we all went on a much needed forest walk together last night. a kind of walk that gives you the opportunity to really hear everything and see more. and flower picking is always a good thing according to me :)
i do need to focus better on so many things. i have been in such a rut lately where i have done things half way if you know what i mean. i have every intention to do something but i end up on that damn (but very loveable) couch and then i can´t seem to get my butt of it! it makes me very frustrated! i know much has to do with my illness (i was diagnosed with cronical depression a while back) but i get frustrated with the lack of willpower sometimes. i really don´t want to be one of those that didn´t really live their life just dreamed about all the things they could have done...so as a way to help me to a kick start i re-viewed my list of 30 things to do before i turn 31. just for kicks i will post them here again:
1. be a world parent through unicef (done)
2. sew more
3. do more guerilla art
4. go to the hairdresser (done)
5. laugh out loud often
6. go see fotball
7. go see ice hockey
8. dance
9. get my license
10. run in a photo contest
11. drop 5 kilos
12. try yoga
13. go for a horse carrige ride
14. take my daughter to the amusement park
15. read a nobelprize winner
16. go to a photoexhibition
17. go to every exhibition in my local art gallery
18. make a new inspirationboard (in progress)
19. swing
20. go to a museum alone
21. save 100 crowns every month (eh...)
22. go to a concert
23. go to the movies 3 times (one down)
24. make a sound collage
25. do more small things for enviroment (in progress)
26. take more walks
27. travel
28. look at this list often
29. sleep in a tent
30. love (in progess!)
so there i have it once again. i just might have to choose a point or two to focus more on right now, you know just to get me up and going again...