards the house and saw this. i didn´t even have my "good" camera, i just ran into the house and picked up my daughters point and shoot to catch this.
this is the un-cropped version. i like this one too!
this is a star light at work and i was happy enough to have my camera when i saw it.
during this week i have been like a shadow seeking person! i haven´t found that many cool ones but i did have these in my photo archives.
and i am so happy that we had a few hours of sun this week too :)
we are up to 102 members in the flickr group which is just wow! and you went to great lengths to capture shadows this week! thank you so much for making this journey such a fun one!
and now on to week 5´s prompt which is: letter
isn´t that a fun prompt?! i am immediatly thinking of letters of the alphabet i tend to find everywhere :)
have fun!
tisdag 25 januari 2011
virtual coffee - the none edition
sorry to say that i have no time for coffee this week :( i know i am bummed too! but i am attending a new class today so i have no computer time during the day and stupid me didn´t do a pre-post over the weekend!
i hope to see you next week for virtual coffee and i promise i will bake something good to make it up to you ♥
måndag 24 januari 2011
a week of no color
I wanted to tell you about ericas challenge for this week. you can read the full post here, but basically it is a challenge to take photos with no color this week. as she says, some photos just calls for no color. yes, i say! these are the photos i addded to the flickr group that erica set up
i look forward to a week of no color :)
ps. don´t forget to enter the giveaway!
söndag 23 januari 2011
the simple things #11 + giveaway reminder!
wow, eleven weeks of the simple things sundays and i am still loving this simple challenge to see the small things in our lives! thank you rebecca for hosting this!
for my photo this week i chose this one i captured yesterday afternoon while leaving a sweet friends house after a day of chatting and crafting. i love how we both saw the lovely sky at the same time declaring how beautiful it was.

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visit my shop! |
lördag 22 januari 2011
giveaway time!
yes, it is time for another giveaway! i love giveaways!
i do love the everyday kind of days. they are really the days that matter, because that is when we really live. i try to capture our everyday life through my photos and scrapbooking, so thought that this piece would be suitable as a reminder for any of you!
so, for a chance to win this (above) just leave me a note in the comments telling me what you love about the everyday in your life!
ps. the giveaway will end on wednesday January 26th!
3 Valentines day ideas from the past
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{see the post here} |
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{see the post here} |
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{see the post here} next week i will hopefully share a 2011 version of Valentines Day projects! |
life changing questions.
what kind of life do you want?
what are you doing to get it?
torsdag 20 januari 2011
alot to share!
yes, i have a lot of new scrapbooking layouts to share with you today, so why don´t we get started!
i wanted to use a photo from my tumblr as inspiration for a layout. and i found one, but i am way to lazy to actually find it again :( sorry. but you can see it here above. don´t you just live the colors?!
this is the result. i lnow not much journaling, but i am still thinking about wether i want some or not. i love the color pops though!
you know that feeling when you don´t have the words for something, but a song pops into your mind? well, shania twain´s song "still the one" popped into my mind when i saw how cute these photos turned out. i just copied the lyrics into a WORD document and played abit so that the text became more of a patterned paper background and printed. i circled some of the words and used a paper doily that i had saved from another project as an accent.
i love these photos that we took with the timer on the camera a few weekends ago. they represent us well :)
this is my whole world right there among some October afternoon and My minds eye :)
see, a page using pink that is about a guy! how cool am i?! :)
i used up the very last scraps of my favorite KI memories paper...sad.
those grey squares is actually some washi tape that i scored in Stockholm. it is yum!
ok, that is it. good amount of pages done in one night, right :)
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visit my shop! |
52 photos in 52 weeks: roundup week 3 + new prompt
wow, when we found out that the prompt for week 2 would be evening i was so happy because the time in the evening is my favorite! we usually spend our nights pretty mellow and low with lounging on the couch with lots of lit candles since we have very dark nights here now. i had big plans on taking a few different photos, but i didn´t have the time :( sad. i did how ever capture this and i love how it turned out!
i must say that there are some pretty awesome photos in the flickr group from this past week! you are all so inventive and productive! I love that you really put your heart into this project! thank you, all 97 of you ♥
the prompt for week 4 of our 52 week project is shadow.
I emailed Monika and said that i sure hope that we get some sunshine in the next couple of days :)
keep up the good work everyone!
tisdag 18 januari 2011
virtual coffee - i love my job edition!
hi there and welcome to this weeks virual coffee! i am happy that you stopped by! today i would be gifting you with some sandwiches with your coffee, if we were to meet for real.
ok, so if we were to meet for real today, i would tell you that i love my job. i. love. my. job.
i am a kindergarden teacher and i work with kids between the ages 1-3. i know many of you refere to daycare when you here that. but here in Sweden the really young kids also has a plan and we have lots of goals (by law) to work towards when it comes to making a good learning enviroment and so on.
if we were to meet for real today, i would tell you a few things about my job that i love.
when i come to work i get at least 2 hugs and lots of waving and Hi!´s. and people, i know everyone does not get that when they walk into their offices in the morning! i love the kids and i love to see how much they love eachother. right now we have such a great little group of kids that work so well together. and i was just sitting today watching them and thinking about how much energy i get when i see how fun they have together!
if we were to meet for real today, i would tell you that another thing i love about my job is the expression kids make when they are amazed by something, may it be a new toy, something in nature or eachanother.
if we were to meet for real today, i would also tell you that i love the fact that i get ovations when i sing :) i mean who can say that after a day at work; today i got clapping ovations and a few bravos when i sung!
thank you for coming over for coffee today!
ps. you can see more photos from work here!
måndag 17 januari 2011
happy scraps
i thought i´d share a few new layouts with you today. the photos are all from our weekend getaway 2 weekends ago. this forst one is about how my daughter is really making an effort to learn new angles and DOF when it comes to photography. when i went around the castle for a photowalk, she was right there with her point and shoot and i snapped a few of her! i love this ♥
and i totally love that i used the color of her fleece for the page embellishments :)
yes, we LOVE hotel breakfasts :) it´s like the best thing with staying at hotels in our book!
i didn´t realize that we seated ourselves almost exactly alike on both photos even though they are taking 2 different mornings :)
these are a few of the photos i took at the castle we first stayed at. i made a photo mosaic out of them and left a square blank on purpose so i could write the name of the castle in it. the together flashcards is from my Everyday Flashcard download in my etsy shop!
and now as my facebook status says:
Lisa Ottosson has a real itch to get some scrapbooking done!
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