Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sticking around the MTC...

Yo Holman peeps!

What’s be going down this week Holman fam over in yo vida este seymana!

haha I love you all so much! Dad & Sky it was the getting to talk to you the other day! haha It made me a little homesick getting to hear your voices, but I’m back on top and as good as ever now....actually no I’m not as good as ever! I’m so ready to peace out of spirit prison (MTC) its been fun, but I’m definitely ready to bounce outta here!

So just so everyone has a heads up my visa hasn't come, along with my whole districts visas, and all of the people in the mtc heading to Argentina! That’s why I got to call dad to let him know that I wouldn't be leaving on the 23rd of April like I had originally told you! Anyway, so when your visas don’t come you are known as "a visa waiter" its a glorious title...I get to eat even more horrible mtc food, study my brains out even more, and get to do everyone's dirty work (like being a mtc janitor for service once a week) because I’m considered one of the oldest groups in the mtc...its a blast :) haha But I kninda told dad and sky when they both picked up the phone, that I’ll just be here until my visa shows up, or until they re-assign me this Thursday, as in tmrw! The bad news, my visas not here, the good news tmrws Thursday, which may mean that I’ll get to be reassigned and bounce outta here! Anyone wanna take any guesses on where I’m going??? I’m felling Missouri, Chicago, Iowa, or the greatest possibility Chile! (you don’t need a visa to go to Chile) So yeah - feel free to guess! I’m just super pumped because I can finally start teachin’ some peeps about who Christ is, what his life was all about, and how their lives can be absolutely changed by coming to know him, and by being converted to his gospel! Needless to say, I’m pumped!

So yeah, this week has been a little weird because according to the mtc, we no longer exist because we were already supposed to be gone! So pretty much for all of these 9 weeks they have had a pretty intense schedule laid out for us, but now we are considered gone, so the schedule is in some ways a little bit easier, and in some ways un poco mas deficil! I have been teaching a lot of Spanish to some of the younger districts in the zone and we all had a pretty good time, and also I’ve just been studying my brains out! I don’t wanna waste a single second so I’m trying to work really hard!

In other news, I was finally released as zone leader! (Can I get an amen, praise the lord?) Finally some other elders have to go to all of my meetings and worry about the zone! But like I mentioned, I get to do everyone’s dirty work cuz I’m the oldest and I know how the mtc works, so when they cant figure something out I get to teach them! haha So this is kinda random but last night, me and my companion pulled an awesome prank on the new zone leaders! We broke into their room stuck a vacuum under their bed, plugged it in and turned it on...we then went to the breaker and turned off the power to that plug! So if you're with me still, in the middle of the night me and my companion snuck out to the breaker, turned it back on, and on went the vacuum under their bed in the middle of the night! It was so funny cuz the new zone leader wet his bed it scared him so bad… so like I said, I do everyone’s dirty work but I get back at them!

Okay I gotta bounce! Sorry this week was kinda boring to report on!

Oh and random thought - the reason I’m emailing today is because, since we no longer exist in the mtc they switched our whole schedule around so, I now have p-day on Wednesday!

Okay quick thought for you really quick! This week I had the opportunity of teaching a lady named Sis Anderson!  She shared with me stories about her life, and some really hard trials and experiences she has been through, lots of her children are scattered across the US, some of them wont even talk to her, and she has been going through some really tough times in her life. The amazing thing about being a missionary is I always have the cure for people’s problems. People come to you, after some digging around, you find out what there needs are in there life, and then you watch as God works through you and feels your mind with what to tell his children. It was amazing because I testified of Christ to this lady that was twice my age. I testified of the power of the atonement and what she needs to do in her life to be closer with Christ. We talked a lot on faith, what it means, what we can do with it and how we can make it stronger. The spirit was so strong in that room. It’s amazing being a missionary because I get to help God help his children, and the cool thing is, God works through me! Well, long story short, I taught hermana Anderson, in Spanish how faith in Christ will help her through her trials.

Just remember Holman clan, whenever you are experiencing a trial, have faith in Christ! He will not abandon you!

Well, I gotta go! Email me back! Make your guesses on where you think I’m gonna be reassigned! Peace out until next week pele rojo familia!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

False start & a lesson on prayer - April 19

Yo! What’s hap-a-lap-a-nin  Holman clan!!!

So first off I have to apologize...the keyboard that I got this week is broken...and I literally had to take it apart to get it working...the good news is, I know exactly how keyboards work now, the bad news is.... it randomly throws spaces in the email without me wanting it to, so bare with me!

Thank you so much for all of your dear elders this week! I love hearing from all of you so much! Thanks for the pics Will and Kade! They are hanging up in my room!!! Dad thanks for the updates on the fam! and sky thank you so much for letting me know what’s going on with you! You may think it sounds boring to you, but I thrive on it! Your the bomb for always being so good about writing me! And thanks to everyone else! I’m gonna try and get a letter out to you today with some pics in it!

Anyways its been another week here at the mtc, and I’m not gonna lie, its been prettty long, but a good one! So I got my travel plans two days ago and I’m scheduled to leave the mtc in four days...this Monday! I leave the mtc at 10:00 this Monday and my flight leaves at 1:55 in Salt Lake airport to Atlanta Georgia. I bought a calling card so when I get to the airport I can call you. So I can call you when I get to the SLC airport and again in Atlanta.  From Atlanta I hop on a plane at 9:00 p.m and land in Buenos Aires Argentina the next day at 9:10 am!!! haha that’s gonna be a plane ride...especially kickin it in coach!!!! So yeah, I’m pretty pumped....I guessed more scared out of my mind because I have no idea what to expect...hopefully my companion in the field is just like yours sky :) Chiste! (joke) haha No, but its’ funny, the second I start getting comfortable in the mtc and start to realize what  I’m doing and how it’s suppose to be done I leave for the field...i’m starting to think that the Lord wants you to always be humble and meek so that he can always teach you lessons.  I was talking about this with some RM's at the mtc and they said, the second you start feeling comfortable in the field your two years will be up...that’s just the way the Lord works... I’m starting to really learn for myself what sky would say… there’s no growth in comfort, and no comfort in growth... and I’m just starting to feel comfortable with the mtc....haha and that’s why I’m leaving....well maybe...

Still no word on visa's yet! We should find out either tonight or tmrw! If they’re not here I’ll probably be in the mtc for another week, or they will re-assign me to a state side mish! Which I secretly hope they kinda do so I can have both experiences... a state side mish and a foreign mish! So we'll see about Fillmore Missouri!!!! Hahah

In other news I had some pretty cool experiences this week!  Elder Davidons and I got to teach a whole family that was right out of Chile! It was the coolest experience! It was a family of 5 and the only member was the mom.  She had her 3 kids there listening because she wanted them to hear what the missionaries had to say! It was so cool because her little kids were jumping on me and wrestling with me and throwing blocks at me and I was so happy to see someone besides a 19-year-old boy there! Haha It was so crazy because the mom was just spitting out Spanish at us and we were still able to communicate with her as well as keep the kids entertained!
Well, in short the lesson was on how we could receive personal revelation through the power of prayer! Half the stuff she said to elder Davidson and I, we missed.  But we shared scripture, bore testimony and could really feel the spirit so strong! After our lesson we went back up to our class and my teacher, Hermana Ricks, came up to us and asked if we understood half of what she was saying...haha elder Davidson and I kinda laughed and said no.  She said that she was listening in to our lesson and she said that she was telling us that she really struggled with prayer because she really felt that she hasn't ever gotten an answer form God except for when she was deciding to become a member of the church! She said that elder Davidson and I bore such a powerful testimony of how God can answer our prayers and how he will answer prayers, then our teacher asked if we had come up with our scriptures we were gonna share in the lesson, and we told her that we hadn't, that we had prayed before that these would be the right scriptures to share with her.  Well, to make a long story short the scriptures were exactly what this lady needed to hear because they applied to her situation perfectly.  Elder Davidson hadn't even known what we had taught her, but we taught her exactly what she needed to hear, and the mom said in the lesson that we had been an answer to her prayers, and we didn't even know what she said! hahah

I learned two things in this lesson...when we teach by the spirit we may have no idea what we're saying or what the investigator is saying, but God knows what they're saying, and he has heard all of our prayers! He will use his children as tools to answer prayers and to share his gospel!

K probably none of this makes sense but I’m over 5 minutes and i don’t have anymore time! I love you all and I’m so grateful God placed me in such a wonderful family! The next time you are struggling with something, or have a question, ask our Great Maker and Creator! Turn your questions and faith to God, and he will not abandon you.  He will answer your prayers! K, peace out peli rojos. pray that I get my visa and that I bounce outta here this week!

Later gators!!

p.s. I saw the Wilson’s at the mtc! I think Gordon sent you a pic mom!

A taste of Argentina & Easter - April 12

Yo Holman clan! Long time no see!

How is everyone?!!!! I miss you all like crazy!!! Sorry I’m writing a little bit later today than I usually do! Today I had to meet with a council member from Argentina! They flew her in from L.A. today so she could come meet with us and speed up our process as far as getting a visa.  Still no luck and I’m scheduled to bounce outta here in a couple of weeks!

Apparently one of the requirements to get a visa in Argentina is you have to have an interview with one of their visa agents. Needless to say, I passed! In fact she told me she couldn't wait for me to get into her country and bless it with my red hair and pearly white smile....well I think she said that… she was speaking really fast in Spanish, but I’m gonna roll with that! haha She spoke a little bit of English and she told me that Buenos Aires is known for how fast the people speak Spanish....she said they speak it probably the fastest out of anyone in the world! She gave me just a little taste of it, and needless to say I wet myself.  I’m pretty sure they haven’t been teaching me the right language here in the mtc! haha They have taught all of us very crisp and clean Mexican Spanish....haha but when she started speaking to me there were so many "shas" and "ll" and "asdklflsdkjfl;ajklkdfjl" in there that I couldn't even see right after she was done talking to me! I use to think that I could just kinda joke my way through life...but all joking aside...joking’s not gonna get me outta this sour pickle! 

So, in other news the the mtc...I wanna bounce outta here and get into the field, but I know that I could definitely use the extra practice with Spanish here, so I have very mixed feelings about the whole thing...speaking of stomach has been mixing and twisting all week! There has been a huge brake out of influenza here at the mtc and I was so worried I had it all week...I just constantly wanted to barf...but I never did, so I’m just realizing the mtc food has gotten to me and I cant stand it anymore.  I just dream of some onion salad mom makes...or an onion cake mom makes...or an onion chocolate mom makes...or onion pasta mom makes…needless to say mom, I miss your food.  MTC food just isn’t cutting it for me...and from the smells of butt crack everywhere in the mtc, I’m pretty sure its not working for everyone else. Mom well I’m thinking of you I want my scripture to be proverbs 3 vrs 5 and 6. Yes, I know that sky has chosen this one, but I have honestly relied on this scripture so much while I have been here, and I think that I’m going to follow what this scripture sais for the rest of my mission. Sky if you want me to choose another one I will! It has just really helped me out here when I struggle here!

So this week I had a pretty fun time! I taught some really cool peeps and listened to some great talks! On Easter Sunday they had Elder Packer come talk to us! It was prettttty sick! It was centered on the atonement of Christ, but the thing I got the most out of it is to replace fear with faith! There have been lots of times on my mission where I have been so scared to do something...mostly when it comes to Spanish (like opening my mouth when I have no idea what to say, and to not have fear but faith that the Lord will fill my mouth with what needs to be communicated) at times it can be pretty scary but my goal this week was to replace fear with faith! I have been able to apply this so much on my mission so far, and I know that all of you can apply it in your lives daily. I love the scripture in Moroni 7:33 it pretty much states that when we have faith in Christ, all is possible. If we have faith in Christ he will help us through our most difficult challenges that often don’t seem possible to accomplish on our own! Look for ways in your life this week to see how fear can be replaced with faith. Faith in God, faith in Christ, and faith that they will not abandon you when you need them most. Christ went below all things so that he would know exactly how you feel each second in the day! Are we using the power of the atonement to its fullest potential? Are we pondering about what Christ does for us daily? If you aren't, turn to him. If we have faith in him he will not abandon us (he wont abandon you if you don’t have faith in him too) but if we have faith we can have God on our left and Christ at our right.  We can have angels bare our burdens with us, and pick us up! The next time you are scared or worried...turn that fear to faith!

I gotta peace outta this joint! L love you all! Keep the dear elders coming and ill try to get some letters out to you this week! Thanks for letting me know everything that’s going on in your life! I love you all!!!

Elder Holman!!!!!!!

Trio, Zone Leader, & more great teaching experiences - April 5

Que pasa me familia!!!

Hey all! Its been another week here at the mtc, haha and I really don’t have a whole lot to report except that its the same old same old and that I’m as busy as I’ve ever have been!!!

So this week one of the districts ahead of us left for Argentina on there mission, they were very lucky to head out cuz Argentina is the biggest nightmare in the world right now to get a visa to... They only have one person in the whole country sending out visas and he hates Americans, but he doesn’t have anything against the LDS church, so hopefully things will work out, but if they don’t work out for a tiny bit, I’m planning on being sent to Fillmore Missouri until my visa arrives! hahah! I know that it’s in Gods hands and that I’ll go where he wants me to go, so I’m not worried in the slightest, but regardless I’m still praying for my visa to arrive!!

Anyways! The district before me left this past week, all but one. And his name was elder Thorton. He didn't go because he was having visa problems, the mtc wasn't really sure if his visa was on the way or not, so instead of reassigning him, they just made him stay in the mtc until he found out, I know...can you think of any worse way to punish a person! That’s like sending a convict to prison and not telling him when he's gonna leave...well it might not be as extreme, haha, but still he was pretty down...until he found out that he was gonna be put in a trio, with me!! So this past week i got a new companion, so it was now Elder Davidson and me and Throton! Elder Thorton was probably one of the coolest thuggin kids I have ever met! He’s lived in Portland Oregon his whole life, and wasn’t really sure about serving a mission, but his dad served a mission and his dad was his hero so he decided to do it to! Well anyways, sky can attest to this, but being in a trio is the sickest thing in the world! We had so much fun!! haha and elder Throrton has the funniest stories I think I have ever heard in my life... what I’m trying to say is we had fun! Not only is he a super chill guy, but he taught me so much about Spanish cuz his district had been here a little bit longer than mine... well through it all he got pretty upset that his visa hadn’t come in and he didn't know when he was leaving. Well, yesterday I got a letter saying that his visa had arrived, I wasn't with him at the time, I  was with elder Davidson, but we ran back to the class room asking everyone where he was, nobody, new.  After searching for a tiny bit, I found him where I thought he would be...yep in the bathroom…well I wont go into any more detail! haha but I shouted through the stall that he had got his visa, and he started freaking out! It was awesome! Anyway, Elder Thorton is now gone, but it was so much fun having him for a companion this week!

In other news, I’m the new zone leader. I was called last week! I’ve been making sure that everyone is feeling welcomed here at the mtc and that all the new districts are adjusting just fine! Its been pretty fun so far!

Okay really quick before i go I’ll share a spiritual experience I had this week, so yesterday Elder Davidson and I were teaching an investigator in Spanish, and we had a really cool experience! When we got there we started asking her about what was new in her life, and she told us that she had just lost her job and she wasn't really sure what to was pretty freaky cuz I didn't really know what to tell her and especially in Spanish... I asked her if it would be okay if we said a prayer for her right there and to bless her that she would be okay, she said that it would be fine, it really invited the spirit into our lesson, and elder Davidson and I weren't really sure what to say, so we went on with out lesson that we had prepared, it was on the plan of salvation, the whole time elder Davidson and I new this wasn't what she needed to hear right now cuz she was so worried about her job! Well, we went on with the lesson we got to the portion of the atonement, elder Davidson was just gonna say a couple of things about it and move on, but I received the strongest prompting to testify of the atonement. For the rest of the lesson the spirit taught, not me, he told us exactly what to testify, put words in our mouth, and helped us testify that Christ new exactly how she felt, and that she can rely on him through all of these trials as well as all of her trials in life! It was incredible, the spirit was so strong there that all three of us could feel of it. I for the first time really experienced what its like when the spirit takes over the lesson and begins to teach, because I shared scriptures with her that I had never read before, and they were exactly pertaining to her needs. The Holy Ghost led me there, and taught, and she wasn't only edified but I was to! It was incredible! The feeling was so undeniable in that room! We all new what we had felt and it was the most incredible experience I’ve had here in the mtc. I hold this experience close a dear to me. I wasn't even sure if I should share it, but I feel that it’s okay!

I testify to you that our Savior lives, he is the Christ, and he died for each and every one of us. He suffered pain our minds can’t comprehend, and he did it because he loved us. He did it so he would know exactly what we are going through when we are struggling and going through a tough time in life. He is there for the person that lost their job, for the person that was just divorced for the person that has given up all hope and feels there is nothing left for them! He lives! That’s my testimony. He lives for you, and for me! Use the atonement daily!

Well I gots to scram! Love you all! Talk to you next week! Keep the dear elders coming!

A lesson in Spanish - March 29th

Que pasa me familia!!!

It sounds like all of you are just doing dandy this week!!! Thanks for all of your dear elders they all mean so much!!! I especially like it when dad and star submit the same letter 5 times so everyone in my district thinks I’m loved like crazy, but in reality I just got the same paragraph 5 times over!
So anyways you all are missed, but don’t worry about me! I’m still having a good time out here!

The latest news is David Archuleta was dumped off at the curb yesterday. haha Everyone has been making such a huge deal out of it, its pretty funny! He’s pretty into himself to, so my companion decided to humble him...haha he went up to him and was like...NO WAY!!! ITS YOU!....Your that kid on the biggest looser right?? hahah it was so funny, Elder Archuleta kinda just laughed it off...but there’s one thing for sure...all the 400 pound sisters are always talking to maybe they'll finally leave me alone now! haha I’m just really jaykin ya!

So this week was pretty sweet! I learned so much about the gospel and my Spanish is coming along...well sort of! The one thing that’s starting to really frustrate me is my Spanish! It comes some days and I can speak it just fine, and then some days my tongue just locks up like crazy and I can’t get out what I wanna say when I’m teaching bugs me like crazy... this week I was teaching an investigator and about half way through the lesson my tongue locked up and I couldn't say anything! I couldn't even think in Spanish or let alone say anything at all...haha my companion just looked at me, and kinda took over, but it was super frustrating and kinda embarrassing, I remember praying in the middle of the lesson and kinda getting mad at God, I remember thinking that I’m here trying to teach people to come unto you, why aren't you helping me? I got super mad that he was letting me forget things...well I learned a lesson pretty quick...and that’s to not get mad at God, because he does everything for a reason.  The second I got mad at him during the lesson, literally all of my Spanish left me...the extent of my Spanish was hola.... that’s it. Luckily my companion took over and finished up the lesson, but I remember praying afterwards and was humbled pretty quick. I haven’t learned any Spanish here in the mtc, the Lord has just been putting the words in my mouth after I attempt to learn the language. I know that when I’m in lessons words just pop into my head that I know that I didn't put there... so after being humble... and asking God for forgiveness, I remember being able to speak the best Spanish I have ever been able to speak here at the mtc! It was just unfortunate that I was speaking amazing Spanish to everyone in my class and not to an investigator. But I learned something very valuable that God was trying to teach me. I'm not learning Spanish for myself, I’m learning it for my investigators, and for Gods children... the second that I start thinking that I can do this on my own the lessons over, literally, because I cant speak, or communicate with my investigators. God has helped me learn and remember Spanish, for his purpose... to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. When we can rely on God in all things he will put words in your mouth, he will tell you what to say, whether it’s in a lesson, school, work, life, whateva! If we will rely on God and have faith in him he will be there for us. He loves us more then we can even comprehend, and the beautiful thing about being on a mission is I’m starting to see and feel glimpses of that love that God has for me!

Well, that’s the word with this home dog! Thanks for keeping me posted on all of your lives! It really does make a difference out here to know that my family & friends are praying for me, and that you all believe in me! When I’m going through hard times out here (which I have had) its great to know that you all believe in me! Well I gotta run cuz I’m outta time! My laundries done, the suns a shining, and there’s work to be done....that’s my hint for all of you little kids to go help dad out with the yard work...haha I love you all...and I love that I’m not there to go move mulch outta the way of the basketball hoop!!!

hahah peace out Holman clan!

P.s. Keep praying that ill get my visa! There is a whole district that has to be here an extra three weeks cuz no visa yet from Argentina!

A day in the life at the MTC - March 2

Hola Familia!!!

Well its been another rockin week here at the MTC! Its crazy how long the days are here but how fast the weeks go! It’s my one-month mark today! Woot woo! Only another 23 months and I’ll be back at home listening to Williams loud voice, Jadens awesome jokes, Colesons weird jokes, Brocks amazing looking teeth etc. etc. It’s crazy how much you miss the little things out here! haha no seriously I miss all of you a ton! But they keep me so busy out here that the only time I have time to think about you is right when I’m falling asleep! haha and by that time I’m already so dead tired that I’m out the second my head hits the pillow! haha well, most nights! Other nights my bed is so horribly uncomfortable that I lay awake for hours!  By the way I’m just gonna apologize now! This space bar on this computer is crappier then the space between Brocks teeth before he had braces...but now its working just as well as Brocks braces’s not putting any spaces in-between my words.. so bare with me...anyways! Back to my bed, Sky I totally know what you mean when you said it took you forever to get to sleep in the mtc... those beds suck.

Sky was wondering what and average day was like here at the mtc, so I will grace you with my knowledge of what I like to call spirit prison...Each day we wake up at 6:30, but if you want to be ready on time you have to wake up at 6 to get one of the hair infested I usually go to bed at like 11:30 and then I wake up at 6... unless I have early morning gym, which is on Mondays and Tuesdays...then I wake up at 5...Well anyways, I wake up hop in the yellow coated plaque infested showers, where I try not to touch anything...yeah sometimes I think it might just be better to not take a shower... I’m usually more clean before I go in there then not... then after the shower I get ready for the day, and I have to be to my class room by 7:00. After that I do personal study for about 30 minutes. I study the gospel, or Spanish, and then we hit up some mtc breakfast... Which I have to say... the food was amazing here the first couple of weeks... but now it just sucks....but then we usually head back to our classroom and our teacher is there by then... we then usually teach some of our investigators, or continue studying the gospel or Spanish. after we teach investigators, we usually have lang. study. We go over Spanish, learn new principles and then put them into use by talking to everyone in Spanish... haha I made up this game for my district that every time we speak English we call each other on it and then that person has to do pull-ups that night for every sentence they speak in English... this game worked out great until I realized that I speak the most English out of anyone in my district... lets just say I’m getting fat, but built, actually I lost 3pounds! Anyway, I digress... after lang. study I usually meet with a zrt, or a tutor that helps me with my teaching skills, with Spanish and all that fun lingo, by then its usually lunch, and I get to eat the chefs special... which is usually all the left over vegetables and fruits and onions, all wrapped up into one concoction... yes my stomach is going wiled... then we usually head back repeat that same schedule until dinner. At that point I work in a program called Tall (alto) its suppose to help you with your Spanish! I think it sucks so I usually end up trying to find ways of hacking into the computer system at the mtc...then we have gym if we didn't already have it in the morning... I love gym! That’s like the one brake in the day! Then we head back to the class, and you guessed it, study some more, but on Tuesdays we have a devotional night! Last Tuesday it was elder Oaks! It was so sick! That guy is a complete genius!!! Like sky is at Apple! But yeah then we usually head back to the classroom and plan out our schedule for tmrw, and then wake up and do it all over again.  I’ve been trying to write in my journal at night but I’m usually so dead tired that I don’t, I usually brush my teeth and then go back to bed! Yeah, the schedule sounds terribly horrible, but a bunch of 19-year-old guys from all over the US makes it fun and bearable!

The mtc is a really cool place though. The spirit is totally here, and I’m learning the most amazing life skills that I could ever ask for. The most important thing is I’ve been put in an environment where I have to learn how to rely on Christ, and God! It’s incredible. I have really seen their hand in my stay here at the mtc in particular with Spanish, I remember things so much easier here at the mtc, words just pop into my head, I know that its the power of the spirit helping me learn the language so that I can serve his children in B.A. Oh, and by the way dad - some dude told me that went to B.A. and said that I won’t be going to the part of it where all the cool architecture is. He said that I’m going to the spot where all the graffiti is and where all the drunken men and drug addicts are! haha he said that I will be in the total slums of Argentina... good thing I’m gangster. This redhead’s gonna fit right in, woot woo!

Well wish me luck! I gotta run cuz I'm outta time but i just want you all to know that I love you! Thank you so much for all your dear elders! They make a world of difference on the hard days! Keep them coming!  Well I gotta run! There’s a 400 pound sister behind me... and she looks hungry for some computer time!
