First, it was the first time in a long time that I have been with my mom, dad and sister together. I have seen them all seperately, but it's been a very long time since we have all been under the same roof. It was wonderful. I miss them.
Second, it has been way too long since I have seen my cousins and it was good to see all of them and where their lives have taken them. They are amazing people!
Third, I'm grateful for my savior Jesus Christ who is the perfect example for me. I found myself during this week thanking my Heavenly Father for all that I am and all that I have. Most important, my family. I miss my kiddos and my hubby. But it was good to see the rest of my family and spend incredible moments with them reflecting on the life of my uncle. He truly was an incredible man. I am grateful for the knowledge of the atonement and of eternal families. I know for a fact, this life is not the end. We will be together again and I am so grateful for that knowledge.
Uncle Mike has a Purple Heart from his service in the Vietnam war. We just learned not too long ago that he was a sniper there. I could go on all day with stories about him.
We launched beautiful floating laterns, think Tangled, in his memory. We all stood on a beautiful patio overlooking amazing mountains and watched them drift into heaven. It was perfect.
He was brave. He was strong and a true disciple of Christ. Thank you Uncle Mike for all of the memories. Rest in Peace.