Yo Holman
be going down this week Holman fam over in yo vida este seymana!
haha I
love you all so much! Dad & Sky it was the bomb.com getting to
talk to you the other day! haha It made me a little homesick getting to hear
your voices, but I’m back on top and as good as ever now....actually no I’m not
as good as ever! I’m so ready to peace out of spirit prison (MTC) its been fun,
but I’m definitely ready to bounce outta here!
So just
so everyone has a heads up my visa hasn't come, along with my whole districts
visas, and all of the people in the mtc heading to Argentina! That’s why I got
to call dad to let him know that I wouldn't be leaving on the 23rd of April
like I had originally told you! Anyway, so when your visas don’t come you
are known as "a visa waiter" its a glorious title...I get to eat even
more horrible mtc food, study my brains out even more, and get to do everyone's
dirty work (like being a mtc janitor for service once a week) because I’m
considered one of the oldest groups in the mtc...its a blast :) haha But I
kninda told dad and sky when they both picked up the phone, that I’ll just be
here until my visa shows up, or until they re-assign me this Thursday, as in
tmrw! The bad news, my visas not here, the good news tmrws Thursday, which may
mean that I’ll get to be reassigned and bounce outta here! Anyone wanna take
any guesses on where I’m going??? I’m felling Missouri, Chicago, Iowa, or the
greatest possibility Chile! (you don’t need a visa to go to Chile) So yeah - feel
free to guess! I’m just super pumped because I can finally start teachin’ some
peeps about who Christ is, what his life was all about, and how their lives can
be absolutely changed by coming to know him, and by being converted to his
gospel! Needless to say, I’m pumped!
So yeah,
this week has been a little weird because according to the mtc, we no longer
exist because we were already supposed to be gone! So pretty much for all of
these 9 weeks they have had a pretty intense schedule laid out for us, but now
we are considered gone, so the schedule is in some ways a little bit easier,
and in some ways un poco mas deficil! I have been teaching a lot of
Spanish to some of the younger districts in the zone and we all had a
pretty good time, and also I’ve just been studying my brains out! I don’t wanna
waste a single second so I’m trying to work really hard!
other news, I was finally released as zone leader! (Can I get an amen, praise
the lord?) Finally some other elders have to go to all of my meetings and worry
about the zone! But like I mentioned, I get to do everyone’s dirty work cuz I’m
the oldest and I know how the mtc works, so when they cant figure something out
I get to teach them! haha So this is kinda random but last night, me and my
companion pulled an awesome prank on the new zone leaders! We broke into their
room stuck a vacuum under their bed, plugged it in and turned it on...we then
went to the breaker and turned off the power to that plug! So if you're with me
still, in the middle of the night me and my companion snuck out to the breaker,
turned it back on, and on went the vacuum under their bed in the middle of the
night! It was so funny cuz the new zone leader wet his bed it scared him so
bad… so like I said, I do everyone’s dirty work but I get back at them!
Okay I
gotta bounce! Sorry this week was kinda boring to report on!
Oh and
random thought - the reason I’m emailing today is because, since we no longer
exist in the mtc they switched our whole schedule around so, I now have p-day
on Wednesday!
quick thought for you really quick! This week I had the opportunity of teaching
a lady named Sis Anderson! She shared with me stories about her life, and
some really hard trials and experiences she has been through, lots of her
children are scattered across the US, some of them wont even talk to her, and
she has been going through some really tough times in her life. The amazing thing
about being a missionary is I always have the cure for people’s problems.
People come to you, after some digging around, you find out what there needs
are in there life, and then you watch as God works through you and feels
your mind with what to tell his children. It was amazing because I testified of
Christ to this lady that was twice my age. I testified of the power of the
atonement and what she needs to do in her life to be closer with Christ. We
talked a lot on faith, what it means, what we can do with it and how we can
make it stronger. The spirit was so strong in that room. It’s amazing being a
missionary because I get to help God help his children, and the cool thing is,
God works through me! Well, long story short, I taught hermana Anderson, in
Spanish how faith in Christ will help her through her trials.
remember Holman clan, whenever you are experiencing a trial, have faith in
Christ! He will not abandon you!
Well, I
gotta go! Email me back! Make your guesses on where you think I’m gonna be
reassigned! Peace out until next week pele rojo familia!